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Everything posted by djcoastermark

  1. Congrats to the park to honor those that have been lost. It has been a very devastating day here in Fla. Much sadness.
  2. ^ thank you. a hug is much needed and appreciated right now.
  3. Why, Why, My gawd, when is this religious hatred going to end. Not just M and not just the C. People, the hate and carnage must end.
  4. To early for that. watch the news . The carnage of our brothers and sisters should be enough for the most gruesome of anyone. I do not want a trip report of that horror. NOT FUNNY AT ALL.
  5. ^ thank you . It's devastating as we go to Orlando all the time and club there. The police departments here in St Pete and Tampa are on a state of emegency for the LGBT establishments here today. It's intense and a very somber mood around here. I've never flown the gay flag here, but this morning I got my drill out and erected the US and gay flag. It was the very least I could do.
  6. As always, sad to see another Anton going away. This looks like the Looping Star that was for a short while making appearances on the fair circuit in the USA in the late 80's or early 90's. Does anyone remember or have pictures of it at the Ohio State Fair back then? It was definitely an Anton. The ride company set it up for trial runs at the old Goodings Zoo Amusement park. (Before it was Wyandotte Lake/Zoombezi Bay) for a couple of months before moving it to the State Fair. I am assuming it was on the Goodings carnival circuit then. I have tried to find information about it to not much success. At the time it made headlines in the paper as it was quite an impressive sight. The best I found was on a dead forum from the 90's asking if would be coming back, and that's about it. It was a great ride.
  7. While I really like KI, and I used to go there as often as the Point, several times a season. I don't think any CF park will surpass the location and immersiveness of CP with it's location on the lake. Especially if you stay on site. It truly is the "Queen Of American Watering Places."
  8. We did our trip to the Point last year (with stops at Kennywood, Waldemere and Conneaut). Stayed in a Queen room (mini suite) and It was worth every penny. One way to make the cost a bit easier to swallow is to pay online in installments. You can book your trip and make 4 monthly payments. We did, and it made it a lot easier to handle the costs, and left us with a lot more spending cash during the trip.
  9. That is one bizarre looking track. I am really going to keep my eye on this one, if for no other reason, just to see how in the heck it turns out.
  10. Huh, never heard of Cultus. Did a search and it looks like a cute little park.
  11. pfft 73. Just kidding. Took my parents to BGT who are in their mid 80's and they loved Cheetah Hunt. We got them a season pass and they used it more than we did. Trust me, you have lots of time to enjoy! The new additions look very interesting I might add.
  12. You will have no problem getting in the rides you want. It's a smaller park but quite nice and enjoyable. It has all the usual flats plus a few oddities like the dark ride and walk thru fun house. Oh, dont miss the drop tower. Be sure to get on the side facing Lake Erie. The view of the beach and lake is great.
  13. It's a new ride, it's going to have to work out the bugs. That's the nature of big ride projects. No big deal. I'll wait a while to let the kinks get worked out and the lines to die down a bit. Yes, I am very eager to ride it, but I can wait.
  14. ^^ ^ I did. I looks like some kind of steam punk bathtub and car wash/ laundry thing. It does not look to be a concert stage for a band. It looks like an interactive comedy type stage. Sorry to offend , but hey, the south does have some strangeness at times and that you can't deny. I live in the south btw, love some things and find other things puzzling.
  15. I thought it kinda looks like some weird laundry day bath tubby thingy. good to know, I guess, sometimes I don't understand the south.
  16. Old enough to know that I was going to Cedar Point BEFORE Blue Streak was even built.
  17. ^^ I am pretty old I guess. I also have a very weird uncanny memory for stuff when I was a kid. My relatives are always amazed at the things I know and remember that, hee hee, some wish I didn't. I can still remember my first coaster ride at 3 years old, down to every detail of the ride. It kinda freaks my parents out, this weird photo ADD memory I have. ( I'm glad I do though)
  18. Also, does this count as a credit ? The Monorail at Cedar Point. It was only there for a few years as it was in the exact location of the Blue Streak. A super super rare credit I got as a kid. Suspended monorail at CP
  19. History and rare credits here. This goes back a loooong way. Anybody remember when Cedar Point had 2, yes 2, wild mice? RCDB has Wild Mouse gone in 1962 but that is wrong, It was there for a long time after. I always rode both and preferred the Scamper version as it was the wooden one versus the steel Wild Mouse. Scamper was located where the current day Flying Bobs are and Wild Mouse was located near Blue Streak where also was the Calypso and Roto Jets at one time. Cool little known trivia. The sixties era of Cedar Point had several duplicate rides to handle the crowds I guess. Ie, Calypso and Tiki Twirl. Calypso had a much better light package at night. scamper steel mouse at CP
  20. That is one heck of a cool picture. Beautiful, beautiful !
  21. Sounds like a good plan too. Luckily we went on not too busy of a day, so it wasn't much of a wait for PR. We got lucky that way. After doing PR and Exterminator, don't miss out on the Whip next to Exterminator. It is one of the better ones out there, we rode it several times in a row before the line got long. Giggle fest all the way and really whips you around if you seat yourself just right.
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