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Everything posted by CpBluestreakCp

  1. Wow, it's already so close from not being apart of the skyline anymore. Valuable room in that void for something better. Great pics.
  2. GateKeeper since it is the closest project for 2013 near me. Other than that, definitely Outlaw Run and Iron Rattler.
  3. Sad to see a park close. I'm hoping they can preserve Knightmare and relocate it somewhere else, it looks like a unique ride.
  4. Looks like a fitting addition for Knott's, hopefully it all goes together and looks nice as well.
  5. Great news, I prefer Coke much more than Pepsi. And I agree with everyone else, I'm hoping to see the Freestyle machines at the parks.
  6. 1. Maverick 2. Magnum X-L 200 3. Millennium Force 4. Raptor 5. Top Thrill Dragster 6. Blue Streak 7. Gemini 8. Wicked Twister 9. Iron Dragon 10. Corkscrew 11. Mantis 12. Mean Streak 13. Cedar Creek Mine Ride Towards the bottom, all the coasters start to get kinda even.
  7. I really like the brightness of Kawasemi at Tobu Zoo Park. Also, the darkness of Bizarro's colors at Six Flags New England are really nice as well.
  8. Wow, I really love this park. The scenery, buildings, coasters...and everything just fits together. I will be keeping my eye on this, keep it going!
  9. I've only been to Cedar Point this month, so it would have to be Maverick hands down.
  10. Well that's very exciting for the future, especially that they are "big" projects and not just minor. We'll see how these years play out. And very interesting, I wonder what could be renamed..
  11. Hopefully Cedar Point for Halloweekends. I'm trying to get there on a Friday night while there aren't as many crowds.
  12. It doesn't bother me either. I love hearing the coasters without screaming riders on it, it makes you appreciate the mechanical and engineering side of it. But I do admit it can be eerie, especially when the park is empty.
  13. It would be great to see these make a comeback. Iron Dragon was one of my first "bigger" coasters after first riding kiddie coasters when I was younger. They are a really great step from kiddie to the bigger more intense rides. I just really wish I made it to Busch Gardens before BBW was retired. ^And that looks like a great fun ride, hopefully we'll be seeing more of those pop up.
  14. ^Yeah, more pictures are a few pages back. Including some support pieces. Hopefully we'll be seeing track arrive on site soon. On the Sandusky Register, they show the crane being shipped in. Not too much longer until vertical construction should start. On the timeline did it say late October through early November?
  15. ^As of right now, it seems very blocky. But, that could be because you aren't finished yet. Details and maybe a wider color range on the buildings will make it look better. And the flowers seem to clash in there. Maybe make them all one color or at least somehow make it flow. Just my thoughts.
  16. It looks really great. There doesn't look like much or anything to complain about the ride, it tells the story and gets the point across in a very interactive, beautiful way. I'm fine with it. I never do figure out how people find ways to complain about things, I can never see what's wrong with. I guess it could just be me. I can't wait to see this New Fantasyland complete when all the rest of the areas open. (Especially the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train)
  17. This is how all rides should go from now on. It's more entertaining this way than dismantling. It will be great to see this skyline change.
  18. Don't jinx it! You never know what could happen. But, the track looks great. The top coat of darker blue almost resembles Millennium's to me. Can't wait to see that coaster track rising over the front of the park. Edit: ^Beat me to it, haha.
  19. Wow, this coaster looks incredible. Another great addition to Liseberg.
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