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Everything posted by mightbeawannabe

  1. Cable launches tend to slow down before releasing the train-they die off a bit. It hits 149, but not at the end of the launch. Same as KK and TTD. And the trims are AFTER the launch, on the hill. They don't slow the launch down, in other words. Where's your info coming from? Can Robb verify that Rossa isn't up-to-speed?
  2. ^&^^Only one complete circuit inverted launched coaster to be exact. All the other launched inverts are shuttles (e.g. Wicked Twister).
  3. Isn't Rossa's 149 mph more than KK's 128? Does Rossa not go as fast as it was aiming for?
  4. ^Those would be right here. Every element is completely different for each coaster you make, these only give you a rough idea. Trial and failure is the best way to teach yourself.
  5. Just a personal request: A NL cartexture tutorial. I've tried toerti's and I must've missed something important in it. I think there are many, many others who'd like to have the know-how too.
  6. This is awesome! I've never heard of such a thing, I just thought they showed up at fairs and such. I couldn't eat quite as much of it as you three did, it's not really my fancy, but I'd certainly try a few for kicks. I hope KT doesn't have a tummy-ache from eating her weight in food truck food!
  7. Between 10 and 11 seconds here. Wasn't slow for me at all. EDIT: There's an ad!!!!! What's wrong?
  8. I think it's... A new tower with 3 slides, the one that was initially supposed to be there in Phase I, and then another connection between the torrent river and lazy river going the opposite direction of the current one. Also supposed to be there for Phase I... As for the other two, I have no idea.
  9. Once. And I will never do it again. You'd think that in tourist hotspots they might have some English stuff somewhere. Is there snow on the ground where you live?
  10. Did you try to mess with the files within? You could email Ole, giving him the info of when you bought it, etc. and he could give you a new download link to start again. I've had to do this once, and it works perfectly.
  11. Thanks RD! But what if you uploaded a ride during testing and still have 0 points? EDIT: Thank you for clarifying, Robb.
  12. How many points do you get if you___? A. Upload a file B. Download a file C. Rate a file
  13. Going to be released soon... 3newblitznearfinalR-110225121120000.bmp 3newblitznearfinalR-110225121231001.bmp 3newblitznearfinalR-110225121317002.bmp 3newblitznearfinalR-110225121423005.bmp
  14. There's an umlaut in Ernst Mach's name? Hmm... Anyway, I can't wait to see the ground phase ending and some vertical construction starting.
  15. Ozcat is still in the top 20! Awesome for a ride that hasn't run for over 2 years.
  16. ^It's magic. I'm still rather impressed with the ride, man! I do agree, there needs to be some editing of the supports. On CCIs, instead of there being an X shape in the trusses, it's a slant /. The direction of the slant stays the same for the entire track I believe. If you start doing / on the lift, the brakes would be / as well. Keep it up!
  17. I wonder which one this was for...It'd be great at any of them I'd say! Either Wonderland (Australia can't be forgotten, folks ), KI, or KD would have been amazing with this plan.
  18. In all honesty, that's the very best you can hope for. Better than the (insert tallest ride in fanboy's home park) is the fastest.
  19. 1-right distal radius. I slipped backward and put out my hands to break the fall-didn't work. At least I'm not the most danger-prone TPR member.
  20. Well, against my better judgment, I read through that thread and I only have a few points to make: 1. TPR is a business, is it not? Registered travel agency-like, and then a smaller online store. Is it a crime to organize great trips for many people many times a year, pull it all together, and make a bit of money off of it to sustain yourself? No. Isn't it also true that the expenses from keeping TPR ad-free and running dip out of that profit? They're ranting because you have enough brains to make it all work out. Your trips look amazing and I'm sure they're even better for the lucky few that take them a year. It's not your fault that they're lazy and do nothing for themselves. You take it to the next level and do it for others. You could have simply never done any of this, the site, trips, and kept it all for yourself. But you chose to share your success. Chroniq (sorry for spelling, Chris) is nearly the sole voice of reason there. Others made valid points, of course, but some seemed to have double-standards. 2. I seriously doubt that you are an embezzler, you don't seem the type. While myself and others don't always agree with you, we don't blatantly throw a hissyfit of gargantuan proportions with little evidence to support it. The respectable members here show their discontent with reason in a calm manner. Admittedly, I don't always side with you either, but if we did all agree on everything, their wouldn't be much reason for discussion at all. Or really even the forums. Differing opinions aren't horrid by a long shot, but it seems that the manner in which they were presented by those was the flaw. Your methods of moderation here are strict, but thank goodness! We'd have some terrible mess like them if you didn't crack down. Should things get out of hand here, you take rational measures. I was called out on another site for requesting someone to use correct grammar instead of "text talk" as it was a bit of a pain to read. I'm thankful for many of the relatively high standards you ask of us. 3. It doesn't make anybody a bad person to lose their temper. That is total BS. As if they don't get mad every now and then, surely enough they try to make something out of that relating to bad parenting. I don't see how this holds any water. You have a disclaimer at the bottom of ever page, for goodness sake. PG-13. That means stay out if you have an issue with it! They ignore this for some odd reason. I side with Robb here. The false and/or exaggerated accusations on their part prove their immaturity. Thank you Robb for this great site and the opportunities that you give us. I am able to live vicariously through your trips.
  21. I know this is a little late in the game to ask questions, but here goes: Elissa: was there ever a place that you were denied access to as a woman? Is the UAE that conservative?
  22. If only Disney could counter-sue the parents for sheer stupidity...If people were smart enough to warn their child this wouldn't happen.
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