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Everything posted by mightbeawannabe

  1. This is looking sexy for a small coaster! It just has that 'look' to it. Not really twisty, but like some people said, it looks like a classic ride.
  2. Excellent thus far! The best looking and most promising recreation of it yet!
  3. Yes. Have you ever done something so embarrassing you would completely deny it not moments later?
  4. von Blankenburg-The Flying Eagle Played exquisitely by the Black Dyke Brass Band.
  5. Maybe do a really crazy flat ride...your own or pre-existing...
  6. Update Time! Look at it! It's amazing! And it proves that Apocalypse's pre-show turns people into zombies!
  7. Don't immediately assume that he's interested in you, he may just be trying to get a close friend. That's extremely vital. Someone he can trust no matter what. He's still the same person, if he wasn't hitting on you before, I'd wager he's not now. He probably wants to talk about it, hence why he wants to talk in private. This is coming from a closeted gay at pretty much the same age as you.
  8. ^^There's no national requirement. It differs between every school curriculum. But 2 or more years sure do look good on a college application!
  9. As a general rule of thumb-never go by the forces being green. It means nothing unless you have made the .cfg file with the correct parameters.
  10. ^I have a question, why would you patent a .nltrack file? It's just a game-not an innovation to the industry. And I wouldn't say NL is professional, there is NLPro, however it's not really professional either. It's an idea, yes, but is it really worth patenting? -my 2 cents. EDIT: It appears you don't use FVD in any form (Newton2 etc.), am I right?
  11. ^Many of those ARE in NL2! Yay! (sans custom cars and tracks and rides, that would be too complex and there would be a lot of bad models out there) Gerst-hasn't that one been posted? Perhaps not, but it's been around since the 5th of November. I can't wait for the next update, whenever it shows up. But perfection must not be rushed. EDIT: here's the update.
  12. This one looks fun, but I don't have RCT2 unfortunately. How long until we see a NL contest?
  13. What? I have no clue what you're talking about.... But congrats! (To be honest, I'm not exactly out, except for here really.)
  14. What? Gravy's supposed to be eaten? All this time I thought it was a beverage...
  15. I think I've said it...I'm gay. I may have already said it, so if nothing else it was reaffirmed.
  16. Is Six Flags planning on doing any other woodies? Boss have it in the plan?
  17. I don't think he needs one...he's already supposedly lacking in social-butterflyness. He doesn't need facebook to glue him to the screen.
  18. ^^^Forgive me, I didn't write what I meant to. It was the acceleration forces that die off somewhat from the initial push. Regardless of when the maximum speed is reached. I must've gone off of a whim that they lose energy as they go on (the catchar slowing ever so slightly), and then the train slows slightly due to friction. I really have no idea why I wrote that earlier though. Pardon my apparent ignorance. Gosh-I really need to preview what I comment more often... But yes, the speculation is rather pointless.
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