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Everything posted by CpBluestreakCp

  1. It looks really nice so far, loving the bright colors of the buildings. Can't wait to see some more.
  2. YOLO is looking pretty awesome, actually. It looks like it will have a lot of forces in those quick turns and the giant loop. Thanks for the update!
  3. If you look at the station picture, it looks like the inside isn't a finished color. There are some scratches and such on some of the walls inside, so I'm hoping they at least brighten up the colors a bit rather than grey. I'm sure that will make the station a bit more pleasing rather than just a shed on the beach.
  4. Really nice pictures. Love the one of Manta with just the track itself!
  5. Looks really nice. I love the colors of this coaster, especially the clash of the track colors compared to the train colors.
  6. I would say Blue Streak at Cedar Point. On dead nights sometimes, Blue Streak usually has no line so I marathon it.
  7. This is a great podcast interview of Matt Ouimet. A lot of information of his background at Disney and what he plans to do with Cedar Fair and Cedar Point. One key thing that stuck out for me was that they are looking into a dark ride with three companies right now. It will probably be slated for Cedar Point first, if it happens, and will extend into the other parks. And if you listen to the interview, they go into Cedar Fair and Cedar Point development around 20:00.
  8. ^Sounds like you go every year a big coaster is added! Maverick in '07 and now GateKeeper in '13. Good luck on Memorial Day, though. I'm sure it will be crowded. But, it looks like the concrete around the entrance and station are being poured. It's looking more and more complete as the days go on.
  9. That Morgan looks like a really fun and unique coaster, love that airtime hill practically right out of the station. Loving the updates, can't wait to see more!
  10. I haven't been on very many but my vote goes with Gemini. Also, Racer at Kennywood is pretty fun as well.
  11. ^I think the only thing that would save Mean Streak is an NTAG or iRAT makeover. In my opinion, that's the only way Mean Streak could ever be an exciting ride.
  12. From @OrlandoInformer on Twitter, looked like a pretty nasty storm moved through.
  13. I'd have to go with Mean Streak. Though it is a boring ride, I think RMC could make it a good one. Don't just topper track it, instead change its whole layout. Make it have crazy overbanks, airtime, and more. If not, then just burn Mean Streak down and put in an Intamin woodie! I really think RMC could make Mean Streak an all around more exciting ride by not just re-profiling it but changing it as a whole.
  14. I've always been a fan of: -Maverick -Millennium Force (Just sounds like something big and intimidating) -Goliath -Titan -Oblivion -Griffon -El Toro -Skyrush There's a lot more cool names but I don't need to list them all.
  15. My vote went with theme parks. I love when you enter a theme park such as a Disney property and you're just immersed in the land and what the park is trying to convey. Every little detail in theme parks is seriously thought about and it just makes the experience of going to one that much better. Don't get me wrong, I love a good amusement park with some world class roller coasters. But, when it comes down to it, I want my experience as a whole to be enjoyable, not just one or two rides.
  16. Wow, that looks really crazy. Love that they are putting a lot of thought into the line and station.
  17. Renewed my membership just a couple days ago. Looking forward to hopefully attending this event, looks like a blast!
  18. It's not that rough at all, well in my opinion. I went on it at least 6 times in a row before taking a break and it didn't bother me much. It's no where near Mean Streak rough at all, far from it. Though I didn't ride RFII its opening season, I can speak for it now and it's still a great coaster.
  19. Tough decesion between them, they both look like amazing coasters. I'm gonna have to go with Outlaw Run. The fact that it is a wooden coaster doing inversion, and successfully I might add, is amazing. Iron Rattler does looks insane, and from the reviews of NTAG, this one should be awesome as well. Really hoping we see a lot more RMC coasters next year.
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