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Everything posted by LoopLover

  1. The "Screaming Squirrel" looks painful. I found Mumbo Jumbo (S&S El Loco) painfull so would be curious as to what a ride on this thing would be like! The drop tower looks quite fun too. Nice TR,Stephen
  2. In reply to a previous post- Arrow Dynamics - Original Mad Hatter Tea Cups Ride King Arthur Carrousel Mr. Toads Wild Ride Casey Jr. Circus Train Snow White's Adventures Dumbo Alice in Wonderland Autopia and vehicles for - Small World Pirates Adventure Thru Inner Space I got this information from some of my favourite disney sites e.g. Daveland, Yesterland, Happy Jappy and Netcot! Apparently though Arrow only manufactured parts of the above rides so call an expert to be sure , but i hope my stored information helps a bit! Thanks!
  3. That was soo funny! I loved the last bit. That Magma ride does not look too great though! The log flume looks quiet nice and family friendly,wish i could visit this park!
  4. Just to say Wild Wadi is great! I went last winter and loved it! The master blaster slides are great and hardly ever the same! Just be sure to get there early because when i was there it got very busy! P.S. Atlantis Hotel,Palm also has a small waterpark but i am not sure if you must be a resident to visit. ENJOY!
  5. "Nerds are dorks but geeks get it done!" Stephen --- Netcot Podcast Quote --- Hamilton
  6. I have visited the wonderful - Loudon Castle Family Theme Park , Scotland - UK Flamingo Land - Malton - UK Universal Studios Hollywood - CA Disneyland Magic Kingdom - CA Disney's California Adventure - CA Adventuredome at Circus Circus Las Vegas - Nevada
  7. I started loving coasters very gradually. I grew up very close to a very mediocre theme park (Loudon Castle - Defunt as of last month) and visited regularly (4-5 times P.A.) I was a total wimp only riding kiddie rides until i was like 11! However, i gradually built up confidence and by the time i was 12ish i was riding the bigger rides at the park (Huss Enterprise, S&S space shot.....) And from then on i have grown to love rollercoasters, flat rides, Hotdogs and Theme Park Review and so today i consider myself a fanatic! Stephen --- R.I.P. Loudon Castle Theme Park --- Hamilton
  8. That makes sense. There are a lot of experts around here! My personal secret - I have ridden 72 coasters to date and my all time favourite is Indiana Jones et le Temple du Peril!. Stephen --- Indiana Jones Rocks! --- Hamilton
  9. Ahhhhhh.... Good point. Space Mountain, Rockin Rollercoaster! I never thought of that. I still wonder why they chose Intamin for California Screamin? It is amazing!
  10. ^ I think that is a very good point! Disney is valued for it's experimental and imaginative rides and Vekoma have done a lot other than Disney. I think that Disney have seen that Vekoma are reliable and that they can pretty much build whatever they have to. Take Space Mountain for DLRP for example, it had to meet certain demands - be thrilling, Have an elaborate launch and be compact inside a large dome. I think Disney have made a wise choice with Vekoma. P.S. After Vekoma built one Disney ride Disney obviously saw that they built good rides and thus wanted lots more! Stephen --- That's only my opinion though! --- Hamilton
  11. Hi everyone. I am Stephen from East Ayrshire in Scotland,UK. I don't know of any members near me. So i basically was wondering if there are any members near Stewarton - Glasgow Scotland,UK? Cos i think i am a lonely member (because of where i live)!
  12. Great TR, i love the X2 logo, it's awesome! I have never been to any big American parks apart from Disney and Universal. This park looks very cool. Love it Stephen --- Nice report! --- Hamilton
  13. Very cool stuff! I like the shape of the seats! Coasters are so sophisticated now even on NoLimits and RCT3!
  14. Manhattan Express (Now known as simply rollercoaster at New York - New York) is very rough and especially painful in the second half with the tight turns and sudden downward brakerun. I still think it's worth a ride though! so don't be put off!
  15. I am interested to see what the new Cars land is going to look like! Some cool concept images! Love this park with extreme passion!
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