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Everything posted by LiftThrill

  1. Would that idea be technically feasible? I'd sure as hell give it a go The only problem I see is that the forces exhibited by each type of seat would be slightly different, so it would probably end up being somewhat tame to compensate hey though, I'd give it go for each seat type, would still be a unique ride
  2. NTAG is an amazing ride. this is about what I thought the most recent time, which was a HUGE jump in quality from how bad it was the previous two times agreed with all of these
  3. (including anything 200+ feet) 1. Millennium Force 2. Diamondback 3. Top Thrill Dragster 4. Mr Freeze: Reverse Blast 5. Valravn 6. Magnum XL-200 7. Titan
  4. Favorite coaster first drops in no particular order: IRat, Millennium Force, Maverick, Outlaw Run, Switchback, NTaG, Valravn, Screamin' Eagle, Wild Eagle Favorite non-coaster drop: S:TOP @ SFOT Favorite not-first/launch coaster drops in no particular order: IRat's ending drop off the cliff, Maverick's post-launch sweeping drop, TTD's spiral drop, Powder Keg's first drop
  5. Don't get me wrong, the ride is in my top 10 even after riding some of the most awesome coasters in the country, but the ride pretty much ends after it starts falling backwards on that spike.
  6. Best: NTaG's airtime tunnels, Maverick's double twisty (stengel dives?), Outlaw Run's double barrel roll, or Diamondback's splashdown Also really good: The Boss's unbanked helix, The Voyage's spaghetti bowl, Millennium Force's final overbank/really fast straight track section, Iron Rattler's yank of laterals + airtime, and Raptor's helix Worst: Switchback @ ZDT's entire backwards section or Gatekeeper's brake run -> helix -> brake run combo
  7. If I owned a theme park, I would market my mine train as the world's tallest, fastest, and longest coaster and I'll bet that at least 20% of the park attendees would believe it.
  8. I've only been on two and they're both great but S:KC edges out Rougarou just a little bit for intensity (Rou was smoother)
  9. Dollywood did the same thing with Lightning Rod except it was an accident I hope it's a 2018 opening, but construction actually takes that long. Imagine how good the ride would be.
  10. Every time I've ridden it, it's been ridiculously smooth. It has its issues but I don't remember any rattle except one small "rumble" at the bottom of the drop on my second ride on it.
  11. If everything works out I'll get to go to the park on Friday for HitP. If it's as good as last year's it definitely won't be the last time I go this year. I love the park and rides at this time of year. 40 degree IRat night rides with the park lit up beside you are a beautiful thing.
  12. I honestly didn't dislike a single coaster at the park besides Corkscrew. The only other park with as solid of a lineup as CP that I've been to is SDC, which is 4 for 4 good coasters. I think people really like to hate on CP's middle and low tier coasters, but the truth is that at almost any other park they could be the best or second best ride in the park.
  13. Iron Rattler by a very, very long shot. I've ridden it 10+ times in a single visit (with people, too lol) more than once.
  14. I'm pretty sure they only do it on the first hill, but it definitely is variable speed.
  15. Even super old wooden coasters have steel running strips on both rails. Topper track is just more of that. Outlaw Run & Goliath are wood in my book.
  16. On the flying coaster debate: I've only been on one and it was Firehawk. That thing is terrible. The overbank thing is the only "fun" part of the ride, and that's all relative. The restraints and trains just flat out suck and the layout doesn't help. The ride is just really boring and uncomfortable.
  17. 1. SFFT (about 20 minutes without traffic, 30 with) 2. SWSA (about 25 minutes without traffic, 35 with) 3. ZDT's (about 45 minutes and there's never traffic) I really really need to get to SWSA, if money weren't an issue I'd be all over that place.
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