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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I can't tell exactly because the quality isn't the best, but based on the shirt i was wearing that day and the silhouette of the body type, and where im sitting, I'm pretty sure I'm in the blue train in that mural! Lol how awesome. I'll be up there for years!


most all the promo images are from that last batch of rides from the first day after the paid actors were finished. so pretty much if you were on either train, you're going to be on every image. here's a link to the full resolution image.



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I can't tell exactly because the quality isn't the best, but based on the shirt i was wearing that day and the silhouette of the body type, and where im sitting, I'm pretty sure I'm in the blue train in that mural! Lol how awesome. I'll be up there for years!


most all the promo images are from that last batch of rides from the first day after the paid actors were finished. so pretty much if you were on either train, you're going to be on every image. here's a link to the full resolution image.




That's me!!!!


Holy hell what luck. This made my year.



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I can't tell exactly because the quality isn't the best, but based on the shirt i was wearing that day and the silhouette of the body type, and where im sitting, I'm pretty sure I'm in the blue train in that mural! Lol how awesome. I'll be up there for years!


most all the promo images are from that last batch of rides from the first day after the paid actors were finished. so pretty much if you were on either train, you're going to be on every image. here's a link to the full resolution image.




That's me!!!!


Holy hell what luck. This made my year.




another great one is this one...



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From the newsletter today: it looks like the official wait time app will finally be launching with HIP this year. I'm interested to see how accurate it will be.


They're already working anytime you're in the park. You just can't see the waits from outside the park. Been up since September.

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I don't think I would trust SFMM to keep this accurate and up to date. The signs at their entrances are always outdated (though that might be because it's so easy for guests to mess with them and rotate the number).

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I don't think I would trust SFMM to keep this accurate and up to date. The signs at their entrances are always outdated (though that might be because it's so easy for guests to mess with them and rotate the number).

Thats why I was hopeful that this would be more accurate, since it cant be changed by guests or trolls. The only question is whether SF will accurately update it.

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They've been decently accurate at Magic Mountain when I've used it. I've never found something to be very far off from the actual wait time. Like a really long wait on the app wasn't actually short and a really short wait on the app was never really long. It's a good guide even if it isn't 100% accurate. The times updated every 10 min or so.

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At my job we pick vacations in November for the next calendar year. I've never been to SFMM, and I'm finally going to go.


Looking to make a trip in January of February. I understand coasters there go down for maintenence, so I'd like to hear some opinions on what would be the best week to go. I should be able to pick anything between the 2nd week of January and the second week of March. Are they even typically open weekdays during that time?


I'm looking to go to Knott's too, so any ideas of a good time I could hit both parks in the same week would be great. Thanks!

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At my job we pick vacations in November for the next calendar year. I've never been to SFMM, and I'm finally going to go.


Looking to make a trip in January of February. I understand coasters there go down for maintenence, so I'd like to hear some opinions on what would be the best week to go. I should be able to pick anything between the 2nd week of January and the second week of March. Are they even typically open weekdays during that time?


I'm looking to go to Knott's too, so any ideas of a good time I could hit both parks in the same week would be great. Thanks!


SFMM is not open during the week until March 21st and it will be packed then for spring break. I would try SFMM on a Sunday and possibly Jan 10th, Jan 31st or Feb 7th. Knott's is fine pretty much any weekday. I am not sure what will be closed besides SFMM Revolution and Knott's GhostRider.

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Took a run up to the park today for a few hours. There was some kind of cheerleader conference taking place, but it didn't have much of an impact as they all seemed to congregate around Golden Bear theater. We tried to give the ride times function on the app a bit of a shake (first time I've seen it), but we really couldn't say if it was accurate or not as the times kept changing quite dramatically. TC's covered area was completely filled with a few people spilling out, and the app reported that to be 70mins and then an hour later, the same length line was around 35mins (I'd guess it's more like 30mins, but I couldn't see how many trains they were running and didn't bother riding). FT showed 55mins, but it only took us around 20mins to get on it. (Noticed a significant rattle I'd never noticed before when cresting the top-hat). X2 showed 10mins, but when we trotted over, the line had filled the elevated walkways up to the station (probably only around a 10-15mins, but 10-15mins too long for us). Rode Apocalypse three times as there was minimal waiting for that, and it seems that one of the trains is much more rough than the other (although both are rough). Still excited to see how these trains work on Ghostrider as, despite the roughness, Apocalypse still hauls butt around that course (it is the same train, right?). Ghostrider's elements are a bit more spread out, but the gnarliest section (after the hidden drop) is really no more hectic than the slalom section of Apocalypse following the fireball tunnel and before the station fly-through. Anyhow, only there for a couple of hours, so I couldn't really say much about the day in general.

