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Everything posted by djcoastermark

  1. BDG, you just caused me to, um want to go there more than I can express here on tpr. that looks beyond wonderful words.
  2. Oh no please don't open that can of (itllneveropen ) worms again.
  3. oh that ham looks good. Did you try the Tuna Poke ? It sounds fantastic. Two of my favorites, tuna and seaweed salad.
  4. ^^ Well, if you zoom out on google maps you will see there are lots of oddities, like Johnson' s Island across the bay from the point. All kinds of innuendos in the area. So no need to apologize. A bit of history, Johnsons Island was a prisoner of war camp for confederate officers during the civil war. So, See, I can snicker like a school kid, but can also not be a dumb blonde all the time.
  5. You don't have to travel very far from the Breakers to get to the entrance by Magnum. I am not good at making paint maps but I can tell you, go to google maps and keep zooming in. The entrance is near the cinnabon by soak city. If you pass soak city you've gone too far. You can go through the parking lot at the breakers or walk the beach area for a small bit before you see the area that becomes soak city. It's hard to tell on the map because you go under the perimiter road and check in with your pass. Scope it out when you do the Let's check the layout of the hotel and entrances. We did and found it easy enough to get oriented. Plus the front desk at the breakers are really good at giving you directions upon checkin, just ask and they are more than willing to assist.
  6. Nrthwnd, That coaster is on my bucket list. I was in Vanc. in early april one year, so it was a no go. Love those old classic coasters. And yes, they sure don't make them like that anymore.
  7. Other than the usual stuff, watching sunrise on the beach is pretty cool from the breakers, and watching the whole park waking up. Get to the early entry gates by 8:45 at the latest ( or earlier if it's busy) and enjoy early entry, It's nice to have the park that quiet crowd wise.
  8. Sheesh, Left Dangling. Oh brother. That headline makes it sound like they were falling out of their seats only to be held on by a thin strap or beltloop. Gotta love sensationalism.
  9. Oh gawd, I saw the full length uncut version of that movie at a theater back in the 90's and still have nightmares.
  10. ^ I thought it a rather odd question too, as I was thinking of the food at the park. I've heard of chocolate covered ants, fried crickets, but never mosquitoes. Hmm, maybe a new food concept I wasn't aware of at BGT, The Zika Grille? But to be serious, I've never noticed any problems the the little nasty biters in the park In all the years I've been going.
  11. Oh no no no . Knowing what I do about Mt O, why does this sound WAY to similar to the "It's A Da Pee" episode of South Park? (season 13 episode 14) I'm all for IP at theme parks but this is too much.
  12. Ejot, the entrance by cinnabon/soak city is the entrance you will want to use. It sort of puts you smack dab in the middle back of the park. The entrance by Windseeker is way up front near Wicked Twister and Gatekeeper. We always used the Soak city /Magnum entrance as it is so much closer to Maverick, TTD and Millenium Force and of course Magnum. If you haven't been, just grab a map upon entering to orient yourself.
  13. So good to see Crown Colony is reopening. We have gone for the Xmas day buffet for the past 2 years and loved it. The food was great, more than ample, and reasonably priced ($14.99) Plus the addition of a bottle of wine and a view, perfection. Plus what could be better than dinner, walk down the steps and a few paces to Cheetah Hunt or Montu ? (and now Cobra's Curse)
  14. Yep, I agree, Their Paratrooper is the most messed up fun one I've ever been on. It is a (scary) blast. Good to see your shot of White Lightning with its new lights. I was driving west on I-4 at night and it looks really cool. The whole length has those cool lights and really draws your attention.
  15. Interesting. For as long as I have been going to CP (and thats many many years) that area has always been a rather dead spot in the park.
  16. ^ to let them get a good nights sleep before the next days grueling workout.
  17. I agree,their log flume is really good. And Bert, your pic with you seated on Black Widow was as close to riding it we ever got. We got on, around 9:15 pm, just as in your pic, lowered the restraint, and just sat there. The ops stopped anyone else from entering. After about 8 minutes or so, they released the restraints and announced that the ride would be closed for the rest of the day. So, we did get "on" the ride, but that is it. Bummed out about that.
  18. I hit my 100th coaster long before the interwebby was around and didn't know that was a thing to hit 100 back then. I've tried to count all the coasters I've ridden but just gave up, too many. Just ride 'em and have a blast. It's kinda like loosing, oh sorry, this a family site
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