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Everything posted by thrillerman1

  1. Interestingly seeing Alabama's Rampage left out of recent posts. What gives, people???
  2. LOOKS SO GOOD. thanks for sharing and bring it on! can't wait to get on this bad boy. Between Storm Chaser and Lightning Run, it looks like KK has incredibly stepped up their game. Glad to see the park revived and offering stiff competition to the local market. Wish we could get Nashville back in the game.
  3. ^ SHHHHHHHHHHHH please stop telling everyone how awesome the park is. It's TOTALLY TERRIBLE.
  4. I've been at the park just last week and seen the launch hill over the mountain - It's NOTHING to joke about
  5. WAIT...I thought the Eiffel Tower split in half and a Jules Verne style rocket to Tomorrowland took off from it.
  6. By the looks of your profile pic, it looks like you've been listening to Autolux instead. Hmmm
  7. Gold Rush Junction with my dad before it was demolished by Dollywood.
  8. Guntown Mountain appears to be up for auction April 20th: http://www.wbko.com/content/news/Multiple-investors-interested-in-buying-Funtown-Mountain-374079071.html
  9. Just a reminder of tonight's TV special: http://abc.go.com/shows/the-wonderful-world-of-disney-disneyland-60
  10. My jaw still drops at SF pulling out of the 4th biggest market in the US. I was at AW on closing night. Really great memories of this park on my couple of visits!
  11. I love this idea! Haunted sawmill anyone? I've always thought the Halloween section needed a haunted house and this would fit quite nicely.
  12. I've never really understood the saying death comes in 3's...this has obviously not been the case here lately. Where does this saying come from? Oh and dear Angel of Death, you can take a break now.
  13. NO NO NOOOO NOT BOWIE...my eternal teenager...he was supposed to outlive us all. My little glam rock and roll heart just died a good bit.
  14. Man that's a bummer you think of Alabama this way. Sadness. ^ You too?
  15. I've tried to ride the Galaxy on several past visits to keep finding it sbno. I wanted to see this place go...too bad. Looks like high dollar space so no surprise.
  16. This is incredibly exciting to see an indie home based dark ride get picked up for 2016. Can't wait to see more!!!!!!
  17. Just saw DIIV with No Joy last night...great bands.
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