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Everything posted by djcoastermark

  1. Wow, That looks to be the most perfect night for a haunt, not to forget to mention that I am sooo jealous of your night ride on PR.
  2. I have to agree. A Skywheel that runs a good program is a lot of fun , gives you butterflies in your tummy, and would be a great fit for Knoebels.
  3. Wow, this looks really cool. I can imagine the speed sensation will be intensified due to the interaction with the other coasters that it winds through. And yes it does seem to have a Cheetah Hunt vibe. (yes, I really enjoy Cheetah also.)
  4. If this is a successful treatment (?) can the cost of a theme park ticket count towards an Insurance deductible ?
  5. I wasn't quite sure how to list this but, here goes. Did anyone catch on the TV news tonight that research shows that riding roller coasters is a thrilling way to cure Kidney Stones? Yes this is a real thing. Optimal results were found by riding in the back seat as opposed to the front. Here's the link. http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/research-finds-thrilling-cure-kidney-stones-roller-coasters-n654576
  6. Yes, if you look close you can see the crane is at the docks waiting for the boat ! /s
  7. Couldn,t find a pic of the alcohol sign either, so here's another sticker pic.
  8. I never understood the beer policy at KD. The signs all say "per Virginia law " or something like that. However, at Busch G Williamsburg, we bought a bottle of wine in the France area and asked if we could drink it anywhere and we were told yes. Not wanting to look like total winos, we asked for a proper bag to put it in to carry around and the staff chuckled and gladly obliged. As it was meal time we got a food item, had some wine, moved on, got more snacks and had some more wine and never had any problem displaying the bottle at all. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe both parks are in the same state, so I don't understand why one park it's ok to drink anywhere, yet in another you must drink a beer in a confined area. Very odd.
  9. Did I hear correct, 14 miles ? good lard that would be the ultimate. Rewarched, ( !) Sorry, edit 16 miles.
  10. Videos like this, the trip reports and even the crabbing are what makes TPR my little happy place to go. When things get nasty elsewhere, I can always count on the TPR family to lift up my day.
  11. Allrighty then. That's a strange one. Some people and their odd little worlds.
  12. Yep, it is an odd coaster. The setting at Boblo was beautiful as you can see from the big hill, but was just as weird because it was in a perfectly mown flat lawn for the rest of the ride. Fun pic you had btw.
  13. I guess that was kinda my point, a great little park to start the young-uns out at before they are ready for the big time. Sometimes the big parks are too overwhelming for kids and these small family parks help ease them in to the majors. Plus, they are a lot of fun for the whole group from toddlers to grandmas. Sad there are not to many left.
  14. Playland should have got from Boblo, the most head scratching coaster ever built. Sky Streak. It was moved to Selva Magica in mexico. It is a What the heck type just happened coaster ? The weird flat stretch was originally intended to be a splash down, but never happened. And to this day, still has no splashdown.
  15. Oh lard, I love your captions, the ass, the batteries and many more. I was falling of my seat at some of them. Great humor in your report.
  16. My lard , I cannot imagine a LAUNCHED Flying Coaster. I know Eyerly was inovative back in the day but, holy cow. Launched ? That would be insane.
  17. Surprisingly the facade of the Eden Musee haunt looks very similar to the original that was there for most of the early 20th century until the late 60's. I was a very very small child when I went there in it's last year. It was a wax museum, but it still creeps me out to this day.
  18. Surprisingly the facade of the Eden Musee haunt looks very similar to the original that was there for most of the early 20th century until the late 60's. I was a very very small child when I went there in it's last year. It was a wax museum, but it still creeps me out to this day.
  19. I didn't realize that corkscrew was originaly Screamer from Boblo Island. I rode it when it was at Boblo, so I guess by proxy, I've been to Playland -ish. Of course when I rode it, it was a state of the art coaster. Cool it still is alive, albeit on it's last legs.
  20. It's always sad to see a small local park close in the name of "progress" if one can really call it progress. They may not be big on the wow factor, but they have their charm and many of us have grown up on them and is what led us to our bigger adventures.
  21. Well that is disheartening. We only had one early in the day, Went for a second at 6:15 only to find they were closed. I didn't realize there was/is a limit of 2. The beer fest sounds like there's a more lenient policy. (praise the stars etc etc )
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