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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Another thing I'm happy about is that RMC is finally going outside the box with track color. I didn't expect the track colors to be blue and green, so that's a nice touch. Also "Opening Spring 2015"... . It will be a miracle if they get this coaster opened during the Spring, especially considering how massive this project is.

It's up to the customers, I think it is on the Q&A on the RMC page. But they said they will do any coloration. I'm pretty sure they said certain coats cost more. Which makes me wonder why Six Flags went with orange for many years.

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This is beyond awesome. It's genius to incorporate the twin tracks into one long coaster. I think I may actually have to plan a trip to SFMM next year. The last time I was there was in 2003 shortly after Scream! debuted and I didn't bother to ride Colossus.

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Oof. Unpopular opinion, this was disappointing. I think my favorite part is that they've actually advertised 'precise' 110-second dispatch times - so very Six Flags.


Is there a way to revoke someone's enthusiast license? Lol.


Alan Schilke and his team are giving us everything we could ever want in a dueling Woodie layout and I am going bananas for this ride. Hands down the most exciting announcement since I305 or maybe Voyage.

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While Six Flags New England is my home park. In my opinion, I think this was the biggest announcement of the year for Six Flags. I think this coaster will be a great addition to Magic Mountain. However, It will be April 2016 by the time I get to ride it as I make my yearly trip to Southern California in April every year and I don't see it being open by April 2015.

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Nice to see them turn it into a Möbius loop like the Grand National or the Kennywood Racer (I.e. One track going round twice).


I always thought it was a shame the original Colossus was built as two tracks rather than as a Möbius loop - then they would have not been able to close one side(but then I guess that's why they didn't).

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I highly doubt that these to tracks will be allowed to run together. Especially with what happened on the East Coast last year with Zumanjaro. Someone on the top track could easily have a phone slip out of their pocket a

and strike a rider below.

I've gotta admit, I thought the same thing when I watched the video. Certainly they must have considered this as a potential outcome and received clearance well before committing to the project.

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What would really be great for this ride would be a system like what Morey's piers uses. Free single use lockkers at the entrance and absolutely no loose articles allowed. Metal detector wands to catch all cell phones. This would make the loading process quicker and eliminate flying object dangers. However, with six flags standard policy, I know that option is a pipe dream (but maybe someone is reading. )

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I highly doubt that these to tracks will be allowed to run together. Especially with what happened on the East Coast last year with Zumanjaro. Someone on the top track could easily have a phone slip out of their pocket a

and strike a rider below.

I've gotta admit, I thought the same thing when I watched the video. Certainly they must have considered this as a potential outcome and received clearance well before committing to the project.

Use the station like Maverick's, problem solved.

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^Yeah that's what I got from "Top Gun Stall". Where one train twists over the other inverted. How many people will be "giving the bird"?


"You know, the finger?"


Super excited for this addition. I've got to make it to the west coast next year!

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The coaster looks good and all but the unique experience will be ruined by the absolutely awful ride operations at SFMM, getting an actual "high five" moment will be as rare as a roll back on Top Thrill Dragster. Think about it, if the ride is around 4 minutes then each train would need to be unloaded and loaded in under 2 minutes... at Magic Mountain, no way unless the station is made into a dual load ala TTD or Maverick and that would call for a 4 train operation. I'm more interested in Scream, the area will undergo a revamped to "back alley" so does that mean that Scream will no longer be over a parking lot? I hope they fix that mistake.

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This would be such a great chance to really revitalize the back area of the park. Not that they will, but the opportunity is there.


All things considered, I think this will likely be the best ride in California by a pretty sizable distance.

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What would really be great for this ride would be a system like what Morey's piers uses. Free single use lockkers at the entrance and absolutely no loose articles allowed. Metal detector wands to catch all cell phones. This would make the loading process quicker and eliminate flying object dangers. However, with six flags standard policy, I know that option is a pipe dream (but maybe someone is reading. )


I like this idea, but I don't see them doing it for free. Think about the zero tolerance policy on X2. You even have to stash the refillable drink bottle that you buy. Granted, it is only a dollar, but it irks me to no end that I come into the park with no loose articles, other than that, and I have to pay to stash it. I bought the damn bottle, and pay to have the unlimited re-fills every time I visit. Oh, but it will be another dollar each time you ride X2.

Rant over.

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I'm more interested in Scream, the area will undergo a revamped to "back alley" so does that mean that Scream will no longer be over a parking lot? I hope they fix that mistake.


SFMM is renowned for it's poor operations that can be quite frustrating at times, but how is it possible to be more interested in the crappy B&M floorless that is Scream than an incredible new hybrid coaster? Even is Scream is revamped in some way I don't think I will ever have the need to ride it again with an RMC masterpiece just a few steps away.

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Oof. Unpopular opinion, this was disappointing. I think my favorite part is that they've actually advertised 'precise' 110-second dispatch times - so very Six Flags.


Is there a way to revoke someone's enthusiast license? Lol.


Alan Schilke and his team are giving us everything we could ever want in a dueling Woodie layout and I am going bananas for this ride. Hands down the most exciting announcement since I305 or maybe Voyage.


This is hardly everything I could ever want in a dueling woodie layout...it's two laps around an oval with the stall/airtime hill combo being the only real stand-out. I'm gonna ride it and I'm gonna enjoy it, trust me, and it's gonna be plenty better than a lot of other rides - I just think the layout shows really clearly how much SF wanted to spend on this makeover.

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First thought: AWESOME!

Second thought: hmm, how will they ever synchronize this up? They can't rely on dispatch times right? I wonder if they'll have a system like Dueling Dragons that slows/stops the chain of one of the trains to keep them even

Third thought: Sigh, even Dueling Dragons doesn't duel anymore... due to some idiots throwing things at each other... and if there's one thing MM is known for it's the idiots that go there. If these are synchronized up you can bet they won't be for long due to some a-hole throwing pennies at the car below them.


I applaud MM for taking on such an interesting project... and I sincerely hope they prove the doubters like myself wrong about the whole "never duel" thing... but even if they do I don't know how you get around that third thought.

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I'm more interested in Scream, the area will undergo a revamped to "back alley" so does that mean that Scream will no longer be over a parking lot? I hope they fix that mistake.

Hell, you could technically argue the parking lot is already part of the new theme


As for Colossus...

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