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Everything posted by Voxelmatic

  1. Holy moley! That's amazing molemaster! Oh, and Ryan, I love that figure-8 loop!
  2. Georgia Cyclone. Mean Streak looks pretty terrible too.
  3. Hmm... 1)El Toro 2)Skyrush 3)Cheetah Hunt 4)Goliath (SFOG) 5) Fahrenheit
  4. Hmm... probably a tie between Joker at SFA and Storm Runner at Hershey for me.
  5. Both of my rides have been in the rear... but back to SFA. How likely does it seem for ROAR to get Millenium Flyers? Right now, it's the only GCI with PTC trains.
  6. ^That's what I did on Shockwave at Kings Dominion, and that makes it turn from a crappy ride to a not so bad one! And glad to hear that Wild One is filld with airtime!
  7. ^25 minutes for me! Ironic, though, I've barely gone this year... but I'm getting my gold 2013 pass saturday! Can't wait to ride Apocalypse.
  8. Yay! Thats great to know, as I have been neglecting the park this year, and I need to get that credit! @allilstronger I'll be there Saturday too! Do the teacups, as they are crazy fun, and Superman has the best night rides.
  9. This ride gets better and better every day... Can't wait for opening! (Congrats on 50 train rides!)
  10. I love that layout! Can't wait to see what you do with the buildings!
  11. Glad you had fun! Was Apocalypse open, or was that closed all day?
  12. This is the most unique wing rider I've seen yet! I'm jealous that Asia gets all the slightly forceful and unique Intamin, Vekoma, and B&M rides... why not Europe or America? Oh, well, one more reason for a TPR tour!
  13. Wow! We have a ton more threads on here than I thought! Thanks a million Robb!
  14. Then I don't see how there would be a problem with putting the new trains on right after re-tracking.
  15. They've already started installing track? This is going way too fast for a Six Flags ride! But the new Iron Horse track looks fantastic. Thanks for the update!
  16. I thought that they were already at the park, and that they were just waiting for the off-season to start testing. I could be wrong, though.
  17. ^Very true indeed. But who in the world would redo all the mechanics? Premier could add LIMs, but that would destroy the historical significance of the ride.
  18. There's no way that Intamin would be able to help a Schwarzkopf, and the best I know right now is Gerstrauer, because they could retrofit the decaying trains, but Intamin? No.
  19. You like using the word "expedition" a lot, don't you? Looks like a fantastic park, can't wait for more!
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