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Everything posted by thrillerman1

  1. Oh man I've really missed your updates. I'm so glad to see you're back and posting more crazy adventures in the Middle East. Please keep sharing!!! Still waiting for the "hands in the air" jump photo for this TR.
  2. ^^ Assuming Dollywood will do this again in 2017, in years past they had an enter after 3 pm deal where you get an additional next day included with the one day price of admission. That might be enough time for you. In the past with this deal, I was allowed into the park by 2:30 pm on the first day.
  3. I just want to say I've enjoyed seeing all the trip updates, photos, vids, etc. from this trip. Thanks so much for sharing, Robb!
  4. Fierce Christmas Tree Ornament ride (Hurricane) at Holiday World anyone?
  5. As a kid growing up on their weird and wacky Saturday morning TV shows like H.R. Pufnstuf, Land of the Lost (who can forget the Sleestaks?!), Wonderbug, and Kaptain Kool and the Kongs amongst so many others, I'd say The World of Sid and Marty Krofft that was once in Atlanta intrigues me most.
  6. I am so sorry to hear of author Steven's passing this week: http://www.shackelfordfuneraldirectors.com/obituaries/Stephen-Phillips-5/#!/Obituary I just attended the Opryland book signing with him back in August where he signed my copy. He was so beaming proud of his new Opryland book. 2016 step off! You can order the book here: http://www.oprylandusa.com Lots of great old park photos and documentation in the book!
  7. Robb, thank you for sharing! I've loved seeing this park experience especially all the amazing Tron pics. Definitely want the poster too! So I think I'm not in love with the castle here though. I'm probably in the minority, but something about the exterior appearance just seems too overbuilt and less magical than all the others for me...less is more? Otherwise from what I've seen here, the park is stunning from what you've shared! Have a great time on the rest of the trip!
  8. Major bummer. I really enjoyed this park on the 2007 TPR trip. Lots of fun rides here and Alien Space Encounter (I think it was called that or something similar) had one of the best walk thru gags I'd ever experienced! Freaked me out!!!
  9. Massive thanks for the updates from this year's IAAPA, Robb! I always enjoy seeing you present what's new.
  10. ^ Thanks Larry! I can't believe it's been 11 years since AstroWorld closed this weekend. I love this AstroWorld postcard and it's worth a repost! Happy Halloween! http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=652615#652615
  11. Hey yellowrocket, I'm looking forward to attending the book signing. See you at Parnassus!
  12. Just seeing this news this week: New Opryland book about to drop: http://www.oprylandusa.com/ There are also t-shirts available from the website for OL iconic rides - Screamin Delta Demon, Grizzly River Rampage, Chaos, & Hangman! Book signing coming up in Nashville on 9/23. Be there!
  13. Nashville park meet up....oh yeah. Some day? Polercoaster? Oprywalk? Anything? Williamson county fair this weekend haha. I have my DW trip planned for next weekend, hoping I waited late enough in the season. Either way I'll have a great time, I love that park. Glad to see it's running. Nashville is just far enough away to make a day trip difficult. I've done it plenty of times, but it's not my favorite. Yeah it's a bit of a haul from Nashville. Done the daytrip too. If LR seems to be consistent I want to get over to ride weekend after this!
  14. I can't think of any other parks that have a flume ride like Mountain Slidewinder. It's kind of hidden and a bit of a hike to the top of the hill but worth it in my opinion. Also, the steam train is a must.
  15. Love these updates, Robb. Thank you and Elissa for taking me to Europa Park way back in '08...so FUN and now the Euro Mir theme song will once AGAIN be stuck on repeat in my head for weeks. Can't wait to return there one day hopefully.
  16. I LOVED visiting this park in 2004 during the Halloween event. Corpse saved...AWESOME. Thank you KOCH family!!!! Hope to get back here soon.
  17. Visited KK on Friday before HWN. I was blown away by the back seat ride on Storm Chaser...that is until I rode the front seat. AMAZING. I'm usually a back seat type because I LOVE airtime, but the money seat for airtime on SC is the front for me. STELLAR!!! Also, don't be fooled, this ride hauls azz all the way to the brake run.
  18. When I was there on Sunday, I asked the guy attending the entrance if LR would open on Monday, and he said it would more likely be open towards the end of this week. Grain of salt...otherwise, the park was looking great and crowds were very light with the rain clouds hovering. Also, rode all 4 mountain coasters in the area yesterday. GREAT FUN!!!
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