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"Formule-X" New Launched X-Car for Drievliet Famil

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^Yeah, didn't strike me as terribly rough either, but then again, Elissa mentioned it was so bad with the lap bar but an OTSR would have sucked.


Yeah, that's where I get to as far as roughness goes on G-Force. It's rough, but you don't really notice it. It's the restraints... dear God the restraints.



But, I can't wait to ride Abysmal in June . And this does look like it'll have an awesome layout. If something was done about the restraints, it'd be a winner.

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I have this coaster layout as my picture cos:


1) I love the twisted design of the layout, give you a headache on repeat rides.


2) It's by Maurer Sohne

3) It's a 1st in Holland for that type of coaster.


Clear language! I like especially the part with the "headaches" and the "twisted design"... Cool!

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I just realized!


I'm going to be in Amsterdam from April 30, thru to May 10. That means, I can take the train to The Hague, catch a bus at which station to the park (?), spend the day there (I already figured out it will be open from 1000-1800 from the website) and get maybe... five credits???



I think I will be able to figure out which train to get to The Hague and how much it will cost for a return trip...


Is there a particular station I should be taking the train to, for getting to this park?


Nice, very nice. I will get to ride this coaster within the first month it's open...


This is just like I did last visit, with the Amsterdam Dungeons and the "Reaper Drop of Doom" coaster, only open less than a month that visit in Oct.05.



(EDIT! For those interested in joining a Canadian coaster fan, I am planning to go to the park on Thursday, May 03.... with a Theme park Review t-shirt on... )

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there is a site for dutch public transportation: www.9292ov.nl

but the site is in dutch, so I hope you can figure it out. go to www.freetranslation.com and use the free web translator (dutch to english) it will be a lot easier for you adres of drievliet:

Street: Jan Thijssenweg (huis)nr: 16

City: Den Haag


and a few tips:


30 april = Qeeunsday, that means that every city in holland is really orange and messed up, it will be VERY crowded in amsterdam and performances all over amsterdam (museumplein, rembrandtplein, leidse plein, central station etc.)


4 may: 1 (I think) minute silence in memory of the 2nd world war, dutch royal family on De Dam (amsterdam)


5 may: Celebrating the end of the 2nd world war


you really need to be in amsterdam during qeeunsday, it's a great day!

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^ Thanks for letting me know about the bus service. I also intended to get to Central Station itself in Amsterdam and also the tourist information place that is nearby. I have been thru and to them a couple of visits now, so it won't be too hard to find.


And yes, yes - unfortunately we found out about Queen's Day after we had gotten our plane tickets and planned our "day-of-travel between" Paris and Amsterdam... I should have checked and then we would have probably come in on the Sunday instead, hmm?


Well, now I know. On Queen's Day, we arrive near 1700, so it will probably be crazy in the streets once we leave Central Stn. tugging our bags along, LOL.


But we'll do okay. Only now I know better, thanks. And the other two dates you noted will be nice to take in, while we are there. Respecting the past is always a good thing.

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But, I can't wait to ride Abysmal in June . And this does look like it'll have an awesome layout. If something was done about the restraints, it'd be a winner.


I found Abismo a lot more painful than G-Force.

When you are hanging upside down 120+ Feet in the air, you come out of your seat & on to the restraint.


Abismo is however a better overall ride IMHO.


Good Luck !

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^ Looks nice and smooooooooooooth - perfect for the "family thrill ride," heh heh.


Looking forward to riding it, in May. (And the other four coasters there, if I can...)


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I'm not a fan of Drayton's. I rode it on Sunday, and it was better than i remember it being in '05.. but still not great.


The restraint strangeling is such a huge issue, but my biggest problem is the lfithill - i think this one thus looks a lot better.


I like the general concept of the things, they need work though.


EDIT: Hm, watching the video.. i wonder if the lateral g problem is resolved - doesn't look like it.


EDIT 2: And the hangtime looks gay.

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So far I'm liking the layout. The long inverted elements add a unique effect, sure the coaster may be slow, but I haven't seen many with the inventive elements that Maurer Sohne uses.

Though I am prone to bias regarding Maurer designs

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That coaster is so slow, and it never seems to pick up any speed after the launch. The launch is quick, but the coaster goes slow through the elements, with the exception of the airtime hill, and it seems to meander through the course. I'm not saying it will be a bad coaster, but it just looks poorly designed.

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