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About Intamin10

  • Birthday 10/06/1982

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    Rochester, NY
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  1. I entered two photos for the contest (1 original/1 edited) before the cutoff date and I don't see them on the voting page? http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1202660#p1202660 http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1202669#p1202669
  2. There was a metal tower , that had the camera on top of it. Were the arrow is now.
  3. I just wanted to say great job on covering IAAPA 2011 as always. Also can't wait to see more interviews and more photos tomorrow. And my favorite IAAPA 2011 photo is the photo of the new Mack car for the Manta coaster at SeaWorld San Diego and a beautiful model, you can't get anything better than that.
  4. Cedar Point Kings Island Waldameer Kings Dominion Busch Gardens Williamsburg Silver Dollar City
  5. there not there storage tracks .For the Mind Eraser frame and wheel assembly to go on. As seen in the pic from another park. Pic from http://www.montanarusa.com
  6. The process is called stereolithography. Its where we take the model file (ie, what you see in the picture) and have it "Printed". Stereolithography is basically a 3D printer. There will be actual photos of the physical model as soon as the rapid prototyping company is able to get to it.
  7. Lee Holman and I have been speaking about developing scale models of popular roller coaster trains, and wanted everyone’s opinion. I know some of you are thinking, “Coaster Dynamix already has roller coaster trains available”, but ours are going to be different. These trains will be exactly replicas of the actual style of trains you see at your local park. Each will be made to order, and feature whatever color combination you choose. They will include everything from detailed seats, to detailed wheel setups. These trains will not be operational, but will be extremely detailed show pieces that you will love to show off to any of your friends. To get an overall feel for how well these will do, we will first be releasing the Zac Spin coaster train, by Intamin, AG. The price has yet to be determined, but will feature a single, double sided train, mounted to Intamins widely known style of track. The price has yet to be determined, but we do know it will run in the few hundred range. The image below shows of a 3d model of what the train will look like when complete. The rail itself will be approximately 8” in length, and look as professionally made as the models you may have seen at IAAPA. As soon as the popularity of these is gauged, we will decide whether or not to continue to develop additional models. Pay attention for actual pictures of the model, coming soon! Here is a link to the process of Stereolithography if you're interested: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/stereolith.htm
  8. I got my Bag of crap today in the mail, it has all kinds of cool stuff form all different theme parks. I want to thank Robb & Matt.
  9. Here is an Intamin AG ZacSpin coaster car that i modeled in Rhino and rendered in Keyshot2.
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