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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Yes, it will use 3 trains, in the video at 1:41 you can see a train on the brake run, and then 2 on the lift hills.
Like how YOLOcoaster will have a train go over the hill and one through the loop at the same time...

True that might not be accurate but I think logically 3 trains would be the best way to do it.


That sounds about right. They'll probably start with 4, then ops will drop the ball after the first few weeks, then take off one of the trains just cuz.


Since Colossus County Fair is becoming a newly themed area "Back Alley" I'd like to think they'll be giving Scream a new coat of paint. Probably the worst faded paint in the park besides Tatsu. If they're giving that whole area a facelift ,they really shouldn't leave Scream looking like that.


Maybe they'll give it a semi-steampunk-ish theme like Twisted Colossus or maybe a graffiti style for contrast. Wishful thinking, though...

Yeah it has to be at least 3 for the dueling to work at all, maybe there will be 4.

Edit : The video actually shows 4 trains which would work if you had 2 on the lift hills, one on the brake run, and one loading.

Edited by willthegolfer
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I just thought of this what if they only have one station and when you start the ride you go on the right lift hill and then after going through the course you go on the left lift hill that way every body gets the same ride.

That's exactly what they're doing.

Sorry, I haven't really been paying attention to all of the chatter.

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I just thought of this what if they only have one station and when you start the ride you go on the right lift hill and then after going through the course you go on the left lift hill that way every body gets the same ride.


That's the way it is going to be.....

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I just thought of this what if they only have one station and when you start the ride you go on the right lift hill and then after going through the course you go on the left lift hill that way every body gets the same ride.

That's exactly what they're doing.

Sorry, I haven't really been paying attention to all of the chatter.

No problem at all! Glad I could help.

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I just thought of this what if they only have one station and when you start the ride you go on the right lift hill and then after going through the course you go on the left lift hill that way every body gets the same ride.



It's unfortunate these forums don't have an emoticon of a head exploding.

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They should put in a Countdown timer in the station for the ride ops and tell them if a train fails to dispatch in 110 seconds, Sixflags will combust - like in Lost.


In lost it just created a rather strong magnetic pull. So, maybe pull Goliath down onto the station crushing/killing everyone?

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I just thought of this what if they only have one station and when you start the ride you go on the right lift hill and then after going through the course you go on the left lift hill that way every body gets the same ride.


I wish they would do this. I'm going to hate having to wait for both sides.

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I just thought of this what if they only have one station and when you start the ride you go on the right lift hill and then after going through the course you go on the left lift hill that way every body gets the same ride.


I wish they would do this. I'm going to hate having to wait for both sides.


But hey, at least you would get two credits! I mean, it is two different coasters, right?

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They should put in a Countdown timer in the station for the ride ops and tell them if a train fails to dispatch in 110 seconds, Sixflags will combust - like in Lost.


they have a clock in Goliath's station, or at least did. get's to 60 and flashes for 2 minutes or more. LOL


I loved Kings Island with Banshee and Diamondback, they give themselves 40 seconds, and countdown, 30-20-10. so fast, then you come home to Magic Mountain.

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But hey, at least you would get two credits! I mean, it is two different coasters, right?


Duel loading, duel lift-hills, duel tracks, BUT only one coaster.


And yes, that does seem quite odd when you think about it.


You do know I was being sarcastic, right?

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But hey, at least you would get two credits! I mean, it is two different coasters, right?


Duel loading, duel lift-hills, duel tracks, BUT only one coaster.


And yes, that does seem quite odd when you think about it.


You do know I was being sarcastic, right?


At this point, it's hard to tell.


Not saying you aren't, but... yeah, just ignore me. #TwistedColossus#SFMM2015#swag#whatever

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I just thought of this what if they only have one station and when you start the ride you go on the right lift hill and then after going through the course you go on the left lift hill that way every body gets the same ride.


I wish they would do this. I'm going to hate having to wait for both sides.


I believe they are doing this. It only loads one train at a time, but once blue is done with the course, it goes up on the green and does the green side. Set up like the Smiler (like I said a few pages back).

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I just thought of this what if they only have one station and when you start the ride you go on the right lift hill and then after going through the course you go on the left lift hill that way every body gets the same ride.


I wish they would do this. I'm going to hate having to wait for both sides.


But hey, at least you would get two credits! I mean, it is two different coasters, right?



I didn't think we would be starting what appears as though we started....or at least continued......*sigh*

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People no dual loading stations, pay attention to the video. One track painted 2 colors for the different experiences.
I thought some people were talking about a dual loading station like Kingda Ka or Manta?
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