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Everything posted by steel

  1. This is very true. I rode Maverick multiple times, with my hands up, with my hands on the shoulder harnesses, and with my hands on the handles. By far the most painful rides were when my hands were on the shoulder harnesses. I actually got a bruise from the bottom of the first drop when my hands were there. Hands up gave many of the same difficulties. When my hands were were they were supposed to be, the only "roughness," if you can even call it that, was the overaggressive Stengel. (Btw, "wrong" is correct.) This poll is ridiculous. Maverick is much better than Dragster. Not even a competition.
  2. There is one ride that never fails to make me both queasy and unhappy, and that is Cyclone Sam's Cloud Poofer 3000 at Worlds of Fun.
  3. Holy crap, that's big enough to be a small expansion! I knew it was big, but wow.
  4. We had a "large and extremely dangerous" tornado here in Iowa tonight. There was some damage, apparently. The storm was about forty-five minutes from me, so all I got was a lot of rain.
  5. Okay, no offense, but I will not accept "it beat the crap out of me in the back, but Voyage is smooth." Beast is not nearly that rough. Granted, it does get a little out of hand in some seats sometimes, but it certainly does not "beat the crap" out of you. And I don't care how much people scorn me for this, but Voyage is absolutely not smooth. In any seat. I've ridden Beast in every seat that people might think is rough, and none of it was nearly as bad as my ride in Voyage's third row. THAT was rough. THAT did beat the crap out of me. Voyage is strange, because the ride actually gets smoother the further back you sit. Even in the back, though, I would never call it smooth.
  6. It seems like some people aren't clear on this. It's interesting to us because we've been getting hints for a long time that we need to ride the train on opening day. That's all they'll tell us. If this isn't what they're talking about, I don't know what is.
  7. Great footage. Such a good ride. Beast gets so much crap these days, and it really is not deserved. What on earth is so bad about it? Obviously, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but it seems like Beast's treatment is sort of unfair. Is it too slow for you? I don't care how fast its actually going, because the surrounds make it seem a lot faster. No airtime? That's not even the point of the ride, and yes, there is some on the second drop. Is it too rough? I guess I can understand this, because it is "rough," per se, but the "roughness" is really more bouncy than jarring, and I LOVE that sensation, especially in the helix. Even so, the "roughness" isn't even all that noticeable in a lot of the seats (which absolutely can NOT be said about Voyage - and that's one of the reasons that it doesn't beat Beast for me).
  8. Welcome back! Again, HUGE congratulations! I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that I'm very proud to have an Oscar-winner (and a deserving one, at that) on this site and in the coaster world.
  9. Totally, completely, without a doubt against a crapload of park rules that were established for fantastic reasons. But fun to see. I wondered if anyone had ever done that.
  10. Well, in reality, to actually get the thing outside in the first place, it would need be on the roof of the mall. But I think it would be fun.
  11. What an original logo... Something is a little off with your signage there. It looks like it's at an angle when it shouldn't be. Minor fix, though, I'm sure. Other than that, this looks really nice. Better by a longshot than anything I could pull of in RCT3 (2 is my medium). Looks like you put a lot of work in. For some reason, it reminds me a a lot of Kraken.
  12. I hate it SO much that no matter what drink you get at a restaurant, they ALWAYS put so much ice in the glass that they can barely fit two ounces of liquid it afterward. How do they expect me to eat a slice of pie at Baker's Square without something to wash it down? EDIT: OMG, I'm a suicide risk! Überraschungseier (Kinder Surprise Eggs) are no longer allowed to be sold in the US! How dare they?!
  13. Well, I'm not going to have NL on this computer until NL2 comes out, but the screenshot looks very accurate.
  14. I did that, too. But it was for Thespian initiation in ninth grade, so it doesn't really count. In early elementary, I was calling home from an after-school thing at church (my number was 917-7172) and the 7 button didn't work. Now, when you call 911 it doesn't wait, it just goes. So I was pretty much terrified out of my mind. Then I hung up on the lady. But, you can't hang up on 911. They just keep talking. That was embarassing for me then.
  15. I agree with that. My dad is a diabetic and he's on Weight Watchers, so he gets that a lot, too.
  16. I saw it as "Character" as well. That would have been so much better. That would totally ruin that kid's photo with Cinderella.
  17. Yeah, right. Drop Zone goes on and on for something like five minutes.
  18. Wes, have you ridden Patriot, by chance? The zero-g roll on Patriot is as good, if not better than any on a standard sit-down. It gets me every time and keeps me coming back.
  19. I assume that means you're planning a 15 minute-long ride.
  20. I went to the gas station with my neighbor's strange uncle without telling my parents. I went to the bathroom by myself, then came back pantless. During church, I yelled "Mommy, if your head fell off, it would roll all the way down there!" I had something of an eventful childhood.
  21. I agree that it was better than Powerless Tower, but seriously, have you ridden Drop Zone at Como Town? That's what Splat-O-Sphere is trying to copy, and it fails. Drop Zone is less than half its size, but it's at least twice as long and it probably has more airtime.
  22. Yes, except two people carrying a canoe would have a lot more trouble recovering if they slipped.It does look like that, though. This is too creepy for words.
  23. ^That, I believe, is the future of PBLC. I may hang myself. Hey, now, don't dis the Axe. I love the Axe. Or Tak or whatever. It's still a great ride. (Btw, that thing you called "Dora" is actually Diego.) Zomg=ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Oh my god. At least, that's my understanding of it.
  24. You know, I have The Sims, but I never actually got into it. I played it for a while, but I was really bad at it and it just wasn't that interesting. I like the idea, though. Hopefully, The Sims 3 will be worthwhile.
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