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Everything posted by thrillerman1

  1. Wait...are we sure this is in America? GK looks incredibly European, but I'm not exactly sure why. I think it might be because it reminds me of a very progressive piece of modern architecture in addition to being a coaster.
  2. Man I was incredibly fortunate to have a really informal lunch with Jay at SFKK a few years ago, and I was totally blown away. The man is seriously the real deal, and more parks would be blessed to have a guy like him as their GM. Is he no longer with SF?
  3. I love the psychedelic mousie pic (unique!), but the others are awesome as well.
  4. To wrap up March Magic Week, I'll conclude with Magic Mountain in 1978! Thanks for checking out my thread. Love the wizard and trolls, and notice the Colossus stamp...new for '78! Thank you to the 1978 MM publicity department if you happen to ever see this. I love this retro art. View of the plaza before it got cluttered. Revolution in all its early glory. Check out the Colossus model! I need a bigger scanner. I love the little troll. Revolution minus OTSR'S!!! Said it before and say it again...more parks need to bring back cable car rides. Spillikin Corners sounds a bit like Dollywood's Craftsman's Valley now.
  5. Magic Springs circa 1981...I still haven't made it to this park. One day? Oh no look out dancers...ROARING TORNADO ON FIRE! There's that Sky Hook ride again that we've seen at Dollywood and SFOG earlier in this thread. Is it the same one? Hey Elitch Gardens
  6. That actually didn't look too bad..compared to Goudurix. Well seriously it looked fairly ok and not too painful. At least no one died.
  7. ^ Well your photo and video skills continue to amaze and amuse none the less. I love all these Mexican updates!
  8. I like how you captured that castle looking thingy in the middle of the corkscrew.
  9. Great footage! Love it! That was my first shuttle when it was Laser Loop. So nice to see it running so well. Thanks, Robb!
  10. Wow that Trabant/Flying Bobs ride you tweeted looks cool! Never seen that before. Thanks for all the updates, Robb.
  11. Here's Magic Harbor in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, which according to RCDB had an Arrow Corkscrew coaster in 1975 that later moved to the Myrtle Beach Pavilion and is now operating in Colombia. Jolly Jolly Shout outs to the Brit Crew! King Charles' Pub...well at least they themed one thing Magic Mountain East Coast style?
  12. Mt. Baker looks phenomenal. I would absolutely love to ski here someday. Great photos too. Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to more of this thread!
  13. This is a great idea, Chuck! Just a thought...could an index be created here on the first page? I think it would help people to find local eats a lot easier than digging through the inevitable 40 + pages to find that special place to eat outside Beech Bend or in the Dells for example. Maybe organize it by park/location. And blueberry pancakes with bacon...YES!!!
  14. It's time for something new at the Paradise and probably the only time I'll ever do this...March Magic Week. I'll be sharing some old brochures (sorry no postcards) from parks with MAGIC in their name this week. I've dug deep into my collection and hope you all enjoy this. First up is defunct Magic Valley in Bushkill, Pennsylvania. According to RCDB this park closed in the late 1980's. I never got to visit...anyone ever go here?
  15. That's some great old footage...thanks for sharing. This airplane ride looks even more sick than Lake Winnie's.
  16. ^ Thanks! Be sure to check out the index on page 1 of this thread and also this huge update I did on SFOG a couple of years ago: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=934325#p934325
  17. I like the uniforms. I wonder if Tim Burton designed them.
  18. Great photos Chadster. Thanks for this report. SDC really is one of the very best parks in the states and will always hold a special place in my heart since it was the last park I got to visit with my dad before he passed. I can't wait to get there again to experience this madness!
  19. ^ Yeah, Bill, that sounds like a pretty good show. The Broadway version is on my bucket list. Would love to have seen it with Idina and Kristin.
  20. I think I had read that HW would start testing the Timberliners in March, and since we're almost halfway through the month, is there any update?
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