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Everything posted by mightbeawannabe

  1. I would recommend getting the track in place primed, moving into it's final shape, then airbrushing or spray painting with the supports masked. This way you won't have to handle it hardly at all once it's been painted. Also, it that your final drop shape? If so, please fix it before calling it good, and then do my suggestion-
  2. Go download the ride! OR.... go here. Have fun my new toy! (Am I the only one that thinks this sounds sexual? ) I know I was 2 hours late, sorry 'bout that....
  3. US Canada Mexico Jamaica Bahamas Pretty pathetic when compared to the guy above me...
  4. No- the station is made out of supports, and the trees are .env. There is a .3ds fence around the far end of the ride, but that's parkpack. I don't really know how to make .3ds...I've tried, but they're beyond me. EDIT: I forgot to mention it will be released on Sunday, at approximately 7:00 PM/6:00c
  5. Firstly: Thank you anyone that PMed me to be a tester! Secondly: Full picture update on the ride, La Lavandière (a French variant of the midnight washerwomen from Scottish/Irish mythology see here for more info). I've been granted exclusive access to view the newly completed ride...upon arriving to the park, I catch this view: invertc2-110603163124000-1.bmp It seems they've started without me.... invertc2-110603163217001-2.bmp La Lavandière-through the trees! invertc2-110603163303002-3.bmp As I move closer in, I catch the train swinging through the last bit of the ride. invertc2-110603163403003-4.bmp But by moving a few steps, I catch the second train barreling through the first helix.... invertc2-110603163425004-5.bmp ...before missing the next few shots and ending up with this fail. invertc2-110603163453005-6.bmp The photography gods must be smiling on me, as a second chance started clinking up the hill. invertc2-110603163524006-7.bmp The train entering the bottom of the pullout. invertc2-110603163544007-8.bmp Soaring over my head through the immelmann... invertc2-110603163624008-9.bmp After taking a slight break to find a new location to shoot from, I get this semi-disorienting pic. invertc2-110603163631009-10.bmp Lazy. Didn't move a muscle to snap this one... invertc2-110603163741010-11.bmp Ooo, ooo, ooo! Other train floating right over my head! invertc2-110603163750011-12.bmp Corkscrew-how are you? invertc2-110603163808012-13.bmp Aw...my sweetheart left me. Too good to be true anyways..........sigh. invertc2-110603163912013-14.bmp Luckily they're lining up at the door. invertc2-110603163937014-15.bmp Missed by THAT much! invertc2-110603164026015-16.bmp ^ Part deux. invertc2-110603164057016-17.bmp Twisty!!! invertc2-110603164131017-18.bmp Another viewing point-but it didn't really produce any good pics. invertc2-110603164537000-19.bmp But THIS one did! invertc2-110603164604001-20.bmp aaannnnnnd....ROLL OVER! invertc2-110603164611002-21.bmp Good boy! invertc2-110603164706003-22.bmp Just a quick pic from the station. invertc2-110603164734004-23.bmp To get these shots, I was let into the helicopter that was being used to film promo video for the ride...but the foggy morning didn't give what they were hoping to get. Really ruins the shots when Mother Nature throws up her middle finger at us... invertc2-110603164751005-24.bmp ... invertc2-110603164812006-25.bmp Not TOO bad...right? invertc2-110603164821007-26.bmp As we fly away, I catch one last shot-turned out really bad due to the poor weather. Sigh.
  6. -Amazing analogy. Finally get to use that one!
  7. We live in a changing world, and soon we'll all be treated 100% equally, not like we're second class citizens anymore(which unfortunately the US is on the better end of equality for us compared to Africa and the Middle East). It'd be great if every 1 person=1 person exactly. No more or less. It's on the way- Being gay isn't being , "OMGeez! Totally check dis out gurl!" It's being sexually attracted to the same sex-so why you would need to defended yourself like that is pathetic. Just be yourself and don't let what others may think get in your way. Live and let live. I know people think I'm gay, and I'll let them continue to think that, because they're generally more smart or observant people in the world. And I won't denounce the truth.
  8. ^Why would people assume that if you don't have a girlfriend you're gay? It's like the world forces guys to get one and when they don't have one they always try to defend their sexuality like they're trying to hide something ...Not having a girlfriend doesn't make you gay, and having one doesn't make you straight. People do the craziest things to cover sh!t up that doesn't really need to be. But good for you for just giving up for now instead of doing what everyone else is doing!
  9. ^^Nor could I. It hurts my eyes. I'm only assuming as to what may have been said. No real way to tell.
  10. Listening to all the people b!tch and moan about it for the whole hour even though it only lasts 4 seconds. What's worse than walking up to somebody, and saying "Hello sir" and it was a woman?
  11. ^In those comments, I see a LOT of stupid: 1. Turn off the volume, genius! 2. I can't speak for Robb, but we'll assume he doesn't. 3. And if he did? 4. Well, show yourself. Don't criticize others without letting them criticize you too. Anyways, my GP gem: In a Youtube comment for X2....facepalm. In the same park as Superman!
  12. I love the front page the way it is! Don't make a drastic change. It's dark, simple yet elegant, and functional. It would make it sooo much harder to read if the general color palette were to get brighter. If you change something, maybe make the announcements be able to drop down, or relocate/remove the search bar. The updates start too far down the page for my taste...but a major streamlining isn't necessary at all. People that complain about it looking too old seem to be focusing on aesthetics more than functionality and ease-of-use. My 2 cents.
  13. Alright-the ride has been completed. Supports, sizing and all.I won't show anyone just yet-I'll do a full update on Friday. PM me if you're interesting in being a tester!
  14. Why not go the full 90 degrees and broad pullout? Dive machines tend to only stay at their max degree for a few feet at most, then gradually pulling out. If this isn't possible with this new prefab system, see what you can do.
  15. A coaster that was never built. What's worse than the class idiot signing up for an academic event?
  16. Being tied to a tree in Joplin in the direct path of a tornado...........and living. Eh-maybe that was in poor taste... What's worse than a slow computer?
  17. It's too bad that you're gonna stop...I'd really like to see this continued in some form until the end of 2011. It'd be a shame for it to all but disappear.
  18. Could you explain this to me? I think I know what you're saying, but it's a tad confusing. As to the thickness of the supports, instead of making a custom sized support, I went with relative approximations. Yes, in real life, extra large and the large supports are bigger than in real life, but they are by far the closest. If I knocked all them down a size, it would look really spindly and undersized. I may play around with custom sizes in the end, however. Thank you! C'mon, folks! Gotta have a few more people posting here!
  19. Mahler's 5th. I also intend on listening to Vaughn William's 1st later on tonight. Yes, I'm listening to two very lengthy symphonies in one night.
  20. Not taking the test. What's worse than an addictive screamer in with a room full of hyperstressed people?
  21. ^Thank you. It would seem as though every person that I've shown this to says it reminds them of another coaster. So far there have been no repeats. Small update today: Just support work on the lift and from the immelman up to the corkscrew. invertc2-110528181004000-10.bmp Supported immelman- invertc2-110528181046001-11.bmp What isn't shown in the first picture. invertc2-110528181116002-12.bmp Another bird's eye shot. The more and more that gets supported, the more photogenic it looks.
  22. ^But there's only 1 operator's panel & row of gates, and no division in the brickwork. That's why I found it odd.
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