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Everything posted by thrillerman1

  1. ^ & ^^ I kinda hate that I missed the Universal Studios production of Wicked when we were there in '07 as I wanted to spend some time over at Expoland too. Maybe it's just as well since I haven't ever seen the original Broadway version. Other than the show being truncated, how was it?
  2. First of all thanks for the POV, Robb! WOW...seriously intense looking ride. I just love how there are NO handrails or boards to walk on after the lift, but I wonder how SDC will inspect the track daily. Cheers to SDC and RMC for building such an insanely awesome looking ride. Can't wait to ride it!
  3. ^ Yeah, wow it looks like you can almost snow ski on what was once Oz. In North Carolina I've only been to Sugar to ski, so next time I'm over that way for skiing, I'll have to check this and Beech out. I'm wondering who pays for the upkeep of the remaining Oz buildings, fountain, and brick road if it's only used occasionally.
  4. coasterfreaky, that's some great info about Land of Oz I'd never seen before. Love the balloon ride postcard! Thanks for sharing. Bill, I'd love to see that brochure. There's more info and amazing old (and newer) photos at http://www.emeraldmtn.com/LandofOz/landofoz.html . Looks like you can even still visit the remains once a year during the Autumn at Oz party http://www.emeraldmtn.com/LandofOz/autumn.htm . Thanks for all the feedback on this update. I love all the comments!
  5. ^ What a great environmentally conscious idea. Kudos to you and the park, and I wish more parks would make efforts like this to be more green.
  6. To tie-in with the Disney movie release of "Oz The Great and Powerful", here's a look at North Carolina's own Land of Oz which closed in 1980. I never visited, but I always thought it looked interesting. Anyone here ever visit?
  7. I think the Cool Ranch shell is a more subtle flavor than Nacho Cheese, but it hit the spot last night. I wonder if they plan to release any other flavors.
  8. ^ I don't think Cool Ranch is officially on the menu until tomorrow, but if you ask for it they will sell it to you today.
  9. Did anyone else try the new Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco at Taco Bell today? I found it to be even tastier than the Nacho Cheese flavor.
  10. WOAH! That's awesome video, Bill. Love the reaction and thanks for sharing!
  11. Yes, the store is actually named Nashville Pickers, and I have an update with new pictures as the owners have given the cable car a semi restoration. It can be yours for the mere price of only $10,000.00!
  12. ^ Man I loves me some Foster The People. Great video!
  13. I did a bit of that too, Chuck. I always try to take into consideration the feelings I had at the time I rode it though before jumping too hastily into changes.
  14. Whew done. I only had about 10 or so coasters to add, but it was really time consuming redoing my old ballot from 2 years ago since a lot had changed. The time spent is definitely worth it though for what I feel is still the best voting method available. Reminder the cutoff deadline is in 4 more days on the 28th!
  15. Is this a normal amount of snow for Liseberg this time of year? It just doesn't look like a whole lot considering how far north it is from me.
  16. Two nights ago I had the craziest dream about Space Mountain (I think in Florida). I made my way through the line ready to board, but inside it was a free for all with no queue rails to guide me to a seat, so I just jumped in wherever I could. The ops were TERRIBLE and not helping seat anyone. The ride began but suddenly my rocket sled turned into some kind of ice cream stand and shot out onto a hidden back part of the building with me riding in it. Well hmmph, I wasn't having that, so when it came to a halt I got out and got right back in line. Once again chaos in the queue as I really wanted a front seat ride. After at least an hour trying to get in a front seat, I gave up and walked out the exit to see my mother and sister waiting for me. It was such a bummer!
  17. I may be missing some sarcasm here not sure, but the second lift and thereafter short part of the ride is the ONLY good part of MM. I'm not sure how this is a bad view.
  18. $3.50ish in Nashville. What's up with this sudden sharp increase?
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