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Everything posted by pdcon

  1. 1.Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2.Grand Theft Auto San Andreas 3.Super Mario Bros 4.Super Mario 64 5.Street Fighter II 6.GoldenEye 007 7.Wave Race 64 8.Madden NFL 2004 9.Super Mario World 10. Roller Coaster Tycoon
  2. We kid each other a lot here, but this comment is a bit "borderline." Remember, it's all about having fun. Thank you, cfc Site Moderator i kid i kid, im a pretty ugly mofo myself.
  3. and is it even for sure pandemonium is gone next season, maybe they will use the old 3d theater for some type of part dark roller coaster.
  4. why dont they make these tilt like the smaller swings? i think that would be more exciting.
  5. i think a giant disk would be pretty cool at the top of the mountain, maybe they could figure out a place to put where i would swing over the side of the mountain to make it look like you higher.
  6. the G-men are gonna make a strong come back and fight for a WS repeat led by arguably the best pitching staff is baseball....GO GIANTS
  7. sun of a gun the server wen down as soon as hit post, i had the answer when you gave the clue stalone, not fair, should do another one.. i guess life aint fair.
  8. cliff hanger at north town in the sky in north carolina, syvester stylone played in a movie called cliff hanger
  9. california screamin, because the Orange Stinger used to be near it..or maybe because the land use to be ORANGE fields?
  10. @theErik..try goodnite inn, its in sylmar it about 8-10 minute drive, i stay there every time its very cheap and rooms are decent and the AC blows cold.
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