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Everything posted by djcoastermark

  1. I love Noahs Ark. It must be the very last of the old school fun houses left in the USA. I don't know how they get away with it, but I hope it never ends, it is just so much silly old fashioned fun. We have such a laugh fest in it last year.
  2. I saw that too and was wondering why it was so under the radar. Looks like a great addition, tho I wish it was going to the Orlando one. BTW, This Saturday, june 11 is the 18 year anniversary bash. Tickets for both parks can be bought for 18 dollars each, and you can buy multiple tickets on site or on line. Great deal.
  3. Best strategy with Exterminator is to head there first at rope drop. (It's a hike) Barring any delays in opening you can get in and out within a few minutes. Yes It's tempting to hit the other coasters on the way, but I found this way to work best. Like any park, you go the opposite way of the crowds.
  4. Neat looking park. Coaster thru the clouds looks like it has a good first drop. nice posting.
  5. oh god,me want to go now! Yikes, that looks fantastic !
  6. Exterminator is a blast. You did miss a good twist on a standard spinning mouse. Being in the dark, with the special effects, makes it what I would rate as the best of the mices today.
  7. If you are going to J. Island you should take the route around Marblehead Peninsula and stop for a picnic lunch at the Marblehead Lighthouse. The setting is beautiful. Reminds me of Maine in a way, very rocky and did I say beautiful ? I have spent many a day there from the time I was a kid and never tire of the peace , serenity and sometimes violent nature of the lake from there. It is truly a magical spot. Also , If you are in Port Clinton, just a little west,on the beach, you have to try Jolly Rogers for the best damn fresh perch sandwich you will ever eat ! To the east in Vermillion is Old Prague which has great duck and Czeck food. not my pic soo good
  8. ^ I too don't care for trims. If it's a MCBR, ok, but I still like the old style (mostly) wooden coasters that had no trims. I've always thought that if a coaster needed trims, why now build engineer it in the first place to not need one?
  9. If this rides anything like White Lightning, and it sure looks like it will, you are in for a fun little treat.
  10. ^^ and some people wonder why they don't get invited to many parties....
  11. ^ wow that menu looks great. Have you tried the lamb? That's what I like about the Busch parks, when they set their minds to it they come up with some really cool things. (food wise, not to forget theming, rides and asthetics)
  12. ^ yep , it is a bit of a drive, more of a side trip. But yes, I agree, there is some fantastic food at the docks. not my pic.
  13. Cedar point weekends = crazy crowded. Fastlane is a requisite. Weekends then are just as crazy, if not more, because it is the last chance most have before the season ends. If somehow you could switch your dates to the weekdays around then you would be far better off, but I know it's the ideal, just not feasible for most.
  14. Just adding my 2 cents. For some reason I have never been to DW. Always wanted to and was going to go last year but when I heard of LR, I decided to wait until this year. With the delays in opening, I'll just wait a little while longer. I've managed to somehow continue living this long , what's another month or two ?
  15. Screaming Swings are the best. I too, need one in my backyard. Can't get enough of them. TGW looks great too. Never been to Morey's but we're hoping to later this summer. I love seaside parks.
  16. It's CP, all the bugs are just as yummy. As evening falls , the muffleheads arise. You can't escape them anywhere on the coasters.
  17. IMHO, you picked the perfect way to do both parks, KD then BGW , both are worthy of full day visits. KD is more a traditional amusement park and BGW is more themed. You can't go wrong by doing both. Each has it's own special qualities and are both great.
  18. I would hit Volcano first thing. If you hit it right you can get several rerides before a long line forms. Dominator has longer lines in the am as it is the first most run to, By afternoon the lines have gone way down. Also Grizzly is best after dark. (thats kinda given with lots of woodies) And 305 is cool as heck in the dark too.
  19. Yes, Mean Streak and Gemini after dark are a bug eating gleuten free smackdabalicious paradise.
  20. Fandango is more of a fun and laugh giggle experience than the big models. Great fun like everything else there. Don't miss out on their Wipeout which is near it. It may not look like much, but boy is it good.
  21. Just a few of my faves, and not anywhere near all of them, Bacon Pretzels at BGT Fresh cut fries at Happy Friar, CP (honorable mention to Kennywood) Pierogies and potato pancakes and cotton candy as big as marge simpsons hair at Knoebels So many parks, so many choices. and these are just a few of the snacky foods I love,
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