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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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So Six Flags released this picture of Supergirl, for those of you who haven't had the chance to see it yet. It looks very tacky amongst the rest of the Britannia section of the park. It really sticks out like a sore thumb.


Look at that tiny bit of medieval theming peeking out on the right, LOL

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I mean, was anyone actually expecting it to fit the theme? This is the park that just as they changed Scooby Doo into Justice League and ran the risk of everything in DC plaza being themed to DC, narrowly escaped that horrific fate by turning Villains Cafe into JB's.

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Themeing hasn't been a priority for Six Flags in at least 20 years. And why should it be. This isn't Disney/Universal, where storytelling and immersion are part of the experience. People come to Six Flags for the thrill rides alone, and Supergirl is a great addition to the park. The ride's entrance and queue are far nicer than what I ever expected for a relatively small addition. It also is a great way to re-energize the corner of the park that hasn't been touched in 19 years.

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Wow, Chris. You're the first one to talk shit on how poorly you think the ride area looks, but coincidentally you're also the first person to know when it opens. I'm certain you'll make sure not to ride it since you hate the themeing so much.


I hope you have to move to Phoenix where your closest park is Coasters N' Castles. You'll get that consistent themeing experience you're chasing.

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Sorry but.... PEOPLE.... It is a FLAT ride at a REGIONAL Theme Park.....even Disney has flats with minimal decoration if you think about it (Dinoland). Granted that their minimal efforts are still more than Six flags is willing to spend but- come on Folks? This is a flat ride replacement. I would say be glad you received something new and that is is nearly opening on time.


That being said- I am not a fan of the way SFSTL places their attractions.. The idea behind themes or lands is almost destroyed at this park. This was NOT what Randall Duell had in mind. Of course, I grew up at this park so I may be biased.

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So here’s a mini report


I made it to the park about a hour before the event so I can get some food with the dining plan. After I ate some ok tasting orange chicken from the new Chop Six, I headed over to the new Supergirl ride for the preview about 20 minutes early. Good timing too because once I lined up, the line got 3 times longer within the next minute. Around one, they announced they were having a problem with the ride, which I expected (you can’t have a perfect opening day or preview). They handed out vouchers for the free Kryptonite ice cream sample, and passed the sample out to the people in line. Supergirl came out and waited by the exit to take pictures with the members after they got off the ride.


They let us in the line and they were testing the ride. I guess they had an issue because they weren’t letting anyone on. While waiting, I took the time to appreciate the very delicate and detailed themeing. Each low resolution cutout of the crystals looked like they were placed with care and perfection. Almost like it was a Disney park! Good job Six Flags!


After a while I begain to notice a problem with the queue: Only canopies in the entrance part, but none on the part that wraps around the ride. It was very VERY hot out. I asked my dad (who didn’t want to ride) to bring some water, and he took a while because all the nearby stalls were closed and the pizza place next to Supergirl was crowded as f*ck. My dad ended up getting water all the way from Fowl Ball. In the meantime, it was getting too damn hot...


...I had to bail.


I waited an hour in the blazing hot sun while the issues were still being fixed. I left the line and I noticed that even the person dressed as Supergirl was missing. I guess she bailed because hardly anyone was going up to her. I got a sample of the Ice Cream they were handing out and it was a berry flavored ice cream, Pretty good. I left the park after that.


If anyone got to ride Supergirl today, good for you.


Here are photos:


Picture I took earlier. Note the detailed themeing


Krytonite ice cream. It’s a berry flavored ice cream.



Supergirl testing


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^ aren't you from Texas?


it was too hot in the line that you bailed? hmm can't imagine that St Louis is going to be hotter than Texas, but will find out for myself shortly.


I laughed at you going to eat first, after all . . there was conversation about how the one at SFOT is a vomit machine, and how it was silly they put it right behind a restaurant. . . and yet you went and ate 1st. LOL


I think it looks fantastic, and I can't wait to ride it in 2 weeks. .I'll bet the single seats have some great forces.


thanks for the pics.

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^ aren't you from Texas?


it was too hot in the line that you bailed? hmm can't imagine that St Louis is going to be hotter than Texas, but will find out for myself shortly.


I'm a local to Stl. I'm just interested in defunct attractions


Also I have a strong stomach. I once ate a whole Johnny Rockets meal and rode king chaos at six flags great america in 2014

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^ aren't you from Texas?


it was too hot in the line that you bailed? hmm can't imagine that St Louis is going to be hotter than Texas, but will find out for myself shortly.


I'm a local to Stl. I'm just interested in defunct attractions


ah. . the name and "location"threw me.


we went to BGW a couple of years back and the park started handing out free water, and folks were "fainting" from the heat (it was the low 90's) . . and we were shocked by it (and just looked at each other, and kept riding things).


