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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^^ Oh you can count on it! It's my first WCB so am going with few exceptions but pretty much hoping to be blow away from the event. I'm just glad that WCB is this coming weekend because my girlfriend almost got pneumonia so we've been trying to lay low and just keeping her in bed so she'll be set for WCB. I hope you all can keep her in your thoughts and say a lil prayer for her. She's really looking forward to meeting everyone and having some fun

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...yet SF's highest earning park is closed 6 months of the year. Im sure SFMM is profitable, but its not as much so as SFGAm, SFOG, and SFOT, or at least not in 08.

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  atem122 said:
I don't know who to trust here I want to believe it's actually making a profit, but of course mark shapiro would say that just to draw speculation away.


Because its totally okay for a CEO to lie to the media ?

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  Papas said:
...yet SF's highest earning park is closed 6 months of the year. Im sure SFMM is profitable, but its not as much so as SFGAm, SFOG, and SFOT, or at least not in 08.


Really? Do you have the individual park attendance numbers for 2008? I really want to see those.

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I am unsure of attendance, but from a profits standpoint those were the highest earning that they told us at the management training sessions last year when I was working for SF.

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^Did they specifically say profits? Otherwise highest earning could mean revenue, profits, per-cap spending, or a ton of other things/


Also, the phrase "highly profitable" is a broad statement to begin with. "Highly profitable" in terms of what? Highly profitable for a Six Flags park? Highly profitable for the industry? So I wouldn't read too much into that statement other than to note that it is good SFMM is in the black, because for all we know "highly profitable" to Six Flags could mean a very very very small net profit.

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^ I would say "highly profittable" compared to when Redzone first took over. Hard numbers aside, the evidence is clearly there. The care Jay Thomas has put into the park seems to have paid off smartly, and of course X2 seems to have paid off royally.

Quite a few people returned to the park to ride it, and other parks are now emulating it.


I guess I don't need to see the numbers to see the park is on the upswing. And I love the "we're planning to keep it that way" quote from Shapiro.

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From what I've heard the park has been PACKED recently, which is always good news to hear and its understandable why they need to add more rides to meet the demand.


As a reply to the poster on the news article, in the very very very unlikely event you do get hurt on their rides they will still pay your medical bills. Bankruptcy does not mean they are stopping payment on their own insurance, they have enough money to pay for operations this year already. The only issue is their debt from years ago.

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^ Interesting because I've been out to SFMM five times this year already and not once was the place even close to crowded. In fact, the last time I was there (March 1), I got solo rides on Viper and Revolution, and all but walked up to Tatsu.


Hopefully between the economy starting to improve (I've seen some reports to that effect) and Terminator's opening, the crowds will return.



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^^^I was at the park on Saturday and it was crazy busy! Despite the huge crowds the staff kept the park relatively clean.


Perhaps the reason they are so profitable now is the new water bombs that they installed on Log Jammer. During the 5 minutes we spent in that area an average of 4 out 6 of the bombs were used on every log. It seems like that would add up to quite a bit of money over the day.


While I am just kidding about this being responsible for the park doing well financially, it certainly is a small thing that not only makes the park money, but gives people loads of cheap entertainment. Everyone there on Saturday enjoyed watching the people in the logs get soaked.

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  packfanlv said:

While I am just kidding about this being responsible for the park doing well financially, it certainly is a small thing that not only makes the park money, but gives people loads of cheap entertainment. Everyone there on Saturday enjoyed watching the people in the logs get soaked.


And just as important it seems like a family-friendly activity. Any entertainment that is added that doesn't involve standing in line for a ride only adds to the chance that the guest will find the trip memorable. Memorable begets positive word of mouth.

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"Any entertainment that is added that doesn't involve standing in line for a ride only adds to the chance that the guest will find the trip memorable." (ajinaz)


Very true, and that's what's killing Knott's. They used to have little things all over the place for guests to do. Some of those things were free, and some were low cost, but it provided something that all parks need for their guests: a variety of activities.


SFMM got a new coaster this year and another one will arrive next year (and maybe in 2011, given the golden anniversary of Six Flags), but I believe that Jay and Co. will look into other types of entertainment for guests and continue to turn SFMM into a well rounded park as it once was.



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It's interesting, because my first trip to Knott's Berry Farm (This was about nine years ago I believe) wasn't memorable because of the roller coasters (although I do remember getting a kick out of Ghost Rider). I had a lot of fun seeing the stunt show, walking around the old west town, riding the stage coach, seeing the blacksmith stuff..


Point being, little things make a trip memorable.. Lots of steel and concrete, well, not so much.


Holy hell, that was off topic. Sorry!


I really am looking forward to getting back out to the Mountain this summer for Terminator, and to see what improvements have been made since last year:). Hopefully there will be some "interactive" stuff for Terminator, maybe some in queue stuff (something beyond tvs would be nice) and performers out front?

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After a long and fantastic spring break enjoying the sun in southern California, I ended up spending today and will spend tomorrow at a personal favorite, SFMM. I arrived at the park a little after opening and found myself being drawn to ride X2. Last time I was here it was still manly X in all its pink and yellow glory, so the new colors (and trains) called me! Firstly, I want to comment that I think the changed to the coaster are great. I really enjoyed the sound bumping during the entire ride, the fire and the great new trains. This second time of riding the ride was far better than the first.


BUT, on to the point of this. As I completed my run on X2, the coaster actually broke down inbetween the old deboard and the station and we were stuck for a good 15 minutes. I decided to make small talk with a gentlemen by the name of Jamal who is the senior supervisor of the region (X2 to Tatsu). We played 20 questions, this is how it went...



Jordan: What is going on with the ride? (X2)

Jamal: The coaster is experiencing technical difficulties. When the ride breaks, the operator sees a flashing red light signifying errors. The mechanics have to come check the operator booth and then go downstairs to determine the error and then fix it.


Jordan: So I was reading an article of what Mark Shapiro said about the park and the possibility of a new coaster in 2010, is this true?

Jamal: That is true, we will be building a new coaster in 2010 in addition to another coaster in 2011 Six Flags Magic Mountain will be reclaiming the title of most coasters in any park.


Jordan: 2010 AND 2011?! Can you tell me about them?

Jamal: I am afraid not.

Jordan: Lets play 20 questions!

Jamal: OK.


Jordan: Will this new coaster be a "record breaker"?

Jamal: Yes, that is what we do.


Jordan: Will this coaster be the tallest coaster? Will it have loops?

Jamal: No it will not be the tallest and yes it will have loops.


Jordan: Will it be made by Intamin?

Jamal: No, it will not.


Jordan: Will it be made by Bolliger and Mabillard?

Jamal: (at this point he didn't say yes or no, he merely chuckled and smiled)


Jordan: Has this type of coaster been seen/built before? Will it be a prototype? (I have spent way too much time on the "mysterious yellow B&M track" thread to not be a little curious. I also remember reading something on screamscape about a new prototype coaster supposed to be released during last years IAAPA.)

Jamal: (A little taken back that I was asking) It will be a new type of coaster never built before.


Jordan: Will the coaster be painted yellow? (still thinkin' mystery track)

Jamal: The color of the track has not been determined yet


So, to sum all that up. SFMM will build a new coaster in 2010 AND 2011 and the new coaster in 2010 will be a new prototype coaster built (I know he didn't say this, but from his diction and body language I feel confident that it will be a B&M) by B&M. In the heat of the moment I forgot to ask about the coaster in 2011 but it should be cool!



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