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Wood Dragon 1988

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Everything posted by Wood Dragon 1988

  1. Since you've already covered all that, I say someone should delete all further similar posts! Can't wait for the Telepherique POV. I loved those zip-line sort of things when I was a kid, but now that I am 6.5 feet tall, it is hard for me to find adult sized ones!
  2. I for one am not loosing any sleep over missing a few credits at CW. There are 15 coasters, one is powered, and one is a kiddie. We get a bunch of ERT and lots of park hours. And if I miss a coaster or two at this place, I really won't care. It's more about the experience than the credits.
  3. Fantastic pics!!! I really hope to visit this park someday, it looks great, and one of, if not Norway's only good park. I didn't know GCI was doing anything to Thundercoaster. I had heard nothing but great things about it, so this is very unfortunate news. I'm assuming the trains haven't changed, is that correct?
  4. Quick comment/question: I know it is fun to laugh at ACE, and I am by no means a supporter or member or anything. Is all this uproar and criticism about her saying those two words? I agree that it was out of place, but human beings are rude all the time. I've read most of this thread, but is there anything I missed about ACE actually denying the offer more than this, or doing anything else stupid? Sorry if I missed it.
  5. Funny how everyone's saying "its not a bad looking park" and I've heard a few people say it is one of the worst parks ever. Nonetheless, it is one of the closest amusement parks I have never visited. I'd like to give it a try!
  6. Eigghttttt...........ahhhhhhh feels so nice. ^Yea but wait till your a starving college student working 2 jobs, both which start at the crack of dawn. Days off like mine today are few and far between. Can't wait till school starts again!
  7. Great photos. The parks look great here, just could use a few more rides on occasion I guess. I thought it was pretty funny that there was a drop tower right next to the Lotte World castle!
  8. Don't know why, I seem to be hearing a whole lot about this coaster recently http://rcdb.com/ig320.htm?picture=1 I like the looks of it- little banking and steep bunny hops.
  9. ^The head ROAR ride op last time I went was pretty good. He was a large, loud guy who made jokes just about every dispatch.
  10. I bought a 2008 SFA season pass on the last day of the season last year, but have not had the time or energy to go to the park at all this year. Anyway, it is really funny how pretty much all SFA locals see two train opperation on any coaster as a big accomplishment. I just don't have any reason to absolutely love SFA or hate it, as almost everyone else seems to do.....
  11. Happy Valley Bejing's coasters don't look great, but the park itslef looks very well themed.
  12. and a whole lot more expensive...worth a whole season of admission to Six Flags parks isn't it?
  13. The service at Chick Fil A is pretty much outstanding wherever I go. But after working "retail" for two years I feel extremely sorry for fast food workers.
  14. I work two jobs now: I am an intern for the federal government working on a Navy Base in Maryland. Pretty much the most boring job imaginable. I also work at a grocery store (Safeway). I've been there a year and a half, and also have had a Homer-like career there (first a bagger, then a Produce Clerk)
  15. I guess I'll give a harmless plug for Themeparkreview here and suggest to go on whatever US trip they take next year. This way is low-no hastle, you get to meet tons of people, see lots of states, and ride lots of rides. Plus, they usually meet up at a major airport, so if you want to do a little more traditional sightseeing, you should easily be able to use public transportation in the city. That's how I'm planning to visit other countries. Let TPR do all the dirty work for me.
  16. I currently drive a 96 Honda Civic with 213,000 miles. I've used it for 3 years and it has been a great first car. I'm working 2 jobs this summer, about 55-70 hours a week, so I think I may finally afford an upgrade very soon. Right now I'm looking at a 2000-2003 Nissan Sentra or Toyota Carolla. I want a car that will last me about 5 years for $8,000 or less. I will be going to school in the mountains come this fall and of course, will try to make several coaster trips in those five years. Is getting a small, economy car a good idea for long, mountainous trips?
  17. http://www.rcdb.com/pd1725.htm I looked through a bunch of topic titles, and didn't find one about this park. This looks like a pretty good start for another Happy Valley. A new SLC, Mega Light, Vekoma Mine Train, and Wild Mouse should be a decent coaster collection for a park that is themed as well as the Happy Valleys are.
  18. Washington, DC. I was born in DC. I first lived in PG county, right on the outskirts. Then I moved to a smaller town about a half hour away, now I live in an old country town 45 minutes away. DC is truely one of the worst cities I have ever been to-but I haven't been to Philly yet......
  19. 6'3 People would believe me if I said I was 6'5. Most people overstate their height.
  20. I would think the spinning coaster (Spinball Whizzer) or the powered mine train would make good starter coasters.
  21. From my limited experience: I really like Hurler at Kings Dominion. It is airtime for a price.
  22. Wow, looks much faster paced than I thought. It kind of reminds me of a Mad Cobra clone with some airtime hills mixed in. Overall, a solid ride IMO.
  23. I have/will be listening to lots of grad speaches this year. I "graduated" junior college (which is almost as lame as an 8th grade graduation), my sister is graduating high school, and my cousin is graduating high school. I personally hate graduations. All they do is increase your pride, and what good is that? It is just an acknowlagement that a certain group of people is somehow better than another group of people. In my opinion..... Anyway, the speaker at mine I thought was pretty good. He was a politician, and he started talking about how gas prices were high, forclosures were up, we were at war, the dollar is falling, etc. I thought he was going down the political road a bit too much...but then he tied it into the celebration of graduates during these "bad times". His speach basically said "In "bad" times like this, it is important to remember "good" times." So, I thought his speach was decent, and somewhat memorable. I'm not sure if a 14 year old would want to say something like that, but it's an idea.
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