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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^^ Amen Shawn. I'll call her the "ice queen" since she speaks to nobody including most employees. I was at media day for Superman. They had an ice podium that was melting in the sun as she was speaking. The mic even fell in, so they had to bring out another mic. She is the polar opposite of Jay Thomas. This place really misses him...

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^ Strange... The car looks a lot higher in that picture than it does in the video. Since this is a testing phase, could the park be testing the drop at different heights to see how the brakes at the bottom work? I know BGW did that with Mach Tower last year.


Screenshot from the video, the gap between the top of the tower and the catch car/seats looks a lot bigger here than it does in the picture above.

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^^The cables that were connected to them are already gone, but those beams are probably there to stay.


^It's just a different angle. The cars are in the same place. This thing is gonna be insane! THANK YOU for being open on Friday!

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^^The cables that were connected to them are already gone, but those beams are probably there to stay.


They do look a little out of place, but since they are painted to match the ride it seems like they are there to stay. Probably used for maintenance like hoisting the sheave wheels and other hardware when needed?

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^ I would hope so. That's in less than 48 hours. I just signed up for EDT on Friday!


Are you going Friday for the EDT? Believe it or not I'm not able to make it for any of the EDT days..... so I am sticking out the line on opening day!


And thank you coasternut! I want to get on Lex as fast as possible lol.

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Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom news...World records sometimes take longer than expected. The official drop date has been rescheduled to Saturday, July 7. Stay tuned our loyal fans. For the bravest of pass holders who have registered for the “Early Drop Time” events, watch your email for new dates.
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Disappointed. I know we all expected delays but it appeared that they were on schedule. Maybe the ride just needed more testing and fine-tuning.


EDIT: To add to that, maybe it was a last-minute decision? I know this isn't a reputable source at all, but here's what someone commented on SFMM's post on FB: "Yeah I noticed today that it wasn't testing. Yesturday it looked great, but this morning I watched them do a fail-safe drop (bassically if something happens, it lowers it down instead of dropping) that was the last test I saw all day, when I got off work there were a ton of puzzled workers. Oh well it is going to be worth it."

And just yesterday SFMM was boasting about Thursday's Media Day and Saturday's Opening Day...

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Disappointed. I know we all expected delays but it appeared that they were on schedule. Maybe the ride just needed more testing and fine-tuning.


EDIT: To add to that, maybe it was a last-minute decision? I know this isn't a reputable source at all, but here's what someone commented on SFMM's post on FB: "Yeah I noticed today that it wasn't testing. Yesturday it looked great, but this morning I watched them do a fail-safe drop (bassically if something happens, it lowers it down instead of dropping) that was the last test I saw all day, when I got off work there were a ton of puzzled workers. Oh well it is going to be worth it."

And just yesterday SFMM was boasting about Thursday's Media Day and Saturday's Opening Day...



If thats the case, GOOD for them, rather be safe then have injuries if something failed

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SFMM Facebook page explodes with angry comments in 3...2...1

"Wow- we bought tickets and have hotel reservations. Huge disappointment." Ouch. I'm more interested in what caused the postponement than angry that the opening is delayed. As ^^^ said, better be safe than sorry...


^Don't act like you're surprised!

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Honestly I'm not surprised. Pretty evident they were pushing the limits for procrastinating on construction. Watching Green Lantern progress from last year, this ran the same way.


I'm not really mad about the delay, I'll get to ride it plenty. It's just kind of a "nice going Six Flags" moment. They chose to plan to not include room for problems, and it totally bit them in the ass.

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Knew they wouldn't get it open on time. Doesn't surprise me at all. Same thing as last year. I thought they would've learned. I guess not. Well whatever. The 7th works better for me anyways.. Hopefully we will get preview rides the 5th or 6th... Bet there won't be a GoBigCam announcing the delay.


But whatever, I was kinda expecting it.


I guess the "big news" that was supposed to drop tomorrow was dropped a day early.... But seriously I wonder what they are announcing tomorrow..

Edited by LaMapa
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