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Everything posted by CpBluestreakCp

  1. I see it being open. They have put a ton of work into so far in about 2 months, and they have until April when they want to start to test it. I see all the track work going up quick, but everything else (building, foliage, etc) going a maybe a bit slower. But, by the looks of things, they are on schedule and I'm thinking they should have it open by the start of the season. Well, that's what I'm hoping. At least it's not Intamin! We have a better chance of it opening when it's supposed to.
  2. Great pictures! I'm hoping to go to Universal next time I'm in Florida, I want to see why everybody is raving about Butterbeer and give it a try. Great pictures again, looking forward to more.
  3. It looks really nice, love the detail you are putting into it. Can't wait to see this dark ride take shape.
  4. This year was a pretty good year, I got: -32" Samsung LED TV (Got on Black Friday but counted as a gift for Christmas) -Many books (Killing Lincoln/Kennedy, Civil War ones, No Easy day, etc) -Candy -$50 Dick's gift card, $15 itunes gift card, and $30 -Clothes (Nike, Adidas, Under Armour hoodies) -New Blu-rays (Documentaries on Civil War and Space Race, Dark Knight Rises, MIB3, etc) -Need for Speed: Most Wanted (PS3) -Calender of skyscrapers -NYC poster thing -Statix roller coaster models (also got on Black Friday) -K'nex coaster -Art magazine -New headphones (lost my others somehow) So not a bad year. By the way, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  5. It snowed a couple inches on Christmas Eve but melted by the morning. Today was an overcast cold day, but changes are coming. Already a blizzard warning is in affect for my area. Should get some good amounts of snow, 8-12" I've heard.
  6. Looks like an awesome time. I've been to some resorts for tubing and such but none of them had that big of slopes, it looks epic. And the snow coaster looks fun as well, too bad we don't have enough snow here yet in Ohio to do anything like that.
  7. Very nice drawings! For the rear lighting, I'd go with A since they seem a little more futuristic and different than the normal, unless that's not something you want. C seems a bit like the normal rear lighting seen on many cars. Anyway, can't wait to see more work.
  8. Magic Kingdom/Disneyland/Disney Sea + Cedar Point or SFMM = Great theming plus some diverse coasters and rides.
  9. This sounds like a very interesting idea. I agree with everyone else, even if it is a challenge to preserve some of the buildings and rides, I hope they are somehow able to do it. If not, at least the park will still be operating, just under a new identity.
  10. Mean Streak at Cedar Point. That large space of land can be home to one or two new coaster or even a whole new area. There isn't anything great about the ride besides it adding a nice back drop to the Frontier area.
  11. WDW for two reasons. One, it is an immersive place with much to do and many parks and other things to explore. Second, it's the only Disney property I have been to, so I'm a little biased on it. That's not saying my opinion would change, though, if I visited another Disney property. I would love to visit TDR though, I'm sure my opinion would change if I went there judging by all the praise it has received.
  12. ^^^I'm sure over half of those ticket sales comes from Halloweekends alone.
  13. I didn't do much this year, I was planning on even more parks but never was able to go. Here's the list anyway: -Cedar Point (x4 or so) -Waldameer -Busch Gardens Williamsburg I should be adding many more parks next year.
  14. ^I haven't heard anything about trenches yet, so no clue on that. But, from that vantage point in that picture, it could actually be much farther from the ground that it looks, we'll just have to wait and see for a closer picture of the ride.
  15. I really love that picture as well, all the rides just tie together. No clash at all. I cannot wait to see how the coaster will look over the entrance, it's gonna be a sight to see walking up to the park.
  16. Gatekeeper looming over Pink's really shows its size. Great report and pictures, love seeing these off-season pictures of parks.
  17. ^I do like this idea, also. It would really help the park you create fit more together. I'm not sure if you're able to get rid of a grid type, but if you are it's worth a try to see how well it enhances the way you play.
  18. Wow, this project looks incredible. I LOVE how this isn't an exact clone of other Magic Kingdoms, it has its own character. Can't wait to see this project unfold even more.
  19. RANK THE FOLLOWING RIDING SENSATIONS <-LEAVE THIS LINE AS IS Abrupt Airtime_____________________________,y,y,1 Floating Airtime___________________________,y,y,2 Lateral Forces_____________________________,y,y,5 Out of Control Feeling/Directional Changes_,y,y,3 Positive G's/Loops_________________________,y,y,6 Sensation of Speed_________________________,y,y,4 COASTER NAME PARK LOC <--Please leave this My Favorite Steel Anypark Anywhere **,y,y,1 Ravine Flyer II Waldameer PA,y,y,2 Blue Streak Cedar Point OH,y,y,3 Thunderbolt Kennywood PA,y,n,4 Jack Rabbit Kennywood PA,y,n,5 Blue Streak Conneaut Lake Park PA,y,n,6 Big Dipper (SBNO) Geauga Lake OH,y,n,7 Racer Kennywood PA,y,n,8 Mean Streak Cedar Point OH,y,y,9 Comet Waldameer PA,y,y,10 Haven't ridden much, but I plan to add many to my list next year.
  20. It looks great, much better architecture than I can do. Can't wait to see more.
  21. It looks great. I was last at WDW in 2011, I think, and this is really making me want to go back and check it out. I think Disney did an awesome job on the New Fantasyland. Seven Dwarf's Mine Train also looks interesting, hopefully it is WDW's equivalent to Hong Kong's. Hong Kong's coaster looked pretty sweet, so I'm crossing my fingers for that.
  22. It really dominates over that whole area and makes it look 10x better than that warehouse did. Now I really can't wait for spring...
  23. 10/20. I'm not really good at inversions..especially the colors of them.
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