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Everything posted by CpBluestreakCp

  1. I enjoy watching The Walking Dead, Survivorman, and Big Bang Theory. There's a few more I watch, but those are my top ones.
  2. Wow, GateKeeper is looking great. It fits into the skyline perfectly. Great TR and pics!
  3. Wow, now that actually looks like it belongs in Future World. The old Test Track just didn't fit in with the future theme, it just seemed like a current warehouse. Disney really went above and beyond my expectations, I wasn't expecting anything huge, but it's better than the outdated old version.
  4. This year was one of my favorites. Went to CoasterMania at Cedar Point, Waldameer, and Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Next year though, I plan on going to more parks so that might take away my favorite spot from 2012.
  5. Oh, god....that video was just wrong on so many levels. I didn't expect her to start licking the ride and spreading the grease on her face..And the bad part was, I just couldn't stop watching it.
  6. If you look at the webcam now, it looks like they are putting in the final piece to level off the lift.
  7. Jack Rabbit at Kennywood. Love this little ride, especially the "double dip".
  8. I really like Waldameer and Kennywood if it counts.
  9. Yeah, score streaks are really cool. In my opinion, BO2 is one of the hardest CODs out there just because of the UAV. Since ghost is unlocked so late and it's nerfed, the UAV is much more damaging to your play style. It's like whoever gets the first UAV is guaranteed to win the game since they will keep getting UAV's and find you. Regardless of that, the game is great. I really enjoy Tranzit as well, very fun.
  10. Cedar Fair closing Geauga Lake so suddenly. No announcement to get your last rides in or anything, kind of a bummer. Sure there were rumors and everything, but a formal warning would of been nice..
  11. In no particular order: -Mario Kart (GameCube, GameBoy Advance, DS, and Wii versions) -Red Dead Redemption -Skyrim -RCT 1, RCT2, and RCT3 -Super Mario World (GameBoy Advance version) -Minecraft -COD Black Ops -FIFA series (Mostly 11, 12, 13) -Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire and FireRed/LeafGreen -MLB 12: The Show So many more great games out there as well I didn't mention. I also have a few more games, mostly for PS3, that I still have yet to give a try. Who knows, some might be kicked off the list soon.
  12. Around 10:30 a.m. on Black Friday, I decided to see what Target had going on. I knew I have been needing a new TV, and I found one that was a door buster but still there. Paid around 200 for a 32" Samsung LED TV. Very great TV, and best of all, there was barely any crowds at Target.
  13. ^Agreed, I wasn't a fan of MW3. Black Ops II is at least a step up, hopefully in the right direction again.
  14. It looks very nice so far, very detailed. In my opinion, it's better if it is a little less game-like and more life-like, some of us on this forum like such a style that No Limits delivers. Can't wait to see more!
  15. Either Corkscrew at Cedar Point or Double Loop at Geauga Lake. I can't completely remember..
  16. Rapidly getting rides over and over again on all of Busch Gardens Williamsburg's coasters. And, getting the last ride of the night on an empty train by myself in the front seat of Blue Streak at Cedar Point. Man, was it hauling a$$ that night.
  17. Never been: Dollywood Hershey Park Holiday World King's Island Six Flags Magic Mountain Disneyland Knott's Berry Farm Michigan's Adventure Been to before: Cedar Point Waldameer Kennywood Most of the parks in my first list aren't definite yet but hopefully. But, if we decide to go back to Arizona next year, we'll make a side trip to Cali and I should be able to hit up those three parks.
  18. Woooooooooo! It's finally gone, now time to put something actually good in that spot.
  19. It looks like a beautiful and fun ride. Hopefully I'll get the chance to ride it one day.
  20. It looks very unique, I guess it's not a bad idea if someone is in need for a quick place to rest for the night.
  21. All those trains look nice, especially the shiny PTC ones and Ocean Kingdom's. Great photos, looking forward to more.
  22. Cedar Point needs a new woodie of any kind. Rocky Mountain, Gravity Group, Intamin, anything. One on the beach would look really nice, but I'm not seeing room where that could go.
  23. Wow..an inversion on Hades, that will be crazy. So much great stuff this year at IAAPA, can't wait to see more. Great updates, keep them coming!
  24. ^Over Texas, as well, has been mentioned as being Six Flags' Flagship since it was their first park.
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