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Everything posted by Bucket

  1. WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING!? But I agree with you. It's so much easier to just ask than to waste time by going through page after page of discussion! Not everyone is as well informed about coasters or theme parks as some members (including myself). The purpose of forums is to exchange, discuss ideas anyways!
  2. ^or fall for your best friend who is straight (has happened to me and I'm still not quite over it!)
  3. You know, there is more to sexuality than just sex. The thought of having sex with a woman does not repulse me (as a matter of fact, quite the opposite. If it feels good, it feels good!) but I would never choose to have sex with a woman because I know that it would never delve deeper than just that, sex. I've tried explaining this to a friend of mine who used to have romantic feelings for me, and she kept insisting that I was bisexual and not 100% gay because I wasn't disgusting by the act of heterosexual sex. I guess what I'm trying to say is that for me, sexuality (both homosexual and heterosexual) is defined by who you fall in love with romantically so it is still possible to be fully gay and still have a desire to sleep with people of the opposite sex.
  4. ^How does the Fuji-Q Thomas Town compare to this one? Hopefully, the Six Flags version will be equally good as this looks like a very cute little themed area!
  5. The Tilt-Coaster looks so intimidating! I wonder why more weren't built?
  6. All in favor of Xcelerator getting a new paint job? :raises hand: Other than the hideous color schemes of most of their coasters, KBF looks like a wonderful little park. Would love to visit it one day! ...and great pictures as usual!
  7. I do think it is rather silly that a few of the families are suing. Some people will sue for ANYTHING, and that is just absurd. I mean, sh*t happens sometimes and there isn't anything can do about it. These families just need to point the finger of blame at someone and that is so annoying. They won't win their lawsuits that's for sure.
  8. Great photos! Looks like you had a wonderful time at Cedar Point! I especially love the station lighting for Top Thrill Dragster and MF... it looks beautiful! Quick question though... it says 1 1/2 hour queue time for Maverick but what was the average wait during the day?
  9. Horton Hears a Who My boyfriend and I just finished this film and we both LOVED it! I was hesitant at first because, honestly, it looked really stupid from the advertisements but I thought it was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time! Funny, witty, and shared an important message to the world... "a person's a person, no matter how small." ...and I really loved that awkward yellow animal (What was she?!), Katie! 10/10 Highly Recommended!
  10. Tell her to dump her boyfriend first.
  11. 1. What do you find most useful about the front page? The updates of course! I love reading about your adventures around the world. 2. What do you find least useful about the front page? Nothing 3. Is anything on the front page confusing? Actually, everything is very self-explanatory but the layout could be a little different. 4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates? Not very. I just like to see what's new. 5. How often do you look at the front page? Every time I am on the site! 6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link? ^ditto 7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better? Maybe a direct link to your POV videos section, as you take excellent on-ride videos! 8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc? Not particularly fond of the color (black is a little gloomy for my taste) and the fonts but other than that, I like it. Hope this helped and hope I wasn't too direct with some answers! Honestly, if it stayed the same, I wouldn't mind as the content is what's important!
  12. I used to ski a lot, until my dad bought me a snowboard for my 18th birthday. Ever since then, I've been snowboarding! It's difficult at first, but once you know how to navigate, it is the coolest sport!
  13. ^^From the looks of the commercial, it doesn't appear to be that rough! Actually, quite smooth! I guess looks can be deceiving?
  14. Great SFMM TR! Glad you had a fun time there but I'm so sorry X2 was still closed! I would have also been very sad if I were there for the first time and I couldn't ride it! The new paint jobs on Viper, Ninja and on X2 look beautiful. I am so glad they chose upkeep over another roller coaster this year. And you are right about the Scream! roller coaster... they should really add SOMETHING! It looks awful the way it is right now!
  15. What GREAT pictures of Cedar Point! Some of the best guest reaction pictures I have ever seen! What kind of camera did you use?
  16. I just noticed this topic! How cool there are beer enthusiasts here as well as coaster enthusiasts! Being German, I am a little biased! I think German beer is really the best! Augustiners are my favorite... it doesn't matter which, dark, light, white beer; I love them all! My cousin on the left, me, and my friend Sebastian on the right drinking Augustiner Helles... a popular and delicious German beer!
  17. Yes! El Toro and Kingda Ka are the only coasters I really want to experience! Colossus at Heide-Park was great but El Toro looks really a lot better! How far is the drive by car from New Hampshire to New Jersey? I looked on a map and it couldn't be more than 5 hours right? Oh no! How terrible! I totally forgot about this rule. No offense, but I think this is a very stupid law. I read that teenagers are allowed to purchase guns and fight in the war when they are 18, but not allowed to drink? How does this make any sense! No matter, I will be 21 in September anyways. Oh, is that old enough to rent a car as I will want to drive around the States...?
  18. Es sieht so GEIL aus! I can't wait to ride it! It is so rare for a new roller coaster to open around where I live! When will it be completed?
  19. I liked to blow stuff up and set things on fire. Anything I could get my hands on (my sister's dolls, cans, toys, etc) I would blow up with dry ice or fireworks.
  20. I thought this was really funny! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzRH3iTQPrk
  21. I just found out I was accepted for an internship in South Africa this summer and as a student in Dartmouth college in September. All those weekends staying in and studying finally paid off!
  22. Great TR! Not really a fan of the new paint job for Mr. Freeze nor do I really like the yellow batman. They should have left the color schemes the same and just gave it a fresh new coat.
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