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Everything posted by mightbeawannabe

  1. SFDK, but I've never been to either. Would you rather have a bomb under your bed or a grenade down your throat?
  2. ^Ah...I used successful as a synonym for popular/enjoyable. But I guess that might be plausible.
  3. ^Maybe he meant the first really exciting and less 'meh' installation. X-LR8 was pretty much 'meh' both directions, so I've heard.
  4. ^I never said that it wasn't a non-existent disorder (not disease, sorry, I had a brain fart), but it is a disorder that is often made out to be much more than it is. I meant that it can be, for the most part, controlled and subtle. It isn't a fatal, chronic, un-treatable disorder that prevents one from being able to stand in line. All of those diagnosed with it that I personally know never take medication.
  5. FMP? Water under the bridge, it was risky, and then the guitar, further leading me to FMP. The picture is of John Mellencamp... I'm certain it's not possible to win yet, however. It shouldn't be that easy.
  6. Well, I found the picture, but only by changing the URL of the previous dead end.... I will now reverse engineer it.
  7. ^They should be treated as normal guests, not special. Many people can pay to bypass a line, but no park administration would ever allow it. Makes no difference as to who gets to cut. It's not allowed. Period. ADHD is a BS disease, and if it is significant, take your damn medication!
  8. They were stubborn A$$es. When will normal donkeys become phased out on TPR for shitting donkeys?
  9. Do I have to spell it out for you? Y-A-H-O-O-! Actually it was "commissioned" by the U.S. government after the launch of Sputnik I to get ahead of the U.S.S.R. in technology. Why did scientists create hypothetical tachyons?
  10. ^Then you're certain to have a child as cool as KidTums. [hint: 1:1000 = .001; 1000:1 = 1000 ]
  11. Magnetic mostly, but those can't completely stop a train, so friction tires and/or friction brakes are still needed.
  12. -$450 thus far -candy -2 books of Schubert's leider -some CDs -a few DVDs -even though I've had it for 3 months, my rebuilt Yamaha U1 (piano). It takes up a vast majority of my Christmas (and probably the next couple). EDIT: Forgot these: -gift cards -two books -and more candy
  13. Excuse me shekschee-I think you're beautiful. It doesn't look like a great deal of work has been done since the last pictures, but, these are pretty high quality shots.
  14. The one and only on the one and only.... Very strange video.
  15. ^That seems to be the norm. NL is hardly ever discussed, RCT3 about double the amount of NL, and then RCT2 about quadruple that. It's kind of annoying that everyone is always discussing-and-fussing-and-cussing RCT2. It's a great game, but there are other great games to play and talk about.
  16. You should wait until Christmas...after the due time, and if there isn't a last-minute entry, wait until tomorrow afternoon-ish to reveal the winner. It's due at midnight, so wait until at least tomorrow.
  17. Oooo...Ahhhh....Pretty.... Can we see a non-compressed version, pretty, pretty please...?
  18. Is there even any SM ride on the exchange? EDIT: I lied. There is ONE SM ride on the exchange.
  19. AJ-Those do look marvelous, but is there any way to have NL, SM, and RCT3 representations too? Or have individual RCT1/2, RCT3, NL, SM etc. banners, pending on the user. Those RCT2 ones do look wonderful as is! Just have one like that for each game (that you have).
  20. I don't know, but a friend of mine sees her as an idol. His vision's obviously blurred. Why are jerks always trying to intimidate weaker (and occasionally challenged) people?
  21. No, I attempted to upload during the preview period just after you showed us the pic in the preview thread. It's not in the exchange except under my name that I just uploaded. I don't think I ever had a thread...It was only this late summer/fall.
  22. How does Maverick hurt? Rotational forces causing your ears to bang really hard on the harness? I haven't ridden Maverick, but I've ridden others with the same harness...Glass smooth for me.
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