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Everything posted by mightbeawannabe

  1. Yes I do, as a matter of fact. Do you like to just watch YouTube videos for hours?
  2. Glad to see it's coming along nicely! I wonder what the GP will say about it, though..."Look! They repainted the Scream Machine!"
  3. Well, chat doesn't seem to be working for me. I don't know if it's the same for others or not. Anyways,I click the link, login, and then the page loads without any replies or online members being displayed, even though it ways there were 4 people in there. If it does happen to load entirely, I type something, and if I type something again before the previous one shows up, they sometimes get out of order. This startup problem only started this week, and I can usually get around it by reloading. Now it won't even get past looking up themeparkreview.com. I'm on Firefox now, cleared my cookies, and tried IE. None of them work. Any insight or help?
  4. I'm curious, is anyone else just keeping this tab and refreshing it every minute or so to see how the poll's going?
  5. Nothing out of the norm for TPR, I guess. Have we run out of witty questions yet?
  6. I say keep it. It's nice to have some change every now and then. Costertube banner getting a similar treatment? Because I like the current one.
  7. I like the latest version above all the previous variations, but is it possible to make the yellow outline a wee bit thinner? I also like the previous gradient, but I don't believe that would work with the outline...
  8. Nice addition of the coaster, man! I didn't think one would fit last night, and I was wrong.
  9. Predecessor to powered coasters or DIY rides? Both? Anyways, I think it's interesting.
  10. So today is your birthday...what are the best things that happened to to you/you received on your birthday in years past?
  11. Pardon my double post, but people need to learn to just shut up at the appropriate time. My mother and her crazy obsession with everyone's personal thoughts and feelings tried so very hard to out me today. I hate lying, but I just am not ready to answer her questions truthfully. She, a homophobe, takes things WAY too far.
  12. People that have absolutely no desire to learn. BAM!
  13. I wonder if he knows that unless it's a powered coaster it would kill you....Ever heard of force vector design? Yeah, it's pretty cool. And it can also prevent death and bodily damage due to gravitational forces. Glad this is only for kicks-and-grins, as I think it ruins the whole concept of a theme park. The chance to get away from the hustling and bustling cities, out a few miles and into a new world where you have no work, worries, or frets about the outside world is the summer dream. You can relax or pump as much adrenaline through your body as you possibly can. This skyscraper, in the middle of a smoggy, disgusting, loud and [presumably] dangerous city for little tykes, with its high, winding walkways and questionable attractions would just ruin it all for me. There's no atmosphere or greenery in sight and I can't stand heights like this is calling for. It scares me to death, even the looks of some water play structures at water parks look rather tedious to traverse to me. In short, the concept is bound for Mars. Yes, I mean beyond the MOON!
  14. Marielgates-I'm not sure Batman was the only ride salvaged, wasn't the space shot/turbo drop sent to Great Escape? The Mega Zeph trains, RRE, the chaos, Pontchartrain flyers and Voodoo something were salvaged too, right?
  15. Isn't there an Autobahn that goes through the Black Forest? Or near it in Baden-Wurttemberg?
  16. ^Since when does Disney get more than one ride or so out of $168 million? This seems like a more lazy (read economical) approach to something dealing with Disney. We might end up with something, here.
  17. Off topic: Someone actually recreated these? That would be very interesting to have a look at. On topic: The design looks amazingly better than their other inversion coasters, but, like someone said, it's probably already on its way to China. The chances of an American park buying this are slim to none. But it would be awesome!
  18. Awesome! Always a good thing to get more POVs from Robb. P.s. How did you add the accent?
  19. I'd rather sell one to the other.....But would rather close Cedar Fair, and sell as many rides as possible to other companies. Would you rather go to Japan or China?
  20. Are there any others you're looking for? Also, do they have to be French? I know quite a few Dutch and German terms.
  21. Great idea you have here! I like that each is small enough to count each park kind of as its own land. P.s.-Kansas City, MO is misplaced on the map. It's actually where the North-South border of Missouri meets the wiggly border (the Missouri River).
  22. Haha! I'm not really sure of what they're doing either, but it's noteworthy.
  23. -Kat Jone's calculus grade. Well, the whole ordeal. -Hard Rock Park. -Six Flags filing Chapter 11.
  24. ^If anybody would, I hope it's not Stengel. He's what? 75? That's getting a bit old...But with luck, a new company will emerge and offer up some competition with the biggies. Better rides for us! EDIT: He's 74.
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