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Everything posted by mightbeawannabe

  1. ^I agree. The writer was clearly pushing a concept to try to prove a point. A point that wasn't very well executed. There was very little to back anything up. The quotes were carefully selected and misused. The writer is basing this grand assumption from a few negative quotes, poor backup indeed. No mention of the water parks that are continuing to thrive, and the most modern innovations were carelessly looked over.
  2. Big Mike, I would like to enter the contest because my favorite part of your road show is all the cool things you do and the fun prizes you give away.
  3. Well, did he say it in American? Why are the most rewarding things in your daily life the hardest to get?
  4. No, but I am in French. Do you play the piano?
  5. That ship looks amazing! I cannot believe the level of detail that they put into this... They really went all out with it. I'm dying to go on a Disney cruise now. EDIT: Oops. I guess I wasn't supposed to post then...I didn't realize it was locked. Sorry!
  6. Gonna chime in on some names here: Kelvin Absolute (as in absolute zero which is 0 K/-273.15 C/-459.7 F) Entropy (as in minimum entropy. Same as ^) Are these too sciency for you?
  7. ...Gets a blood-squirting corpse in a vending machine repairman uniform. Inserts a blood-squirting corpse in a vending machine repairman uniform...(I'm so original )
  8. ...Gets a flying cow. Inserts a sh!tting donkey...
  9. Amazing work! How long have you been at this? My only real complaint is that everything follows a grid...change the way ToT faces maybe, I think it'll make it look more 'Disney.' Or possible make the intersecting street not quite perpendicular, maybe a 70 degree angle, just something to break it up a bit. I love what you already have, though!
  10. That waterpark looks like a genuinely amazing version of Schlitterbahn with all those lines attached by water.
  11. ...Gets a slab of rubber and a gust of hot air out of its mouth. Inserts mother..
  12. Gets nothing... *Inserts a flaming bag of dog shit...
  13. I found these. The first one pains me to look at.
  14. No. If I steal it, it's no longer yours. It's not yours until you watermark it and if you don't it it becomes mine. Do my answers make sense?
  15. There's no such thing as a dumb question. But there are dumb answers, so they are obviously trying to disprove their existence. Same way women try to do with their farts. What happens if I pour spot-remover on my neighbor's dog? Will he die?
  16. You already joined, so that's halfway there!
  17. We already have custom-shaped tunnels. The construction kit makes rounder ones (it's now free, simply go to nolimits-exchange.com and look under news. It has key in the link the article takes you to), and almost any tunnel shape can be make with the tunnel maker. Available here.
  18. Hell has frozen over. EBL said "53th" and "52rd" in the same post. Double grammar blunder from the Stalin of grammar!
  19. ^Don't you mean 28? I can clearly see those four large wheels are vital to keeping the vehicle on the track. Psh. Clearly these educated people they have operating the ride can't even count past 25. /GP-sarcasm
  20. The same guy had MPD, and in one he was a German science geek and in the other a boatman from Missouri. They traveled between the two places by a teleporter invented by the Einstein personality, and Mark Twain wrote books for his other self to read until Mark Twain died. The Einstein part of him died in 1955 without any books to read for fun. Why does Hollywood like digging up a bunch of old actors and throwing them into a new movie based off of a series when the original series was better?
  21. No, it's stupidity on their part. Do you agree?
  22. Once upon a time, there was a muffaluffagus. It died. Fin. WTF is a muffaluffagus?
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