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Everything posted by djcoastermark

  1. ^ could very well be. While I really enjoy this coaster, I still feel that the location at GL made the ride a bit superior. But I still love it.
  2. ^^ Maybe if they would just STRIP all the wood away and expose the magnets it wood RISE faster?
  3. Oh Wow, Imagine then you could have a mix of a interactive GP ski show with an aquatrax. I dont have photoshop, but put these 2 pics together and there you go ! (bonus rides for the Guy T K topless version)
  4. Perfect coasterbill ! You just proved why we coasternuts are who we are and wont let anything stop us ! Great story, love it .
  5. O/t a bit, Boldikus, we also ran into that annoying ACER and had the dickens of a time getting away from it.
  6. Ok Mr Boldikus, never really thought much of going to that area, but you have intrigued me. We go to DC a lot and it isn't that far for a trip to Moreys, SFGA and now Playland. The New coaster at Playland looks great. BTW, my first visit to SFA was in sept of 2014 and I didn't realize you were there at the same time. Being a bit shy, I thought i recognized you but being unsure and a bit shy, I was afraid to say hello. It wasn't until We saw your trip report that I kinda kicked myself for not saying hello. The station pic you took of Superman, well, we were the 2 guys waiting for our first ride ever on Superman in the back seat. bod's pic
  7. I've said it before, Yes if you move into a development next to a pig farm, don't expect the area to smell like a bakery. (true case in fla where people sued over the smell, sheesh) Or people living near BGT, who fought against Falcons Fury because they didn't want to hear the screams all day and night. (to be honest, you cannot hear any noise from it out side the park ,even in the the parking lots, other than the drop machinery) You moved there, you knew it ! I can see exceptions ,like Illegal activities, say you find the house next door you moved into is a crack house. Then one has a legit beef.
  8. I feel the same. I would like to get all ga ga over this but I won't until , in the words of Carol King," I feel the earth move, under my feet... " or something like that.
  9. And really, the 2 "smallest ' parks, Animal Kingdom and Studios, have plenty of room to grow in terms of making them totally full day parks. I don't mean land wise, I mean activity wise. I think a fifth gate wouldn't happen until all the parks there get a little closer to their fullest potential.
  10. Ok, close enough for me. Most people ( gp) can't fathom what a rollback is and are really freaked out by it so once or twice every few weeks would be enough for some to freak out over, not realizing it isn't a big deal.
  11. Wait, I dont get it. I can't ride a chance ride if i am not married? I guess I'll have to take a chance and get married to ride a chance ride, I guess, perchance.
  12. As far as additional parks, there's Wild Adventures in Valdosta Ga, off I75 south of Atlanta. Yes, the drive from Atlanta to the beaches in the St Pete/ Clearwater area is a long boring drive. If you go to Clearwater beach, the sunset celebration at the pier is fun. Full of Buskers and trinket stands set up for sunsets. I haven't been to the new "largest" Mickey D's, But I'm sure it will be just as crazy fun as the old one. The kids will go ape over it, it is nuts, busy, loud, it' s Mickey D's, on steroids, and when you do finally leave, you're going to want a good stiff drink when you get back to your hotel.
  13. good choice. Great flats, and good coasters all around, plus a few good food choices too. If you're heading to CP after, you might think about a small detour for a quick and very cheap stop at Conneaut.
  14. I always thought Frontier Lift was the better and longer of the 2 skyrides at the park. not my photo
  15. Hey prozy, just because you are of the privileged class that doesn't have to worry about going somewhere you don't have to be in fear or be discriminated against for who you are, please top with the P/A attitude. Post all the pics you want. There are plenty of other coasters just as good, if not better in places where everyones $ is welcome without predjudice.
  16. And don't forget, if you are making the trek from Cheeta to Shiekra, the skyride is your friend. Your feet and your kids will thank you.
  17. ^ yes, they do sell individual ride tickets. Another option you may not have been aware of is the anniversary sale they have every year. (I am assuming they will again this year.) The deal is usually on a saturday early to mid June-ish. The cost of an wrist band is the same as that years anniversary. This will be year 17, so the cost will most likely be $17. The band is good for a year and can be purchased online. Just print out your ticket and redeem at the ticket booth. This is a much cheaper option and gets you lots of re-rides.
  18. This looks like a great coaster. Airtime, speed ,close encounters, I am looking forward to riding. great pics!
  19. Meh, don't care for chocolate. Okay, okay, before y'all pull out the daggers, just kidding. Looks like a fun concept that will get a few of my bucks.
  20. Would loved to have been there. I've been a Roy Ayers fan since waaayy back when. Thanks for posting.
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