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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Good equation! But on Tuesday even in the rows where there wasn't music there was static. There wasn't even that on Thursday! I know that they have to activate the music every morning before the first train of the day, so I bet they didn't even activate the music.


I also learned that the first group (that is together) to get to Goliath in the morning will receive an exit pass!

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I have a quick question, I'm going to the park a week from Monday which I'm assuming since it is after Spring Break, kids are still in school and it's a weekday, crowds should be light, correct? Also, I've read conflicting reports that suggest going to X2 and Tatsu first is the way to go, yet going the opposite direction to Goliath/Scream and getting on those first since everyone goes to X2 is the best. Also, going to Goliath/Scream first would allow a few re-rides as well compared to only one ride on X2 and Tatsu. Any suggestions?

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From Screamscape-

Screamscape sources tell us that work has started to pack up the pieces of The Chiller from the nearby storage site, where it will be shipped off to a new home and a new life. (The ride’s online for sale add was updated to say that it had been sold back in mid-February.)


Even though it's highly unlikely SFMM got it, just out of curiosity, what are the chances of Chiller fitting in LJ's spot?

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^I'm pretty sure it was discussed in another thread that Chiller was likely heading to a park in Brazil. Either way, if the ride was sold it is almost guaranteed to not be destined for any Six Flags park.


^^My guess is that crowds will be low, although I've never visited in April before. If the park is empty enough, you won't need to worry about what order you do attractions in. However, when I've visited during the summer, I always start at Tatsu (via Revolution's exit) and go clockwise. You may not be able to get multiple rides on Tatsu, but you will be able to get them on Apocalypse, Riddler's, and possibly Goliath depending on how fast you go. X2 always has a line, but it is usually shorter in the afternoon and the ride rarely opens on time anyway. Gold Rusher, Colossus, Revolution, and Ninja usually don't have a significant wait so it doesn't matter when you ride those. If you want to do Green Lantern, do that one early as well. Superman will be closed until late May/early June so that isn't a concern. Worst case scenario, you can always purchase a Flash Pass but my guess is that you won't have more than a 30 minute wait for anything (possibly not even that long, provided rides are being run at capacity).

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I'd like to know more about the short-cut to Tatsu by going through Revolution's exit, but I don't know SFMM very well.


Can someone show me on a map or photo or provide detailed instructions?


There's a chance I might go with my college's ASB on Sunday the 22nd. I really hope what I heard about their plans is true and that they follow through this time!

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^ I tried it a week and a half ago for the first time after not going to the park in 6 years. It worked like a charm even after a bunch of people got in. We waited 5 minutes for Tatsu, then when we got off the queue was full.


For the exit shortcut:

When you walk into the park, you head straight , then you hang a right by the lockers and proceed up to Revolution by going past the carousel. Before the entrance to the actual ride, you will see the exit and flash pass entrance on the right. You take that path up to the station and right before you will see stairs on the right. Take these stairs, hang a right, and proceed up to Tatsu. Do this quickly and there should be no problem.

Edited by megalyte
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  LaMapa said:
I saw a ride op give it to the first two people who came in. It works for any ride. And they could give it to a single rider. They give it to the first person or group of people who get into the station.



Yay, let's promote a hoard of people running once the gates open. Good job, SFMM!!


I see an accident/lawsuit waiting to happen. Especially since a lot of areas in the park are wet when the park first opens because of hosing everything down.





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^You say that as if there's even remotely a "hoard" of people that even know about this exit pass thing.


And as if one exit pass would cause more of a rush to Goliath than the rush that already exists for rides like X2 or Kingda Ka or whatever the equivalents are at parks all around the world.

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  coasterfreak101 said:
^You say that as if there's even remotely a "hoard" of people that even know about this exit pass thing.


And as if one exit pass would cause more of a rush to Goliath than the rush that already exists for rides like X2 or Kingda Ka or whatever the equivalents are at parks all around the world.



Because of one person on here who mentioned it, there are dozens of us (AT LEAST) who now know about it, who will tell friends, and so on and so on. Kind of like the Revolution exit shortcut - that's been discussed many times on here, which is how I know about it; and I tell people about it.


Word gets around..

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  Reuschini said:
  Mechanic said:
I knew about the Revolution short cut because of common sense before I had ever seen it mentioned online.


Someone get this guy a cookie.


But to be fair, it isn't common sense to someone who is not familiar with SFMM.

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From Screamscape:

Remember that slip on Facebook several weeks ago when the official Six Flags account mentioned that SFMM’s 2013 coaster would be named Full Throttle? (Before it was quickly pulled…) Well, it looks like they are still serious about that name as Six Flags has just filed for the trademark use to use the name ‘Full Throttle’ for a theme park ride on April 4th, 2012.


Sounds like a perfect name for a Aquatrax

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  larrygator said:
  Reuschini said:
  Mechanic said:
I knew about the Revolution short cut because of common sense before I had ever seen it mentioned online.


Someone get this guy a cookie.


But to be fair, it isn't common sense to someone who is not familiar with SFMM.


My post wasn't a slam against anyone. I'm just saying that once you walk up Revolution's exit it will become readily apparent how much of a time saver this little short cut really is. I understand it may be more difficult to grasp the short cut by description than by actually being at the park, but it really is very simple and incredibly easy to find.


All this is from someone that actually had difficulty finding the entrance to Goliath on my first visit to SFMM after the ride was built. I'm not kidding either. I look back on it now and laugh, but I actually walked around the corner towards Colossus the first time I was trying to find the entrance to Goliath. I did see the huge GOLIATH letters, but didn't realize you had to walk through them to enter the queue. Live and learn, and laugh about it.


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