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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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As you mentioned the sun really does seem to take a huge toll on the appearance of the rides out there. Scream seems really dull and so does Tatsu. Apocalypse only opened in 2009 and has already lost that nice wooden brown color and is more of a gray now.

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Wow, the trains really give the loop some size perspective in the pictures. Seems like it's been hard to truly picture the size without anything close to compare to. Can't wait to see some testing videos! I should start planning a late summer/early fall trip

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Sweeet! That"s some serious height on the loop! Can't wait to see the 2nd launch out and back into the tunnel! Can't wait to see videos of this beast running from different angles! ....sheesh, can't wait to ride this period!!

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Was at the park this morning. No testing. They were doing welding in the station and work in the tunnel so the train was out in front of the Tunnel. Not sure if it will be testing today but I wasn't going to wait around.


Based on the site there is still a few weeks worth of work to be done (in addition to testing). I can't see this thing opening up before the last weekend in June.

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Was at the park this morning. No testing. They were doing welding in the station and work in the tunnel so the train was out in front of the Tunnel. Not sure if it will be testing today but I wasn't going to wait around.


Based on the site there is still a few weeks worth of work to be done (in addition to testing). I can't see this thing opening up before the last weekend in June.


Darn, no YOLO for me!

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Full Throttle update for June 6th. Didn't see any testing today. They were doing work in the tunnel and on the station itself so I didn't think they would be in the morning. Not sure if they ever did in the Afternoon.


On to the pics.


EVERY line for the metal detectors was open. It looked like they were training staff in advance of the busy summer. People think Disney checks would be slower with these. If it's good enough for Six Flags ... just sayin'.


YOLO Fountain/Falls were closed for some reason the last few weeks. They are back open now.


Some hoodlums jacked Batman's fountain. Too bad there wasn't a superhero around that could have grabbed them, hung them off a building and said "I'm Batman" in a manly voice.


The Batman trains are back from rehab and shiny.


Some work going on in YOLO tunnel. This makes it YOLO +1.


A closer shot. Do not enter unless you want to OLO.


Water Dummies hanging out getting a tan.


Water Dummies apparently only like it in the front.


Log Jammer queue is sealed up.


Gate posts have been posted.


Workers Workin'.


Trees Growin'


Tim Timmin'


Food and Retail location getting the DC Universe look. Leftover paint?


Lots of work still to be done. Think that concrete in back is for YOLO Dance Party


See, lots of work to be done still.

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^Six Flags over Texas just opened the worlds largest giant swing.


It's exciting to see YOLO testing. Opening day is getting closer.


I'm sorry I should have been more clear. I meant Giant Swings like, Barnstormer at DW, The Giant Barn Swing at SDC, Skyhawk at CP. Are there any Swings like these at SF parks?

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