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Everything posted by djcoastermark

  1. Memory lane time, My aunt and Uncle took me for a drive along the canal, stopped for a frozen Custard and drove along the canal at sunset in an old convertible Corvair auto. Good times.
  2. So cool you posted canal pictures. I've always been fascinated by the whole canal system. One of my fave places as a kid was the drive in Cleveland along Canal Road (Ohioand Erie Canalway ) and seeing the old Locks and canal. Thanks, from a history nut here.
  3. Yes, it is cool to see the animals how they really eat. I must say that would really add to the experience. They don't sit down to a dinner of boneless chicken breast with a side of Foie Gras. I found that fascinating.
  4. What a beautiful little park. It looks like simple old fashioned fun. Nice TR.
  5. ^ ^^ All right you young whipper snapper. Respect your elders (lol) 100 is the new 90! By the way, Get off my lawn !
  6. I really want to ride the new coaster too. I also have limited funds and time, I may not get back for a long time. That is why I am going to wait a bit. I am also curious as to when it will be fully operational. But I won't plan a trip based solely on one ride.
  7. If that is all anyone is going to Dollywood for, just wait. Go when it's fully operational. It's not going to kill ya'll to wait. After all. unless you are on your death bed....
  8. Actually, he just wanted to head over to the bacon pretzel stand to see what the fuss was about the pretzels.
  9. ^ yes, I forgot to mention, those are some beautiful evening pictures.
  10. Well the monkey shines are over. They just put the lil feller back in his cage it is now being reported.
  11. I'm watchting it on our local tv station right now. They are in a helicopter over the park. The park seems to be open. There are people still walking around, Falcons Fury is still running as is Kumba. The reports don't seem to indicate where the orang escaped from . Odd, but it must be in an area where the GP isn't. It looks to be in the Jungala area, but like I said, people are still on the midways and rides are operational right now.
  12. Another campground option around Marblehead is East Harbor State Park. It was always my go to park. Very clean, full hookups and being a state park, fairly inexpensive. Plus the beach there is pretty nice, and don't miss the fresh fried donuts at the commissary in the morning. The line forms early and those donuts are to die for. (the park doesn't have the view of the Point though)
  13. Rough ???, gads, the local church carnival looks better. And yes, the trees at Conneaut are the plus. (well that and the Blue Streak )
  14. If you look next to Johnson's there is a peninsula that when I was a kid had a campground at the tip. It went private with other condo developement in the 90's, not sure what happened, but it failed. Not sure of its status now. But man was that the perfect campground. You could pitch your tent on the beach and feel like you could almost touch the Point. So much so that you could even hear the train whistle at night. To this day my parents even say it was the ideal place to camp. I did see that the resort is now Baypoint, they rent trailers and cabins, but is pricey now.
  15. ^ Especially in light of recent events everywhere, I for one am glad precautions are taken. I would rather be safe than sorry. Is it a pain if it was a needless event? yes. But it is better than the what if something did happen. The unfortunate side is that we are all going to have to realize this is the new norm unfortunately.
  16. The access to Johnson's is on the south side of the road around Marblehead Pen. There is a very narrow causeway with a little teeny tiny toll box and gate that will cost you $2. Its a bit tricky to find. Quite an interesting site and great views too.
  17. ^ Please re-read your sentence and think about it. 2 way different experiences.
  18. Schools should be in session by then. I went last year from the 18th thru the 22nd. It was the last week of daily operations until 10pm. Most ohio schools are back in session by then. It was the perfect time to go as the park was very quiet during the week, and I got many night rides on the coasters. It was the perfect time to go. The weekend however, sheesh was it packed.
  19. And the Mansion is only a dollar and some change. It's well worth it.
  20. It does look like a cute lil ole place. I always wanted to check it out. But not any time soon either.
  21. Nice to see you made it over to Marblehead. I've always loved it there.
  22. Disco H2O doesn't seem to fit the theme. It will be missed if it's gone. Ok, is it time to start a "save the disco" campaign ? (just kidding)
  23. Coasterbill, I wish I had your map 2 years ago when I first visited Knoebels. It sure would have saved the soles of my shoes a lot of wear and tear.
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