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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Of course it is. Robb has been hinting that something very similar will happen to Superman, and people refuse to believe even him.

People are f**king retarded.




Are you allowed to use that term now? I thought if you were talking about people like that you had to say something like they are "slow" or mentally challenged. But f-ing retarded is damn funny.

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Haha Robb is just pissed that nobody ever listens to him even though he's one of the few that could actually be considered a credible source...


But seriously if the park wants to launch Superman backwards then they will, and in a safe/comfortable manner. It's not like they will just be able to flip the car and launch it backwards and call it a day. My guess is that there will be a lot of tinkering with the launch to make it less jarring at the very beginning. But then again, is Superman really more jarring than Xcelerator's break run? I mean there is a reason why it gained its nickname SuperVAN.

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Haha Robb is just pissed that nobody ever listens to him even though he's one of the few that could actually be considered a credible source...


Uhh...Elissa? There are other people on these boards that could know even more about it, but they're not supposed to give it all away. I know that some parks and companies actually do read these boards, if not participate.

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Of course they are.....


..."hey look they think we are going to run Superman backwards, that will never happen, morons!"


And they laugh and they laugh. Meanwhile, one of them just finishes an online chat with an engineer at Intamin, you know, the one that speaks pretty good english, where they were finalizing the details of running it backwards. He catches a glimps of some of the posts in this thread and chuckles, he thinks to himself..."if they only knew".

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I'm looking forward to seeing new ride videos from Australia of TOT. Should be late September? Will be a nice preview of what to expect. And also get some ride reviews too of what the backwards launch is like.

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I didn't think I was going to chime in on this backwards debate. However, at WCB when the question "CAN Superman run Backwards?" was asked , Tim specifically replied, in a seemingly tight-lipped manner: YES. So there we have it, the logistics and engineering are confirmed, and the debate can now progress into whether they WILL run Superman backwards, not if they CAN. Although, if you were at the Q&A at WCB that day, reading between the lines wasn't difficult.

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I didn't think I was going to chime in on this backwards debate. However, at WCB when the question "CAN Superman run Backwards?" was asked , Tim specifically replied, in a seemingly tight-lipped manner: YES. So there we have it, the logistics and engineering are confirmed, and the debate can now progress into whether they WILL run Superman backwards, not if they CAN. Although, if you were at the Q&A at WCB that day, reading between the lines wasn't difficult.



I could be wrong, but thats not how I remember it. If I recall correctly Tim didn't answer the question, he moved on to the next question.

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^ As for interesting, there is Tatsu, arguably one of the best flyers out there, and Viper, nearly the end of its breed. Not to mention X2 and the many other iconic coasters there. See: http://www.rcdb.com/4532.htm. I thought the Superman revamp was "interesting" considering the options. As far as special events, you could always check their events page at:www.sixflags.com/magicMountain/events/CalendarEvents.aspx

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I will just say this, Dreamworld has been looking at reversing the Tower of Terror since EARLY 2008. Rumors were circulating between staff at the park at that time when I worked there. So I would say there has been some quite extensive research done on this project if it had been getting spoken about for over 2 years. All I will say is that I expect it to be rather interesting to say the least to ride the Tower of Terror backwards. And yes as far as I am aware, Dreamworld and SFMM have been in communication quite a bit in regards to the 2 rides.

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Is it just me or is it going to be very anticlimactic if, in the end, the big surprise is that we got what some other park already has. I mean why not just announce it and let us be excited about the coming attraction. Everyone is already going to be critiquing it long before it opens, based on the other ride, what if everyone says it sucks?

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