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Everything posted by djcoastermark

  1. ^ Hey you forgot the crazy Wipeout. The best of the Wipeouts/trabants I've ever experienced. We spent the whole day there yet didn't get to see and do everything. Ran out of time. Can't wait to go back.
  2. I have to agree with Waldameer also. The view of the Lake Erie and beach from the top of RFII and the drop tower is one of the most stunning. As is the drive on the highway under RFII.
  3. Cool to see your pics of Canobie. It does look like a cool little park. Ye ole Boston area looks really good. Thanx.
  4. Gotta admit, the ads are catchy . (and fun) Thanks for giving me a chuckle.
  5. Sorry if I am overly promoting, but yeah, If you are in the Tampa Bay area, you have got to do this. A good thing to do when it is raining and BGT closes the park down. Hey, what else ya gonna do ?
  6. Like I said, I was confused as to what the whole thing was, even after watching the video. But I did it and I was blown away and finally understood. Like I said , it is sureal. Here is the local review. It describes, but doesn't clear things up, http://web.tampabay.com/things-to-do/events/what-its-like-to-swim-through-12-million-balls-at-the-beach-tampa/2288335
  7. The balls are not like your typical ball pit. they are very soft yet firm. Like I said, it is very very surreal. I don't know quite how describe it. It is not considered as a kids' ball pit but as more of an art installation. It is more geared to a more mature crowd, not little kiddies. I mean, c'mon, they serve beer. You just have to experience the wonderful weirdness of the whole thing. It is so very weird , beautiful and odd. you have to experience it to know how things just float away. It just does, Here is a link to the group that puts it on . And if this doesn't confuse y'all more.....
  8. Wofanatic person, I don't get something you said. You said the park "flat out sucks" and imply that the rides are a snoozefest & only has 1 ride that's worth anything, yet end your post by saying you have never been there ? Did I miss something ?
  9. There weren't a lot of restrictions that I could tell, other than use common sense. It seems as if everyone did. They have "lifeguards" stationed around and on the "pier". Ball tossing and splashing was going on all over. It really was a blast and very surreal. It is almost impossible to stand upright, but it's fun trying. You can jump off the pier, which is an odd feeling. Some were diving, though they don't recommend diving, but it is allowed. There's free fluffy fluffy's for valuables and is strongly recommended. If you lose something it will just float away and you will not find it, no way no how. They post signs up that if you lose something you won't be able to get it back until after the 26th when they "drain" the beach. Oh and another bonus is that you get a free scoop of ice cream too along with free parking. You can't believe the workout you will get from it either.
  10. Cool report. Looks like a fun little place to go to kill a few hours and get a park fix.
  11. Yea, not a big fan of most waterparks either. but, hey, at least it's not a chinese waterpark. Ish.
  12. I'm here! 2 words, lake water. I must say tho, the new paint job on the slides does look good. When I saw the slides last year my first thought was - no way are they going to resurrect that disaster of a slide complex.
  13. On a happier note. If anyone is visiting BGT during august and looking for something fun to do outside the park, check out The Beach at Amalie Arena downtown Tampa. ( The Ice Hockey arena). Today was opening day, we went and had a blast ! If you go, be prepared for one heck of a cardio workout. It's a free timed ticketed event. It runs til Aug 26. You need a ticket but just get one online. The whole ice rink is filled with over 1.5 million white balls. In fact, everything is white, including the food and beer stands and cornhole games inside. Here's a few pics of us having fun. It is an expanded version of the same exhibit that was in DC from Snarkitecture last year that cost 18 bucks pp. Did I mention it was free?
  14. ^^ that's ok at least your apology doesn't sound quite like John Wayne Orem. I guess. My apologies if you took offense.
  15. ^ I too like Adventure Ex ending just for the WTF moment. It's great for a Jokes on You moment. But as far as your comment on the new coaster, knock it off with the gay bashing already, We get it, you've let us know your feelings enough.
  16. It does sound odd that Caitlyn is saying there's a change coming. ( sorry,I had to go there)
  17. yeah for another convert. It really is a great little park isn't it!
  18. 1952 Rockaway Playlands coaster The coaster was called Atom Smasher.
  19. Not sure of this thread BUT, that was really cool footage of the switch back. I had never seen how they did the switch. That must have been something at the time. (It does look fun) cool video.
  20. ^Hope you had a happy pride. It looks like your Prime Minister did ! He even brought the wife and kids. So amazing!
  21. I kind of like the twisted mess look. Sort of like that "little " park in Sweden and all its' tangled coasters. (just a tad tho )
  22. Congratulations Bert on 1, your great trip report and 2, your success over the past year. You look great. You should be quite proud.
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