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Everything posted by Voxelmatic

  1. I've passed by this ride when I've been in FL many times, yet I could never convince my parents to let me go and ride it. It looked like a solid ride from what I could see. I can't believe I never rode it .
  2. Is it possible that they might get a sort of spinning or even suspended coaster? That would be pretty cool .
  3. If you mean topper track, I'm all for it, but the layout looks insane enough already, no need for Iron Horse!
  4. Hmm... let's see... (In no particular order) -X2 -New Texas Giant -Maverick -Millenium Force -Magnum XL-200 -Diamondback -Vortex(CW) -Behemoth -Leviathan -T-Express -Expedition G-Force -Xcelerator -Superman- Ultimate Flight (SFDK) -Bizarro (SFNE) -Colossus (HP) -bluefire Megacoaster -Goliath (LR) -Verbolten -Outlaw Run -Viper (SFGAm) -Gatekeeper -Iron Rattler -Jetline (GL) -Balder (Liesberg) -Projekt Helix (Liesberg) -Dauling Dragons -Crystal Wings -Ravine Flyer II -Voyage
  5. I bow in honor to the amazing title the super-sexy Title Fairy has bestowed upon me. It is truly an honor to be named by you!
  6. Well, my title is "Billy Mays here! I'm DEAD!" so I have the one and only Billy Mays as my avatar. Used to be King's Dominions Drop Tower.
  7. ^I don't think that rapids would count for something like that. Hmm... I think my favorite flats are a tie between a frisbee similar to Claw at Hersheypark and Top Spins. Intamin drop towers are a close second though! You just can't hate those things .
  8. It's nice to see a non-coaster RCT park show up every once in a while. I love those three towers with the pool!
  9. This looked like a great trip! I hope to go on a TPR tour soon. Although not in China yet, because I still aren't willing to risk any sort of bodily damage from those knock-offs!
  10. Maybe I caught it on a bad day. Glad you enjoyed it though!
  11. Nice to hear that this park's haunt is getting better every year! I hope to make it out there Saturday or Sunday to check out "No Vacancy" (No pun intended).
  12. ^Also, remember that these were made back when Bolliger and Mabillard were working for Intamin. Intamin actually never truly made a stand up with their own track or train system.
  13. Glad to hear you had a good time! I agree with you about Wildcat; very nice coaster! I beg to differ about Comet being smooth though... ouch!
  14. Yay! Rattler is back! I guess my song worked? Very nice park, one of the best I've seen!
  15. I enjoy reading the updates, but if you aren't having fun, you can stop. But meanwhile... Ooh! B&M track!
  16. Umm... is this it? Probably not, but I'll check on this thread every once in a while.
  17. ^Wow. They make it sound like Intamin rides suck. But the axles breaking? That's very hard to get that many cycles, especially with Hershey's operations. Myth busted.
  18. I've re-ridden every ride at SFA without leaving the station at least once, and I sat in the front seat of Joker's Jinx for about 14-15 rounds before my dad made me get off.
  19. ^Thanks! Also, what would be the best way to tackle the park with minimal lines throughout the day?
  20. ^Secretly does have a toothpaste obsession vThinks Cedar Point is the best place on earth.
  21. Revenge of the Mummy, USO. Never had much of a problem with it, and it has FIRE!
  22. Okay, I'm planning to head out to the park for my first real visit there this friday. I have the whole day off, so I can be there for most of the day. How crowded will it be? I want to get a couple of rides in on Apollo, and nab my missing credits (Grover coaster, Griffon, Alpengist, and Verbolten). I was also going to try to do a maze or two. How crowded will it be, and will I need Quick Queue?
  23. ^Thanks for the info! I love having school days off for my county only .
  24. Many parks have a large inverted coaster & a Vekoma Jr. Invert such as Carowinds, Canada's Wonderland, Movie Park Germany, & Wild Adventures, so I think there's no problem with two inverted coasters at Knott's, one large and one smaller. Also, great report, SoCalCoasters. Don't forget about Dorney Park, who has three major inverts. ^^^It seems like a great event this year! Hopefully I can make it out at least once in my life...
  25. Very nice trip report! I can't wait to eventually go here. Also, how many of the rides are open during the event? I was hoping to head up on Friday to ride all the rides I didn't (Alpengist, Griffon, Verbolten, DarKastle, ect.) and get a spin or two on Apollo.
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