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Everything posted by thrillerman1

  1. Thanks, Bill. I do believe you're right, and Brenda's well...umm not rockin' around the Christmas tree, but nonetheless there she is. Good catch, and you may have recognized Randy Travis too. I think Opryland was a park that would've been right up your alley with all the musical productions. Anyone remember when you could buy a drink that came in one of these plastic containers? Yep, still got mine.
  2. As I was growing up, my mom always subscribed to the magazine, "Southern Living", which on occasion had articles about southern US theme parks. It was always exciting when each new edition came in the mail to see if there were any parks featured. Remember this was back in the day before the internet, and park information was nowhere near as readily available as it is now. Here's one of those "Southern Living" articles I saved which featured Opryland in the early 80's. Performers at Opryland's Showboat Theater The Juke Box Theater was located in the Do Wah Diddy City area of the park. It was two-sided, and the other side of the theater was called The Flip Side, an obvious reference to flipping over a vinyl record. Very sneaky of you Six Flags! Kings Dominion had to get in on the act too.
  3. ^ I think it was my first coaster too. Have you ridden it at The Great Escape? As much as I rode it as a kid growing up, I'm sure that would probably feel pretty weird riding it in a different setting with different theming and all.
  4. ^ Bill, I think that was always my favorite area of the park. It was 1950's rock and roll themed with one of the first Arrow mine trains, Rock n Roller Coaster, and enclosed (later) Intamin Drunken Barrels ride, Little Deuce Coupe (never understood that name until I got older and realized it's a Beach Boys song). I can still remember smelling the wafts of fresh, hot pizza from Julio's while exiting the coaster and running back around to get in line and ride again.
  5. Moving right along through the earlier years of Opryland, here's the 1980 park guide and the '81 & '82 "brochures"...
  6. Opryland 1977-1979 This is what theme park advertising looked like 35 years ago...artistic renderings of an Arrow corkscrew and flume, 70's outfits, and Richard and Karen Carpenter! Who needs a discount? Opryland's quality 11 music shows vs. SFOG's measly few was why my parents always took my family to Opryland instead not to mention it was a much closer day trip. 1978 Opryland was always more about the music than anything else. The Showboat Theater! Bradley & Kaye's "Barnstormer" (not pictured) airplane ride, sort of a forerunner to the modern day Starflyers, appeared at the park in 1978. I always imagined how far a plane would sail over the park if the chains ever broke LOL! The Rock n' Roller Coaster found a new home as Canyon Blaster at Great Escape in New York. The carousel on the lake was especially gorgeous at night. Lush landscaping Old skool. Be sure to tune in your CB radio! 1979 Advertising...much more to come soon!
  7. Does sound a bit evil, Chuck! Hah. I wonder though if it's just a "Dixie Stampede" type entertainment attraction she's up to and nothing more sadly.
  8. OPRYLAND USA, Nashville, Tennessee (aka Music City USA). December 1997 marks the closure of this music themed park. Has it really already been 15 years? To commemorate this great old park, I'll be sharing vintage material all month long. Let's start with some old postcards and the 1972 brochure from opening year... Cool kids. 2nd only to Knott's. Too many Sky Rides are defunct. Opryland's carousel was hand carved in Germany and one of a kind. It featured large rolling gondolas on an undulating track. I've heard that many country music stars got their start performing at Opryland back in the day. Kentucky Kingdom killed the Opryland star? I loved this flume ride. Other than the splash down and loading area, it was completely elevated and in later years gave some great views of Screamin' Delta Demon. NOT the mother church of country music. That would be the Ryman Auditorium in downtown Nashville where the Opry started. This is the brochure from opening year, 1972! It was a very well rounded park with lots of big musical show productions, rides, and unique attractions. I guess we'll never know why the Annual Pass was "adults only". Lots more coming soon!
  9. Shane, this just keeps looking more and more amazing. I can't wait to see it in action!
  10. I love these rides. Great addition in my opinion! I wonder if it might be located near the lake to swing out over it.
  11. With Timberliners inverting next year, I wonder if we will finally see them on The Voyage in 2013. Lots of amazing news coming out of there today, not to mention Elissa looking really stellar! Thanks for all the updates.
  12. S&S Freefly looks terrifyingly awesome! By the way, Robb, are you into pinball? The new Wizard of Oz pin is at IAAPA in the Jersey Jack booth. The crystal ball effect on it looks stunning from reports/videos I'm seeing come in today.
  13. I haven't been to the Prater since 1990, so it's really interesting to see these current photos. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Those "Segways" look like they could also function as vacuum cleaners. If so, I might actually enjoy home domestic chores. Your PTR is off to a great start, Bill!
  15. We just had our company picnic at Nashville Shores, and it's looking better than ever with the new Treetop Adventure Park. I think they just breathed a collective sigh of relief though. Still the Nashville area is ripe for a theme park, and I continue to wonder why no one is biting.
  16. Disappointing news, but hopefully a Marriott's Great America will get built instead.
  17. ^ That's the one I was trying to think of at Idlewild. I can't remember what happened to it either.
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