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Everything posted by Randomman295

  1. The first part of the ride before the first main lift will be (for sure) enclosed, but the rest of the ride is kind of a mystery as far as I'm concerned.
  2. Yes, unless it's... Yeah, it's good with everything. Have you ever made a persona?
  3. I finally got Photoshop for myself a couple days ago. I pumped out a lot of good stuff yesterday, but this is my personal favorite:
  4. Post an update! I'd really like to see how the launch and/or loop are coming.
  5. Vague rumors have been scattered, but most point towards scientific testing on insane asylum patients as the theme. If this really is the case, than I can't wait.
  6. Sorry if it feels like I'm spamming this thread, but I found one of my old projects yesterday and decided to show it here. The goal of this is to create a low maintenance and medium cost Flying Coaster that has no need for the movement of the trains for loading, reducing running costs. The station is built around the main lift in four sections, meaning two stations (one for loading, one for unloading) and a minimum of 5 blocks, meaning that at least three trains could run at one time without MCBRs included. With only two MCBRs, this coaster could run 4 or even 5 trains at once. Think of it as a "flying Eurofighter coaster". Just an idea. Here's what a basic layout would look like: I really wish I could make this a reality, but I have the feeling I would need about 10 more years and countless hours of engineering classes before I could even try.
  7. ^Good GOD, I still can't keep track of the layout! Glad to finally see an aerial shot, thanks for posting that.
  8. ^^^ With all of the other GCIs out there, how come Renegade is the one always used for those "coming soon" pictures?
  9. ^Whelp, there goes Battlefront 3. That's a decent chunk of my gaming childhood thrown out the goddamn window.
  10. I guess I didn't really have anywhere else to post this without making a new thread, so here goes: I had a really weird dream last night of a Double Shot S&S tower that had six Gs on the way up and negative 2 Gs on the way down. Do you really suppose this is possible? It would be absolutely bananas, and I remember graying out on the way up. Sounds like a weird post, I know. Just an interesting thought.
  11. ^Love that last shot. I guess I ended up liking the futuristic look of the keyholes after all. When can we expect a video?
  12. ^That looks absolutely amazing. I really wish I could build structures that well. But in the meantime, I'm at least really good at designing layouts! All of these are "microcoasters", ranging in size anywhere from 8x8 to 6x14. I posted one of these a while back on this thread, but I took much more time and made a full-blown park of them, and I have to say I'm really proud of it so far. I might throw up a download link soon if anybody is interested. These go really well with the challenge scenarios: They're cheap, ridiculously tiny, well themed, and attract crowds like nobody's business.
  13. As much as I love it, while we're on this subject, I actually think that Silver Bullet would be fantastic as an invert. Here's where my "Crazy Idea" part comes in: Replace the Cobra Roll with a Horseshoe and replace the loop with a speed hill. Think about it: Getting forces on your back from what should have caused airtime seems absolutely amazing.
  14. ^That long-exposure shot of HRRR's loop is absolutely STUNNING. I wish I could do motion blur that well.
  15. ^I'll bring the chocolate bars and the roasting sticks. Anybody want to sign up for the graham crackers? How's Goldy's station coming along? I haven't seen any pictures for a while.
  16. "Flying Wing Coaster". I'm astonished that the world has not yet recognized your genius.
  17. ^inb4 "Cedar Point Woodie" spamming In all seriousness, the "Cedar Point Woodie" doesn't really need much more than topper track and new trains, as is the story with The Boss, Ghostrider, and pretty much every CCI woodie this side of Boulder Dash and Megaphobia. As for the Iron Horse treatment, I can be told to dream on, but I really want Colossus at SFMM to have one track get the Iron Horse treatment and leave the other as is. I guess I'm alone here, though; I've never heard this suggested before.
  18. I didn't even think it was possible, but the double-up on iRat looks even more insane than the one on nTag. I really think RMC has done it again.
  19. Back on topic: Does anybody know what the station is going to look like? At the least, does anyone have hopes or predictions?
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