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Everything posted by Randomman295

  1. Not only are they renovating the ride, they're building a new plaza just outside of the entrance. It was all rebar when I went in the Spring. I'd like to see pictures of what it looks like now.
  2. Nobody's seemed to mention the double-up after the first drop and before the first overbank. How does that hold up?
  3. I haven't heard any news of Bigfoot Rapids recently, so I'm assuming that area is still under construction.
  4. Yo dawg, we heard you like M&Ms. So here's Eminem eating M&Ms.
  5. I guess it's simply standard Vekoma construct, but I'm glad to see it up and running already. It's pretty neat how they got a camera to capture the very first test run; I know not very many parks do that.
  6. ^ When you say that "GCI did work on it", what extent of "work" happened? Was it a full re-track or was it something much less drastic?
  7. ^They're not going to give up on it yet. GR is a classic and although it's probably the most costly to maintain, it's got decent capacity and it's still the third most popular ride in the park. The general public still likes it more than most rides at KBF from who I've talked to, although KBF really needs to wake up a realize that all it needs to become the best in the park is to get RMC or GCI to retrack it.
  8. I'm a little weirded out by it too. It literally just means "The Crazy" or "It's Crazy" in Spanish. I really kind of like what's happening to this place, though! It seems like this place could really use the new ride. And about that mystery piece of metal, it's probably Miner Mike being re-tracked. Doesn't really look like S&S track to me.
  9. I rode it in the back seat Spring Break this year, and it was no worse than than Colossus backwards, minus the more powerful laterals. Colossus was way better backwards than forwards, and the thrashing of the seats due to the unforseen forces actually added to the ride's enjoyability rather than subtract from it. I think it would add some more (good and enjoyable) intensity as well as some re-ridable qualities. Just my two cents, even though I know there's a very small chance of Knott's even considering this.
  10. ^ Kind of makes me wonder if the on-ride photo can warp the riders faces at the end to look like the promotional picture.
  11. ^That is absolutely brilliant having used no custom scenery. Looking forward to what the rest of the park looks like.
  12. ^That's what some people thought about the Backwards Batman until it actually opened.
  13. ^That's great news that it's testing already! It looks like they're going to test it in secret. Now I actually hope we don't see any videos until opening day.
  14. Great trip report! It's great to see how well Grona Lund is doing with Eclipse just opening up. And speaking of Eclipse, holy crap. That view.
  15. I hate to say it, but this thread looks like it's just become an elaborate "Picture Association" thread. Let's get back to destroying things, shall we?
  16. Granted, but... I'm facepalming so hard I think I have a broken nose. Electro swing is a genre of music, not a ride type. I wish that The Smiler and FT would just open already.
  17. Wow, this was hard. Beck - Guero Pink Floyd - Animals Caravan Palace - Panic Honorable mentions: Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense (Live) Pink Floyd - Pulse (Live) Caravan Palace - Caravan Palace Bassnectar - Timestretch (EP) Skrillex - Bangarang (EP) Gorillaz - Demon Days Metallica - Garage Inc. Dubstep, alternative rock, electro swing, new wave, psychadelic rock, and thrash metal. I have bizarre music tastes, don't I?
  18. Say what you will about the ride sign not featuring a snake (yet), I still really like the way it looks. It really adds to the tone of the ride, if you ask me.
  19. Fixed. Frankly, it seems as though SFMM doesn't give half of a damn when it comes to family rides that aren't coasters.
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