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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  laqueefa said:
Can anyone assist me with a link or info for what rides (if any) have single rider lines? Google is not being my friend

Listing them out:


Lex Luthor (go up the exit), Riddler's Revenge (go up the exit and follow the signs), and Green Lantern (separate staircase next to the the station's exit, on the far side when looking at the ride from the front). Goliath is "supposed" to have one, but I've never ever seen it actually used. Revolution and Viper have them too, but they don't have lines that justify using them - they're usually walk ons (except right when the park opens).

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Well I know that S&S don't make hydraulic launches, I just wrote that because they still use a catch car, and are not magnetic . Don't know why I wrote that, but my point is that I don't see S&S start selling magnetic launches anytime soon.


  coasterfreak101 said:

Intamin did just open a hydraulic launch in Italy two years ago, so I wouldn't necessarily say that they're done for. Magnets are certainly more reliable, but they can't achieve the same effect if a park wants a more powerful launch.


Oh yes, they are done for, unless you want a record breaker.

Thanks to new manufacters like Gerstlauer, Mack and Zierer coming in on the market, the LSM have become cheaper to invest in since 2009, thanks to harder competition on the market, so I really don't see any park wanting a hydraulic one even if they want a more powerful launch. There are just so many more advantages with going with the magnetic ones.

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  coasterking2981 said:
^How does one incident make all hydraulic launches sketchy? Stuff just happens in life.


And what the park really needs to do, if it is a launched coaster, is launch into a large hill, not inversions. It needs more of the former for airtime than it does the latter :/.


I agree, I want airtime like any other SFMM enthusiast...... but the park seems inversion crazy and it's up to them.


And you right, hydraulic isn't sketchy just to me magnets are so much better and more perfected, on a ride like this if it's not a giant launch then they could just use magnets. But I may be wrong I'm not an expert yet at this kind of stuff

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Then that means every single roller coaster is sketchy because wheels have fallen off, cars have separated, brakes have failed, axles and welds have broken, PEOPLE HAVE DIED, all at least once so if hydraulic launches are all sketchy because a cable broke once AND NOBODY DIED then so are all of the other roller coasters everywhere in the world because something has happened on them, at least once.

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One thing I do not understand is WHY California never got an airtime machine. Goliath was a big hit, and, all the time, I hear people talk about how insane the drop is. SFMM could easily use a giga, mainly because Goliath is popular because it is somewhat unique. In SFMM's lineup, with it's large drop with only lap bars.


The point I am making is that even the GP can easily see how inversions do not make a ride, and that SFMM may be going a bit heavy on inversions, at least in the eyes of the GP, now, for a long time, every enthusiast has been waiting for an airtime machine. I am sure it would be a hit with the GP.


I find it almost humorous how SFMM has a wood coaster AND a hyper, and neither of them do much in terms of airtime.

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Is Goliath steeper than Titan? Because Titan's first drop did nothing for me in the way of airtime, even in the back seat. The only airtime I got on Titan was on the floater hill, which was definitely awesome.

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  The Yeti said:
Is Goliath steeper than Titan? Because Titan's first drop did nothing for me in the way of airtime, even in the back seat. The only airtime I got on Titan was on the floater hill, which was definitely awesome.
They're both 255 ft drops according to rcdb. Goliath's doesn't say, but it looks pretty similar.
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Goliath and Titan's drops don't appear to have any airtime (Disclaimer: I haven't ridden either of them) because they're relatively straight. They drop to the maximum steepness, straighten out for a bit, then pull up. To have sustained negative Gs on a drop, it has to follow an arc all the way to the point where it pulls up.


Behemoth's drop is a little bit steeper (?) than the Giovanola hypercoasters, but check out how it follows a smooth arc all the way to the point where the track starts to pull up.


Edited by A.J.
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I'm actually pretty surprised SFMM has been able to keep many of the details of the upcoming coaster so secret. I think back to the days of Goliath's layout leaking a month early, the whispers about the first "4th Dimension" going into the bus parking lot, and of course Robb's great hints about Superman turning backwards.


Although the park has pretty much admitted a launch coaster of some sort is coming, and we have gotten lots of crazy rumours from employees. But the park itself has been dead silent. No drop of clues or any sort of PR stunts that other parks have done before announcing a potential game changing addition.


If indeed something major is going to be announced at the end of the month, I'd be nice to have some sort of build up to the announcement day to wet our appetites and get us talking about something other than single rider lines. Although I have enjoyed the "launch coaster" talk of the last few pages.


C'mon SFMM, throw us a bone!

Edited by Manic Monte
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Guys just stop complaining! Your lucky you have a new ride/coaster added every year and are the Six Flag's spoiled child! Just look at SFa! It didnt have a new rollercoaster in 12 Years!. Do they complain as much as SFMM fanboys NO! I just had to say this because im tired of all the complaining about not getting a new ride or rollercoaster or the rollercoaster or new attraction is not good enough,



Now back on topic. Is viper rougher than vortex in terms headbanging or are they the same?

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Viper is way better in my opinion. I will never ride Vortex (I'm assuming you mean KI's) again. Viper I'll ride when ever I go to SFMM though. Viper's only really bad part is the butterfly/boomerang/batwing/whatever it's called double inversion.

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  Manic Monte said:
I'm actually pretty surprised SFMM has been able to keep many of the details of the upcoming coaster so secret. I think back to the days of Goliath's layout leaking a month early, the whispers about the first "4th Dimension" going into the bus parking lot, and of course Robb's great hints about Superman turning backwards.


Although the park has pretty much admitted a launch coaster of some sort is coming, and we have gotten lots of crazy rumours from employees. But the park itself has been dead silent. No drop of clues or any sort of PR stunts that other parks have done before announcing a potential game changing addition.


If indeed something major is going to be announced at the end of the month, I'd be nice to have some sort of build up to the announcement day to wet our appetites and get us talking about something other than single rider lines. Although I have enjoyed the "launch coaster" talk of the last few pages.


C'mon SFMM, throw us a bone!


Yeah isn't it funny how there is absolutely nothing? A teaser or game of clues or something would be fun.

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I will say, although Goliath's drop does little for me, the GP really love it.


And, Vortex is worse than Viper. The two have about the same roughness when going through the inversions, but Viper has fewer coat hangers. Really, the only dreadful transition on Viper is the transition out of the batwing. (Prepare for this!)

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The batwing on Viper has never been an issue for me. It's the right hand turn that leads into the transition for the first corkscrew that I always have to brace for. The rest of the ride is fine in my experience.

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I do agree that one incident with the cable doesnt mean all the hydraulic coasters are sketchy, but just so you know, there was another incident with a snapped cable last week on an Intamin coaster at one of the English parks...

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^^Yes, that's the only place where my head every touches the OTSR every single ride. And I usually have my head turned sideways looking at X2, that hurts.


Has anyone ridden Lex Luthor with their eyes closed? It's actually pretty cool and those magnetic brakes feel awesome when you hit them.

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