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Everything posted by LoopLover

  1. 1. Indiana Jones et le Temple du Peril - Disneyland Paris. 2. Space Mountain - Disneyland California. 3. Kraken - Seaworld Orlando 4. Air - Alton Towers 5. Mumbo Jumbo -Flamingoland (El Loco) 6. Velocity - Flamingoland 7. Revenge of the Mummy - USH 8. Dueling Dragons - IOA 9. Grand National - Blackpool Pleasure Beach 10. Pepsi Max Big One - " "
  2. Oh Haunted Mansion that's adventurous! But do, I'm not sure what to do today, any suggestions?
  3. My first trip to Disneyland California. It is the happiest place on earth.
  4. ^ They are fantastic! I think they should let people doodle with spray paint if they have a licence. I would love to see this on the street!
  5. I never thought of that^! I will. That can be my next addition. Until then here is one I completed today. It is totally my arrangement. Muppets 20 years (nearly)
  6. Robb, Do you have to pay for tickets to the shows on this ship or are they included?
  7. Thanks, yeah it is. It's the coolest Space Mountain logo in my opinion.
  8. I know you asked for specific advice but it is great just to explore Disney and pick places at random.
  9. ^No, I only started in the Summer after my trip to California. I am working on harder logo's and plan to do a lot more. Today I was working on a Captain EO Tribute logo and will post a picture of it soon. I don't really touch on other parks apart from some Universal stuff. Thanks for the positive feedback, my family don't understand my hobbies. ^^ Yes, I want to see more.
  10. Hey, just a quick question. Are there any UK TRP events for Club TRP members or just official meet ups planned for this year? I am just wondering so I can plan ahead if there is anything going on.
  11. I sure hope they get rid of Space Invader. It is just a waste of space.
  12. These are my takes on Disney ride logo's and Disney Park logo designs. I have tweaked them a bit and they aren't very good but I love drawing them. Comments are much appreciated. Thanks, Please comment Epcot artwork Space Mountain - Not a great picture but my favourite Space Mountain logo. Crush! DLRP Space Mountain in Paris...I think this is one of my best Welcome aboard! This is Captain Rex from the cockpit! My favourite Hollywood rides! This is probably the one I tampered most with....Maliboomer! One of my older ones This one is a complete copy. Mission Space - One of my better ones! My latest doodle!
  13. My band are doing I Run To You by Lady Antebellum. It's a lovely song with a nice touch. Quite hard to hit some notes though.
  14. Inside The Engine looks really cool! I love the whole idea of it. Is the park big? It looks quite compact.
  15. I will be at Thorpe Park on the first of April or the last day of May.....Go then!
  16. None! (Probably because I spend most of my time on these forums)
  17. ^ Agreed! Don't even consider hitting M&D's unless you are interested in ghost towns with crappy travelling coasters! Sadly it's my local park (15 mins away) so sometimes I actually go!
  18. I can't wait to ride this. I love Star Tours but it did need a bit of a makeover. It's good Disney chose this as its current project. Hope Captain Rex from the cockpit is still there!
  19. Call me weird but I simply love Rainforest Cafe. There is something really cool about eating with animals.......
  20. The only problem with coaster books is that they can easily get old and outdated. The internet has more to offer now. Don't get me wrong though they are great to have on a shelve!
  21. 1. The Roller Coaster Lover's Companion by Steven J. Urbanowicz (This book is old school but still good and has a ticky box thing for coaster counting) 2. The Disney Mountains: Imagineering At Its Peak! This is a great Disney book about...well...The Disney Mountains. The book goes into real depth of how the original concepts came around and takes you through the planning, building and interesting facts about some Disney mountain rides. 3. Walt Disney Imagineering: Making More Magic Real - I only have this sequel to the original. Simply put if you want to be an imagineer, this is the book for you. 4. Finally, I like to by Simon and Susan Venss's travel guides for Orlando and Paris. They give good Disney trip ideas and include some great tips! I hope this helps you...these are great reads!
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