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Everything posted by thrillerman1

  1. Kudos to one of the best indie parks in the world. Looking forward to checking Thunderbird out in 2015!
  2. A lot has changed at Carowinds since 1978... This is what 15 cent postage looks like Schwarzkopf! Cool Thunder Road trains! Who would rather have the Powderkeg flume back? Open for 1 Friday out of the year...bizarre! CASH
  3. Most of the North American Alpine coasters are from Wiegand, including Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster. ADG purchased Alpine Products a few year ago, and their two existing Alpine Coaster are at Attitach (New Hampshire) and Camelback (Pennsylvania). ADG is building this one in Ober Gatlinburg Thanks Larry. I'm really unfamiliar with alpine coaster companies and wonder is there sort of an Intamin/RMC of that world who will push the limits. It's great there'll be two of these in the same general vicinity for comparison purposes between Wiegand and ADG.
  4. Is this the same or a different company that built the Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster in Pigeon Forge? Looking forward to riding both eventually.
  5. My night rides on Rampage during their Halloween event in 2004 were incredibly insane. Perhaps I'll get back there again 10 years later to experience the epicness again.
  6. This week's feature is Canobie Lake back in 2005 and 2006: 2006 2005
  7. WOW Speed Monster looks even better than I remember it back in '09. What a FANTASTIC video, ROBB! Absolutely awesome and not even enough hearts to Intamin too. The track is just gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing it with me.
  8. Thanks for the Scandi updates, Bill. Looking forward to more!
  9. ^^ Agreed about mid-September as far as SFOG goes from my experience. The heavy humidity of August has started to calm down, kids are back in school, people are consumed with SEC football on Saturday, and the Halloween fest hasn't started yet. It's a ride fest.
  10. Pin2K's? Isn't your avatar from Lake Winnie? Yes! You're the first person who ever guessed my avatar correctly! Should I send you a prize? Pin2k's were Williams last ditch effort at saving their pinball branch around the late 90's. Sadly it didn't work. They produced this mix of pinball and video in one game with their Revenge From Mars and Star Wars pins. Having only played the Star Wars pin at Zanzabar in Louisville (highly recommended), I think pin2k's were an amazing concept and really wish they'd caught on. I would love to play Revenge From Mars but haven't found it near me yet.
  11. I've thought for awhile that Nashville would've been the perfect place for a Hard Rock Park. Music City, Hello! It's been a no-brainer for years since OL closed. We have incredible tourism really all year long. People love music and come here to experience it. IF IF we get a wooden coaster I'd be surprised but would love either an Intamin or RMC...not holding breath though.
  12. ^^ I haven't tried these cottages out yet, but they look enticing: http://www.santascottages.com/ . Perhaps these will work for you, but if not Santa's Lodge is your closest bet to the park and really nothing wrong with it from my experience.
  13. This is the first I've heard of Opry Walk. The concept art looks somewhat interesting. The water park looks like it would be built where Grizzly River Rampage was located. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Anybody want more from Canada's Wonderland? Here you go... Speaking of Halloween...
  15. Yay pinball indeed! That's a great line-up of classic pins. It's been too long since I was last at IB..need to get back there. Thanks for this update!
  16. ^ I've never understood why KK didn't capitalize on the Derby as well!
  17. I enjoyed seeing RMC so well spotlighted with Outlaw Run and Iron Rattler! RMC are definitely a force to be reckoned with. I can attest to their greatness on New Texas Giant which blew me away back in '11 thanks to the bash that Robb & Elissa threw. It was also great to see Elissa having fun on the show. Thanks for all you and Robb have done to help me get to visit some amazing parks and rides over the years!!!
  18. This update features some retro artwork and construction photos of Canada's Wonderland before it was ever opened!
  19. While I agree both Zipper and Enterprise are two of the best flats ever made, have you ever ridden the Togo Windstorm flat ride of death?
  20. I love this update. The day I spent here at Liseberg with TPR in 2009 is absolutely my favorite park visit ever! Everything about this park completely and totally rules! Thanks for all the updates, Robb!
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