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Everything posted by pdcon

  1. got my first ride on it this morning in the front seat, it is amazing. cant wait to ride it again.
  2. Heres a POV I posted last night if you missed it http://napavalleyregister.com/news/local/new-superman-themed-roller-coaster-delivers-thrills/article_98d30e22-c26d-11e1-bd65-001a4bcf887a.html
  3. Here in a link to A back seat POV of the ride, looks pretty amazing. http://napavalleyregister.com/news/local/new-superman-themed-roller-coaster-delivers-thrills/article_98d30e22-c26d-11e1-bd65-001a4bcf887a.html
  4. something tells me this ride is going to be a big disappointment, I will judge it when I ride it, but as far as drop rides go, we will see.
  5. It dont look like it really falls that far before it hits the breaks
  6. looks like it goes pretty fast through theinline twist, in the videos it showed in stoping before.
  7. Leaving for the WARPED TOUR in about 15 mins
  8. Jamin out To Justin Timblerlake, with all my windows down in my truck where everybody can hear.
  9. Spent all weekend cutting glass on lake berryessa, was about 100+ degrees over the weekend.
  10. I would show up to the park naked, riding Medusa with everything hangin out, bet the wind would feel good.
  11. Best ball park in all of baseball is ATT PARK, its breathtaking, the views you get of the bay. the environment. Its Amazing.
  12. yes, every time i work out, push my self to the max have you ever farted to bad it cleared the room?
  13. With hundereds of major coasters at US parks, that primarily open their new rides between April and July, you are likely to find dozens of coasters that have the same brithday.
  14. That's awesome for you and Jeter, the fact he got to talk to someone who didn't know who he was and the fact you got to talk to DJ! ya it was pretty awsome, he was a pretty nice guy, he was actually talking to me like a normal person and had some interest to what i was doing working at DW. and about the college program I was doing, wish i was allowed to take photos or bust out my cell phone while on my job and snap a pic of us.
  15. yes yesterday, after the fact the thought it would be a good idea to ride my motorcycle to work. do you think pitbulls and rottweilers are vicious?
  16. quite a few actually, broke both color bones when I rolled the quad down the hill. broke all five if my toes because I though it would be funny to let my friend run over my foot in his truck., more like shattered them. Broke my middle and index finger, I was working on a car and my idiot friend started the car while my hand was down there, my fingers got pulled through the cerpintean belt and power steering pump.
  17. yes, there my second favorite only behind peanut butter cups. have you ever got free food through a drive though, because the person working the window thought you where attractive?
  18. I was attacked by baby lobsters.
  19. depends on whats getting smoked do you like big red soda?
  20. I have personally met and had like a 15 minute conversation with Derek Jeter, not a yankees fan so at first I did not know it was him. I met him while working at the contempo in disneyworld, during all star break 09.I have seen alot of people while working at disneyworld, i rode buzz light year with the rapper T.I's son while T.I was right behind us. also rode on tower of terror with Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. my cousin baby sat C.C sabathias son, he has a house in the same town I live in here in the bay area, so I have met and talked to him many times. I also went to school and played football and basketball with buffalo bills wide receiver Steve Johnson, we where pretty good friends, we played across from each other as wide receivers. while in high school we played against green bay packers middle line backer Lamont Bishop. there have been may more people i have see, but those are the most up close and personal one I have met
  21. I will be in Mass, More specifically Cape Cod from July 14-20, and I will have a vehicle and be willing to drive. What would be the best day to visit the park, will one day be enough with out a flash pass? what else is there to see or do in Mass, I have already bought tickets to to red sox games. what do all of you suggest I do or See? Thanks
  22. ^ Ya I listen to alot of People Under the Stairs, terminology, elzhi. I just cant stand any of the music they play on the radio.
  23. manning made a stupid decision, his dad is all in control and tell his sons where to play, he only chose the broncos because he didn't want to be in the same division as his brother, because if he wanted to win, he would have chose the niners. hes going to get tore up behind that O-line they have in Denver
  24. The only stuff i drink now is green tea, its like liquid crack, I seriously have an addiction
  25. Its about time I take you all to school and bring you back to the 90s's. Best year for Rap music. I cant stand none of these cracker jack rappers we have these days.
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