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Everything posted by thrillerman1

  1. You're welcome, Bill. BGT has changed a lot over the years but still for the better I think. When I went in '12 I hadn't been there since the mid-80's and really didn't remember a whole lot about it, but it's definitely a park I look forward to visiting again in the future. All the park is really missing is a great woodie!
  2. Loving these China updates...I owe you a drink or 3 for these amazing reports. Looking forward to much more.
  3. Really glad to see the dry side come back to life. Thanks Dan and Pat. Can't wait to get back on Rampage again!
  4. This final (for now) look at BGT wraps up with a focus on Cheetah Hunt in 2011 and 2012. I find Cheetah Hunt to be pretty good and fun overall, and I really like the sculptural tower mass of track! 2011...I have 2 extra of these brochures if anyone wants them - send me a PM! 2012...mmm Intamin track Surprise bonus for the water park fans...Adventure Island in 1981
  5. I watched the live stream on the net and was most blown away by Temples. Did you see them?
  6. Continuing right along to 2005 and 2007 at Busch Gardens Tampa... Kumba! Montu is probably my favorite inverted coaster ever! More Montu! This gigantic white tiger is ready for its splash boat meal. Sheikra is awesome! Hard to believe Sheikra will turn 10 next year! 2007...weeeeeeeeeeeee
  7. I like your Converse and nice shout out to Gaudi. Hope to see and visit these Spanish places of muy importante one day!
  8. I said the same thing 2 or 3 coasters ago. Such a drag what this park has become.
  9. Phenomenal pics Hanno! Helix looks awesome. The Swedes appear to have a winner on their hands. Thank you as always for sharing your amazing photos! I have said it before, but the TPR day I spent at Liseberg in 2009 is still my all time fav park visit day, and I can't wait to get back there.
  10. Really awesome adventure pics at HP and PA! I hope I can get to PA one day. Thank you for sharing, Marcel!
  11. Looks really good and hope LR rides as such! I plan to get to KK soon to check it out! I'm glad KK is coming back.
  12. So nice to see KD adding back some charm. Thanks for all the pics and update Chuck!
  13. Wow Bill you're right I think! I didn't realize Reaper had been around since 2005. AND now just saw on RCDB that it is listed as operating until January 5 of this year(?). What have they done to it? Is it being removed???
  14. Oops...I got a bit ahead of myself on the A-Z before realizing I had this brochure from the Amsterdam Dungeon while digging through my 2009 TPR Scandi Trip box. If I remember correctly, we were going to visit this place on the trip, but Reaper (the coaster) wasn't quite ready. I wonder how the coaster is now since it's really not mentioned on TPR too much that I know of. I have a few extra of these brochures if anyone is interested...send me a PM.
  15. I did enjoy that bit of airtime inside the dragon tunnel on a night time ride back in '04. Flew up and was surprised to come down on the seat divider if I remember right. This new version looks even better, and I hope they incorporate the dragon tunnel but not holding my breath.
  16. Bonfante Gardens (Gilroy Gardens) was one of the highlights of my California trip in 2006. I really liked the laid back non-corporate feel of the park. Plus the Circus Trees are amazing, and who doesn't like riding in giant artichokes, garllics, and a banana split? Now that it's operated by Cedar Fair, I hope the charm and beauty have not been destroyed! Cool tree! 2006 Variation on a theme
  17. ^ Yep, mine is in Chuck. I didn't get a confirmation email back yet. Is anyone getting confirmation emails?
  18. Benson's Wild Animal Park is little discussed on TPR as the park went belly up in the late '80's when it was known as New England's Playworld. However, it sounds like the city of Hudson, NH has recently reopened it as a public park with trails and some remnants of the amusement park. It would be interesting to check out! Please don't eat the carousel! Colossus the Gorilla! 1980
  19. My night rides on Rampage during AA's Halloween event back in 2004 were absolutely phenomenal. I can't wait to get back on it again! Has everyone forgotten the pic of the Koch's at BGT checking out Cheetah Hunt while they were investigating steel coasters for HW? I can't remember if it was a HoliBlog, but I hope someone can find and post it.
  20. ^Well thankfully Looping Star is no longer at Beech Bend!
  21. Did you know that Beech Bend began in the 1800's and was once owned by country singer and musician, Ronnie Milsap, in the early 1980's? True story. The current owners bought the park in the later 1980's and have completely turned it around for the better ever since. If anyone wants to help me thin out my collection, I have a few extra copies of these brochures available for FREE, so send me a PM. I have extras of years 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2010. On with the show... 2002 2004 2005 2007 Kentucky Rumbler! 2009 2010 saw a nice big water park expansion 2011 Sea Dragon came from Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch park. 2013 brought one of my favorite kind of flat rides...Vortex! I believe this map is from 2004 or 2005 before Rumbler was built. This map is after the 2006 season when the park added Kentucky Rumbler.
  22. What a beautiful ride! I hope I get to ride this amazing Watkins creation.
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