When it's over 100 almost every day down here in the summer, you get used to it

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Wow, Chris. You're the first one to talk shit on how poorly you think the ride area looks, but coincidentally you're also the first person to know when it opens. I'm certain you'll make sure not to ride it since you hate the themeing so much.

I mean it's not really a "coincidence", I just pay attention. And it's not like I'm the only person that has this opinion

Edited by ChrisGraslie
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That being said- I am not a fan of the way SFSTL places their attractions.. The idea behind themes or lands is almost destroyed at this park. This was NOT what Randall Duell had in mind. Of course, I grew up at this park so I may be biased.


No, you're right. This isn't what Randall Duell or Angus Wynne had in mind. The "theming doesn't matter at Six Flags" talking point is just noise. Let me remind you what the name "Six Flags" means again?

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Pretty sure he is being sarcastic since you posted the wrong opening date on here. Coincidentally on your "insider" page and reddit you posted the membership preview date wrong as well.

Also a coincidence is that Six Flags posted the wrong date for member preview and opening on their Facebook page, and I just ran with it assuming it was correct. I didn't even know the right date until before I posted about it on this forum, when I had (like a dumbass) still posted the wrong date because it was in my head still. I'll admit, that's on me.


I'm willing to bet money that very few Guest Satisfaction Surveys complain about the continuity of theming at the park and I'm willing to bet very few people will mention Supergirl not fitting the Britannia theme in future surveys. This is the same area of the park that has a random go kart track, a spinning coaster themed to skateboards, and roller coaster who's entrance theming matches the area but the name does not. I don't know about anyone else but when I think of Britannia I think of Knights, Kings, and Queens, not a big bad Boss.

Funny, one of your coworkers told me the exact same thing about the park's GSS score and how that apparently makes my argument invalid. She also keeps trying to tell me to be "more positive" about the park on an unaffiliated fan/news page. She also, like you, apparently thinks I never shut up about Supergirl despite the fact that I posted about the the ride and its theming on my page a whopping two times since it was announced in August.


The Speed O'Drome actually did have a purpose and a backstory, as silly and shoehorned is as it was. Then with The Boss they almost retroactively tried to tie it in, and now they just don't even try, hence why it bothers me.

Your right, Angus Wynne would be disappointed since his company ceased to exist in 1998 when it was bought out by Premier Parks. The current Six Flags is the original Premier Parks just with the Six Flags name. The current Premier Parks didn't come to fruition until 2009.

When Time Warner sold Six Flags to Premier, they specifically wanted them to retain and maintain the existing parks as well as convert some of Premier's existing properties into Six Flags parks, so that the company's legacy would live on. I don't think they ever intended for Premier AKA Six Flags to just say "screw it" and go against what had been established, otherwise they would have never sold the company to them. Kieran Burke and Gary Story wanted Six Flags to be all about roller coasters and thrill rides and were ignorant to mostly everything else, and so here we are.

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You act like this park under original Six Flags and Warner Bros. didn't do things like put the Moon Cars and Log Flume in the Spain section, you know, themed for Spain's burgeoning automotive and timber industries.


Look, if people were telling the park they wanted highly themed areas, they'd do it. The guests are saying we don't really care about it, so the park doesn't really care about it. I'd say that meets the definition of being responsive to guest concerns.

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You act like this park under original Six Flags and Warner Bros. didn't do things like put the Moon Cars and Log Flume in the Spain section, you know, themed for Spain's burgeoning automotive and timber industries.


Look, if people were telling the park they wanted highly themed areas, they'd do it. The guests are saying we don't really care about it, so the park doesn't really care about it. I'd say that meets the definition of being responsive to guest concerns.

The moon cars were actually part of the Missouri section if I remember correctly, but you've got a point with the log flume. I mean they weren't going for 100% historical accuracy, but it was still cool because Angus Wynne wanted you to feel like you'd stepped into another part of the world that you've never been to before. If guests don't want that now, then so be it. But that's a shame.

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When Time Warner sold Six Flags to Premier, they specifically wanted them to retain and maintain the existing parks as well as convert some of Premier's existing properties into Six Flags parks, so that the company's legacy would live on. I don't think they ever intended for Premier AKA Six Flags to just say "screw it" and go against what had been established, otherwise they would have never sold the company to them. Kieran Burke and Gary Story wanted Six Flags to be all about roller coasters and thrill rides and were ignorant to mostly everything else, and so here we are.

Dollars and cents. Don't be naive.


Your posts about the themeing have no cause. You're just bitching about what everyone else already knows and you refuse to accept the way things are and focus on the positive. Everyone has a right to complain, but you're just ranting. It serves no purpose.

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