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Everything posted by djcoastermark

  1. Cedar Downs, not a bad ride at all for being almost 100 years old. obvously not my photo
  2. Mr Corn, It's not that it is a bad ride per say, It is a real waste of potential. It is sort of like and escalator or an elevator. It gets you from point a to point b with a bit of scenery. I never got off an escalator and said , oh that was fun, let's do it again. (well maybe as a kid horsing around) Likewise that sums up the Penguin ride.
  3. Love The TR of KI. It was sort of my home park when I lived in Columbus O. Nowadays My Husbot and I go to Kings Dominion at least 2x a year because that's where he is from. It is always a mind trip because everything is in the wrong place for me. Just as it is for my BF. We both feel like we entered some weird time warp between the two. Everything is in the wrong place for both of us, sort of like a lsd trip in a way. ( disclaimer, not from experience, just how I would imagine it to be) very confusing yet fun.
  4. Chcemy Ci pogratulować Lech Coaster ! Looks great ! Życzę powodzenia w przyszłości i samych sukcesów. Putting Poland on the destination map?
  5. BUNNIES ! Who doesn't love bunnies ? Parks need more bunny theming. Cool Pics. Should be interesting.
  6. I was always taught in my Ohio History classes in jr high, that we were the start of the midwest. Being that we lived east of Cleveland it was very confusing because we were also told we were the foothill region of the Appalachians. Where I lived had tall steep hills. No wonder us Ohio bred boys are a bit screwed up. Btw, the western end of Ohio is flat as a pancake, very midwestern. Also, Love your TR on Kennywood. One of my favorite parks.
  7. Just a quick note. It seems the park if finally showing a profit after 20 years of not. Maybe there's hope. The water slides are scheduled to re-open the first week of August too. Blue Streak has lots of new wood including the lift and first hill. An article about the new profit can be found here. http://www.sharonherald.com/news/state/bankrupt-conneaut-lake-park-starting-to-make-money/article_787a57e6-e8c7-5270-9b22-be648a224240.html
  8. It always amazes me that the original Flying Turns was built in 1929, with the largest opening in 1930 at Euclid Beach. It still boggles the mind how they did it back then with no computer assistance or any of our modern tech.
  9. according to NOAA, lightning can strike 10 to 15 miles away from the storm. I myself have seen lightning strike when the sky around me was fairly clear but a storm was in the area. Better to be safe than sorry. Yes sometimes it seems as though a park is being too cautious, but in today's sue happy society.......
  10. ^^ yeah, that paratrooper has to be the most insane out of control, my god is it supposed to run that fast, scary ride forwards and backwards. I ride it every time I go.
  11. ^ I forgot about Shells and I live here. Tho to be honest they almost disappeared in the mid 2000's. They are on a slowly expanding comeback. They were always good in a cool retro way. Glad you went, it's on my list now to go to soon.
  12. ^Thanks for giving me the biggest laugh of the week. I couldn't imagine. I'm still laughing.
  13. Iron Dragons line usually closes at 9 pm because it is in the fireworks launch zone at the end of the night.
  14. ^^^ L/R, keep in mind the rides at Conneaut don't open til noon. Hit it up then and you will still have plenty of time for Waldemeer.
  15. I miss the old Fairy Land Forest that was at Conneaut years ago. Maybe he should have tried for that angle. Either way, after the first wave or two of "guests" I don't see much success. Sort of like the holey land experience in Orlando. I had some religious relatives down for a visit who went and they really felt ripped off by the whole thing. I tried to warn them, before they went, even showed them Erik and S's TR. but.....
  16. The Crown Colony is now called Serengeti Overlook I believe. Good choice for a relaxing meal. The buffet has always been good to me. Also i's a good choice if it rains. or you need a good cooling off. Dragonfire is ok too. It's more of a food court and will get really busy if it rains. For a snack, get the bacon pretzel be Falcons Fury, its yummy.
  17. ^ Kangaroo is one not to be missed. It is just a giant laugh fest, riding or watching. The Whip is one of the best one out there and yes, the train is pretty cool too. Bayern Kurve is a great oldie too. I am also partial to their log flume ride, though the line does get long. Kennywood has lots of neat old rides that you really must try. There is just so much, enjoy as much as you can, you'll be sold.
  18. Even creepier than an old man by himself at legoland. Just sayin
  19. The brewery, the trail and Knoebels, what an ideal trip. Now that's what travelling is all about !
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