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Wow. I would venture to say 11/11 is a great day to go. There might be a holiday or some private event after 6pm which is why they decided to open the park just to make some kind of profit besides the private event.


I don't think any rides are actually closed for rehab, but you might have a few just randomly closed due to lack of employees at the park for that day, really think it's a hit or miss based on whats going on with mechanics and stuff that day.


If possible get there at opening and ride whatever you can, as the day rolls on you should be able to get on everything without too much of a crowd. If I didn't work I'd totally just make a day of it at the park and do what you can. I'm guessing crowds will be minimal, or at the least manageable if you give yourself a good 6 hours.


X2, Twisted and Tatsu are IMO the ones you want to get on. Everything else is bonus and not usually a huge line.

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So me and a friend plan to go this Wed (11/11) and wanted to see how the crowds are and what rides are in rehab right now?


It's veterans day. Will be more crowded than a regular off-season day, but probably not packed.

I have a feeling it's going to be packed for veteran's day, but couldn't say for sure. I was there a couple of days ago and the only rides down for the day were Jet Stream and Tidal Wave (and, of course, Revolution).

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went for a few hours today. parking to the gravel lot like i had mentioned above. nice weather. well, the weather i like. just cool enough for shorts with a light jacket. did get a bit cold later in the day when the wind kicked up a tiny bit. there was some filming going on in the parking lot. there was a whole bunch of trucks and trailers later, but also gone by the time we left around 5ish.


didn't do too much just rode TC twice. was going to see how rough Apocalypse was but the line was too long. so grabbed a bite to eat, rode TC again and bailed. didn't even get over to see what was going on with Revolution. anyway, a few pics...



movie truck


Galactic World


wire ball tree


team member Samantha, just tell her you are cutting the line and it will be okay.


everyday line cutter


everyday line cutter


nice tree with needed barrier to keep disrespectful guests off Superman's icicles. lol

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got cut in the drink line and TC already. 2 for 2. attendant told the people who cut TC to just tell her next time. sweet. thanks, Samantha.


Do you just not bother going to guest services to complain about situations like that? If a worker saw and allowed line cutting like that I think it would be worth telling the management team.


I can't see six flags ever cracking down on line cutting. But if they did and actually made examples of people caught red handed by throwing them out of the park for the day. i think it would be attempted a bit less often. But, doing all of that costs money and we all know six flags hates spending money on anything they don't have to.

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got cut in the drink line and TC already. 2 for 2. attendant told the people who cut TC to just tell her next time. sweet. thanks, Samantha.


Do you just not bother going to guest services to complain about situations like that? If a worker saw and allowed line cutting like that I think it would be worth telling the management team.


I can't see six flags ever cracking down on line cutting. But if they did and actually made examples of people caught red handed by throwing them out of the park for the day. i think it would be attempted a bit less often. But, doing all of that costs money and we all know six flags hates spending money on anything they don't have to.


well, i can say, i've never gone to GS to complain. i've never seen any employee do anything over all the years. i do tell them about specific instances in each questionnaire i reply to. i'm more pointing out that it happens. just something i'm used to at SFMM.


oh, i do need to commend the lead at TC. he actually chastised the crew telling them they were being way too slow. at least the 3 in the rear of the train including the board operator. i was impressed with that. crack dat whip! lol

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I actually did have the a TC ride op call security once and escort a family out of the line for cutting. The thing is, they entered the line like everybody else, but then, during a "delay," a bunch of people left the line, and they cut up to the loading gates. I wish they would treat regular line cutters the same way.

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was going to see how rough Apocalypse was but the line was too long. so grabbed a bite to eat, rode TC again and bailed. didn't even get over to see what was going on with Revolution. anyway, a few pics...

We were there a few days ago Apocalypse was still rough, but one train was worse than the other. We also went by Revolution to see if we could see anything new or grab some pics, but the sun had already set and there wasn't much to see anyway. There's a train in the station covered in plastic, but it looks like one of the old trains on the track backwards. The queue line over the bridge was all taped off, but that was about it.


And yeah, we saw a good amount of line cutting going on in front of the staff as well. I assume they see it happen all the time and are somewhat limited in what they can do. Often they're young kids stationed alone, so I'm not surprised that they wouldn't confront groups of adults jumping in line. They might want to implement a backup system in which security is alerted prior to confronting line jumpers, but there's an immediacy required as well. In other words, I don't think the solution's quite as easy as what many of us would like it to be. FWIW, we also saw an employee helping people jump the line as well, but that was at the Chupacabra maze over Halloween.

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