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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^ I was out there today as well. Believe it or not, I actually almost forgot to ride Colossus backwards. When I realized I hadn't, I was right in front of Valencia Falls, so I went ahead and made the trek back there.


I rode on the orange train in the very front row (back if the train was moving forward). On our ride, we actually climbed the lift alongside a red forward train and raced it all the way to the second turnaround, where it pulled ahead.


Otherwise, I didn't stay for Fright Fest. I thought about it, but had some stuff to do at home. I did find out that Xtreme Play Pass holders get a Flash Pass good for all mazes when they purchase the $5 wristband. That's a good deal.


And I saw William (wrs28330) setting up the show by the Gotham City arch and stopped to say hi.



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There is a prison just a few miles from SFMM, so I know they travel that stretch of the old road and the 5 quite a bit, not sure why they are parked at SFMM, but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the park...


Unless of course it is a prison field trip.

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Im not seeing onboard audio on Millennium Flyer trains. Its possible just not likely. Remember when they "tested" onboard audio on Scream, id say thats more likely (even though I dont see that being very likely either). I dont trust what SF regarding these kinds of things anymore, we probably wont know exactly what it is until the ride is finished. For all we know these "effects" could be like X2's tunnels and never happen. Id say theres a good chance the visual effects will be the station flyby.



EDIT: Now that the video is released it confirmes no type of audio. It looks like its going to be a kick a** front row ride like Evel though!

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Colossus is the only ride SFMM ever runs backwards (with the exception of Psyclone in 94) during Fright Fest. Though I've wondered about running Ninja backwards in the past. SFAW was able to do it with XLR-8 so I'm sure that it is possible Ninja could run backwards. I think the bigger question is, would Ninja be worth riding backwards.

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Colossus is the only ride SFMM ever runs backwards (with the exception of Psyclone in 94) during Fright Fest. Though I've wondered about running Ninja backwards in the past. SFAW was able to do it with XLR-8 so I'm sure that it is possible Ninja could run backwards. I think the bigger question is, would Ninja be worth riding backwards.


I heard a rumor somewhere that Viper was once ran backwards but I really have no proof. But if you think about it, how much worse could Viper be backwards?

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I'm not actually sure those Arrow trains would run backwards, but my inclination would be towards saying that the couldn't." (AllenA07)


Remember that Vekoma Boomerang trains are basically an Arrow design, and as we all know, half of a ride on a boomerang is backwards. But I really doubt that any park would run a giant Arrow multi-element coaster like that.


Also, Ninja is a bit more extreme than XLR8 was, so I don't know if backwards operation would work there.


What about a backwards flume ride?



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I think that Viper running backwards thing may have started from the movie Encino Man where they go to Magic Mountain, I think Pauly Shore say - I hear they are running the Vapor backwards at Mega Mountain.


I wish they had put in an Intamin megalite they look like a lot of fun, and might handle an earthquake better than a woodie.

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Yes, I think it would be cool if they ran Ninja backwards, whether it be an entire train or 3 or so cars of one train. As for Viper backwards...yes, Arrow/Vekoma trains and track are pretty much interchangable, and yes, technically Boomerang is a backwards looping coaster, but I think what it comes down to is the fact the train is always "forward" in the station. With Viper, it wouldn't be that way.

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Tatsu backwards would be a dream come true.

Ouch. Reminds me of a certain rumor that people were saying about WCB this past year. "I heard from this random garden gnome on the top of Samuri Summit in the third bush from the left of the right door entrance to Sky Tower said that they were gonna run Batman trains on Tatsu!"


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